15 Poisonous Houseplants for Pets

Poisonous Indoor plants for Dogs and Cats Cover Photo of Dog

Having plants indoors can be a lot of fun, but not if you’re constantly worrying about your pet’s safety! But you can’t poisonous houseplants for pets if you don’t know which ones are safe. So here is a list of some of the most common houseplants that are toxic to dogs and cats!

*Note: If sending a pet owner some flowers, here is a link to my post Common Flowers that are Toxic to Pets!*

**Note: This post contains affiliate links, which if purchased, I will receive a portion of the profits at no extra cost to you. This helps me to keep providing you with this awesome information!**

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#1: Peace Lily – Spathiphyllum

This low maintenance, low light plant is great for anyone wanting an easy houseplant to care for. Except for those with plant-eating pets!

Peace lily is one of the poisonous houseplants for pets.

#2: Ficus – Ficus spp.

Ficus plants in general are toxic. These include the Rubber Plant, the Weeping Fig, and the Fiddle-leaf Fig, just to name the most common. When branches or leaves are crushed, they exude a milky substance that is toxic to pets, as well as can cause some irritation to human skin upon contact as well. Not everyone has this skin irritation, but it seems to be more prevalent in those who are sensitive to latex products.

Ficus is on the list of poisonous houseplants for pets.

#3: Snake Plant – Sansevieria trifasciata

Another one of the easiest plants to grow, it is also toxic to pets. So although it is great for the indoors, make sure that you carefully decide whether or not to include it in your home.

Snake plant is a poisonous houseplant for pets.

#4: Dracaena – Dracaena spp.

Dracaena plants all seem to be toxic to dogs and cats. This includes the Madagascar Dragon Tree, the Cornstalk Dracaena, and many others. If looking for a good substitute, try out a palm, as all palms are safe for pets.

Dracaena varieties are poisonous houseplants for pets.

#5: Devil’s Ivy (Pothos) – Epipremnum aureum

One of my personal favorite plants, I know I would want to keep it a safe distance from my dog. A good thing about this vine though, is that it would do well in a hanging basket, out of reach of most animals.

Pothos is on the list for poisonous houseplants for pets.

#6: Dumb Cane – Dieffenbachia

The Dumb Cane gets its name from the numbing effect that this plant has. If any part of this plant is chewed on, it would numb the mouth, and if any part was swallowed, it would cause swelling of the throat as well. This is probably one of the more dangerous of the houseplants that would not want to be kept around pets that tend to eat the plants…

Dieffenbachia is one of the more poisonous houseplants for pets.

#7: Philodendron – Philodendron spp. & Monstera spp.

Also a highly toxic plant, the philodendron species are all toxic. This includes the vining heartleaf philodendron, as well as the split leaf philodendron, also known as the swiss cheese plant. Basically, if you are worried about plant toxicity, do not get any plant from the philodendron family.

Philodendron is on the list for poisonous houseplants for pets.

#8: Chinese Evergreen – Aglaonema

Though a very beautiful plant, it would be very difficult to keep this one away from dogs and cats. So stay safe and replace it with a Cast Iron plant for the leaf texture, or bromeliads for the color.

Aglaonema is on the list for poisonous houseplants for pets.

#9: English Ivy – Hedera helix

This one surprised me as English Ivy is so common that I didn’t think that it would be toxic! But it is! So be careful inside, as well as outside, as this is a very common vine. The Swedish ivy, however, is a non-toxic replacement you can use instead.

English Ivy is on the list for poisonous houseplants for pets.

#10: Umbrella Tree – Schefflera actinophylla

The Umbrella Tree can be toxic if ingested in very large amounts. However, most cases seen with dogs and cats is instead mild vomiting and diarrhea. Personally, though, I would still not want a plant around that caused my pet to make a big mess that I’d have to clean up!

Schefflera is on the list for poisonous houseplants for pets.

#11: Jade Plant – Crassula ovata

This plant is also not super toxic, but is still one to be aware of, since it is also very common as a houseplant. If eaten, usual signs are vomiting, depression, and uncoordination.

Jade plant is on the list for poisonous houseplants for pets.

#12: Croton – Croton spp.

Croton reminds me of the poison frogs found in the rainforest. The bright colors mean they’re poisonous, and in this case, the bright markings of croton leaves are saying the same exact thing.

Croton is on the list for poisonous houseplants for pets.

#13: Aloe Vera – Aloe vera

While there are many health benefits to aloe vera, it should not be ingested. And this includes dogs and cats, though I bet they would have just a bit harder of a time with this plant due to its sharp edges. It still wouldn’t be enough of a deterrent, however, for those more determined pets.

Aloe Vera is on the list for poisonous houseplants for pets.

#14: Amaryllis – Amaryllis

This plant, though very pretty, is also toxic to pets. Some symptoms of ingestion are vomiting, depression, diarrhea, abdominal pain, hyper-salivation, anorexia, and tremors.

Amaryllis is on the list for poisonous houseplants for pets.

#15: Azalea – Rhododendron

Another very common houseplant, I would be very careful around this one with my pets. If ingested in large amounts, it could cause a reaction from vomiting to cardiac failure. Be careful of azaleas, as they have also become quite popular as a flowering plant to give as a gift. Just be aware if there are pets in the household, or if receiving it, make sure that it stays out of reach of any animals.

Azalea is on the list for poisonous houseplants for pets.

That’s the list of some of the most common houseplants that are toxic to dogs and cats. Let me know if you’ve ever run into any issues with these, or if there are more plants that you’d like to share! I know this isn’t a complete list! Check out the ASPCA website for a very detailed list of toxic and non-toxic plants.

Happy digging!

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Benefits of Having Indoor Plants

The Benefits of having Indoor Plants Cover Photo

Do you want to be happier, more concentrated and creative, less stressed, and less sick???? I’m with you in saying HECK YES!!! Well here’s a bit of a secret… investing in houseplants can make this come true for you! There are tons of studies that prove the benefits of indoor plants, so today I wanted to tell you exactly what these studies have proven, and how a houseplant can benefit you today!

**Note: This post contains affiliate links, which if purchased, I will receive a portion of the profits at no extra cost to you. This helps me to keep providing you with this awesome information!**

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Be happier!

Studies have shown that interior plants can make us happier people! The Journal of Environmental Psychology has shown that flowering plants in particular can decrease stress levels.

Also, a University of Texas study has shown that spending more time around plants can make us help others more often, as well as be more caring and empathetic towards others. Pretty cool, right?!

Have greater concentration!

The Royal College of Agriculture in England did a study that showed a 70% increase in attentiveness between classrooms that contained plants versus those that did not.

This is huge!!!

There was also a higher attendance rate in these classrooms as well.

This study was also backed by the American Horticultural Therapy Association, who also found that interior plants can help us to concentrate better. They were also found to increase creativity levels (mostly through certain leaf colors and patterns).

Be healthier!

Now this is the biggest impact that plants can have in your home or workplace…

To start off, houseplants have been found to decrease indoor toxin levels, to increase oxygen levels, and to increase humidity levels…

Indoor toxins aren’t a good thing. This is because they increase your chances for…

  • Stroke (34%)
  • Ischemic heart disease (26%)
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (22%)
  • Child Respiratory infections (12%)
  • Lung cancer (6%)

So by decreasing the amount of indoor toxins, you can decrease your chances of stroke, heart disease, lung disease, child respiratory infections, and lung cancer!

Washington State University also found that interior plants decrease the amount of dust in the air by 20%!

And did you know, indoor plants remove up to 87% of toxins every 24 hours! (according to a study done by NASA). See the list of best indoor air cleaners here.

So, not only do interior plants remove toxins, but they also increase the amount of oxygen (greatly reducing headaches and causing better sleeping conditions), as well as increase indoor humidity levels. Especially in the winter!

Increasing the humidity will then decrease the occurrence of dry skin, colds, sore throats, and dry coughs (Agricultural University of Norway).

The Agricultural University of Norway also looked at office conditions and found that offices with interior plants had lower sickness rates by up to 60%!

That’s a lot of healthier people!

Or maybe they were just more willing to go to work when they had beautiful plants surrounding them?!

I hope that what you learn from this article is that despite the added time that houseplants require, the benefits still greatly outweigh any added maintenance.

You can also check out my list of easy, low maintenance plants, or my list of plants for dark spaces if you’re worried about keeping them alive…

So choose to be happier and healthier, both in mind and body, and bring home a houseplant today!

Happy Digging!

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16 Best Plants for Dark Apartments

Let’s face it… Not all apartments have fabulous, large, south-facing windows. There are plenty of dark corners and rooms that can still be fine for houseplants. And that’s what I’ve got for you today. A list of plants that do well with no sun… a list of the 16 best plants for dark apartments!

Some tips to help your low-light plants are to make sure that your pot has good drainage holes, such as these, and use light, well-draining soil such as this cactus potting soil! For an in-depth guide to growing plants in low-light situations, get the free guide, How to Grow Plants in the Dark!

**Note: This post contains affiliate links, which if purchased, I will receive a small commission. However, I only add products that I sincerely LOVE! If you have any issues with any of these products, please let me know!**

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#1: Rubber Plant – Ficus elastica

This is one of my favorite plants, as it needs very little light (it actually gets leaf damage in direct, afternoon sunlight!) It is also on my list of hard to kill plants! It can be found either as a smaller plant, or can grow to be a large tree. No doubt about it, this is one of the easiest plants to grow indoors and in low light. For care information, check out my post on Rubber Tree Plant Care! Or you can purchase one here!

Rubber Plant is on the list for best indoor plants for low light

#2: Devil’s Ivy (Pothos) – Epipremnum aureum

Devil’s Ivy is one of the most common vines in the interior. This is because along with it’s low light needs, it is also very low maintenance and can grow in straight water. In soil, it prefers to stay a little moist, so it is a good choice for all you who tend to overwater your plants! It is also one of the best bathroom plants, as it does just fine with that extra bit of humidity. For care information, check out my post Pothos Vine Care! Or you can purchase one here!

Devils Ivy (Pothos) is on the list for best indoor plants for low light

#3: Snake Plant – Sansevieria trifasciata

This is also on my list of the best and easiest plants to grow indoors. Snake plant doesn’t need very much light, is extremely low maintenance, can withstand some watering neglect, and also has very few pest problems. If you are a beginner, or just enjoy low maintenance plants, this is definitely the best plant for you to have in your dark apartment! To learn how to care for this plant, check out Snake Plant Care. Or you can purchase one here!

Plants that Purify the Air; Plants for Low Light; Hard to Kill Houseplants; Poisonous Houseplants; Large Houseplants

#4: Bamboo Palm – Chamaedorea seifrizii

Also known as the Parlor palm, this is a beautiful, large palm that actually doesn’t need a lot of natural sunlight. It does like for it’s soil to be kept moist, but make sure that you don’t give this plant too much water at a time, as this can cause root rot. But with light, frequent watering, this palm will look amazing in your dark space! For info on how to care for indoor palms, check out Indoor Palm Care! Or you can purchase one here!

Bamboo Palm is on the list for best indoor plants for low light

#5: Chinese Evergreen – Aglaonema spp.

Another drought-tolerant plant, the Chinese Evergreen can deal with a bit of neglect. Extremely low maintenance, it can also withstand low humidity levels that come from being placed near a heater vent. There are also some colorful varieties that can add a splash of brightness to the darker areas of the room! Find it here!

Chinese Evergreen is on the list for best indoor plants for low light

#6: Heartleaf Philodendron – Philodendron cordatum

A great vine for the indoors, the Heartleaf Philodendron also comes in a few different varieties that can add new, unique looks to your space. My personal favorite is the ‘Brazil’ variety that adds a bright, neon green stripe down the middle of each leaf! Find it here!

Heartleaf Philodendron is on the list for best indoor plants for low light

#7: Dumb Cane – Dieffenbachia 

This is also a low-light and low-maintenance plant! Be careful though, as all parts of the plant are toxic and can cause difficulty breathing if swallowed. So it might not be the best choice for those with small children or pets. Also, this plant needs to dry out between watering in order to keep a healthy root system. Find it here!

Dumb Cane is on the list for best indoor plants for low light

#8: Janet Craig Dracaena – Dracaena ‘Janet Craig’

Out of all the dracaena species, I’ve found that the majority of them don’t do particularly well in low light. However, the Janet Craig dracaena I have found does the best. The plant doesn’t grow much at all in low light, but as long as it is not overwatered, then the plant can actually stay alive in low light for quite some time!

Janet Craig Dracaena is on the list for best indoor plants for low light

#9: Peacock Plant – Calathea makoyana

The Peacock plant is known for its distinct leaf markings, which can add a whole lot of texture and is a real show-stopper in any room. This plant can be a bit more of a challenge to grow, however, as it likes the soil to be kept consistently moist, as well as it needs higher humidity levels. A great choice for this guy would be in a low-light bathroom, where it would naturally receive higher humidity levels! Find it here!

Peacock Plant is on the list for best indoor plants for low light

#10: Bromeliad – Bromeliaceae

Bromeliads are another great addition to low-light bathrooms! They can survive on flourescent lighting alone and like to be kept in higher humidity levels. There are also many different varieties to choose from that can add loads of color to any indoor space! A great plant for any dark apartment that is also humid! Find it here!

Plants for Low Light; Non-Toxic Houseplants; Small Houseplants;

#11: Peace Lily – Spathiphyllum

Peace lily plants are not only great in low light, but are also low maintenance plants that can do well if they run a little dry. As soon as the leaves start to droop, water thoroughly, and it will perk back up again, just fine! This plant is also on NASA’s list of most effective plants to clean the air. It was found to help reduce all five of the most common toxins found indoors. Now that’s one amazing plant! Find it here!

Peace Lily is on the list for best indoor plants for low light

#12: Cast Iron Plant – Aspidistra elatior

This plant is not only low maintenance, but it will also stay about the same size until transplanted into a larger pot. The Cast Iron Plant will be your steady and sure plant that does well in any situation. It can also take a fair amount of physical abuse by kids, pets, etc. Just make sure that it dries out between watering. Find it here!

Cast Iron Plant is on the list for best indoor plants for low light

#13: Scindapsus – Scindapsus spp.

Also known Often confused with pothos species, the Scindapsus plant is a beautiful vine with silver markings. This vine does great in low light, as well as in hanging baskets and draped along tables and countertops. Just remember to water your scindapsus less during periods of low light and this vine will look gorgeous for you for years!

Scindapsus is on the list for best indoor plants for low light

#14: Prayer Plant – Maranta leuconeura

Prayer Plant is another plant known for its bright color! It will also raise and lower its leaves to adjust to the varying light levels from night to day! Such a cool plant, the Prayer plant is perfect for any dark apartment! Find it here!

Prayer Plant is on the list for best indoor plants for low light

#15: ZZ Plant – Zamioculcas zamiifolia

The ZZ plant is another of my personal favorites as I love the arching lines that each branch forms. The branches can be left to get large and curve downward, or they can be pruned and trained to stay upright and straight. Like the Cast Iron Plant, the ZZ plant is also a very low maintenance plant that can take a lot of abuse from children or pets, as well as can stand neglectful watering. Just be careful, though, as all parts of this plant are poisonous. Find it here!

ZZ Plant is on the list for best indoor plants for low light

#16: Spider Plant – Chlorophytum comosum

This is a great plant for anyone who has a hard time keeping plants alive. The Spider plant needs little light, does well under low watering (or sporadic watering) conditions, and is also very low maintenance. It will also grow little plantlets (called pups) that can be repotted for even more plants! This is definitely a great choice for anyone wanting to expand (or begin) their houseplant collection. For care information, check out my post on Spider Plant Care! Or you can purchase one here!

Spider Plant is on the list for best indoor plants for low light

That’s my list of plants that do well in low light conditions! I know there are more out there, but I tried to stick to the ones that are easy to find in any city, as well as are easier to care for. Feel free to comment on your own experiences in growing these plants, as well as if you have any favorites!

For any more tips on how to care for houseplants in apartments, check out this post, Pot it Like it’s Hot: Best Plants for Apartments!

Happy Digging!

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Top Ten Hard to Kill Houseplants

10 More Houseplants that are Hard to Kill cover photo

Let’s face it… the number one reason why people don’t have indoor plants is because all of their plants die. But here’s a secret… anyone can keep a plant alive if they get one of these hard to kill houseplants! They are also all very low maintenance plants, so they’re great for those of us who are lazy and don’t want to take the time to worry about one more living thing! Fortunately, fitting the right plant to the right person is the very first step to having success. So if you’re one of those ‘I can’t ever keep my plants alive’ people, or even one of those ‘I don’t want to have to worry’ people, then please be willing to try one more time! Pick one of the plants listed below and enjoy the benefits that you can get from having an indoor plant (without the stress)!

This post contains affiliate links, which if purchased, I will receive a portion of the profits at no extra cost to you. This helps support this blog and allows me to keep providing awesome information to you!

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#1: Devil’s Ivy (Pothos) – Epipremnum aureum

I’ve mentioned in all my posts about Devil’s Ivy that this guy is so easy to keep alive. And it is! It can grow in straight water if you want, or it can go pretty dry without dying. I’ve had this plant go multiple times without water, leaving the leaves all wilted. But as soon as it gets another drink, it perks right back up and keeps on going! I’ve also seen chunks of the plant ripped out, leaving exposed roots in the dry air (a result of some very intrigued kids). I’ve just stuck them back in the soil and they’ve kept right on going! Now that’s one pretty tough vine! For care information, check out my post, Pothos Vine Care! Find it here!

Plants that Purify the Air; Plants for Low Light; Hard to Kill Houseplants; Poisonous Houseplants; Small Houseplants;

#2: Heartleaf Philodendron – Philodendron cordatum

Just like the Devil’s Ivy, Heartleaf Philodendron can also take a lot of abuse and neglect. Both vines do well in low light conditions, and both can either run a bit moist, or a bit dry. I’ve also seen them planted together and they both seem to do equally well. So if you want to buy one of these vines, just pick a variety that you like, then watch as it thrives in your care! Find it here!

heartleaf philodendron is on the list for hard to kill houseplants

#3: English Ivy – Hedera helix

The last of the vines on my list, English Ivy is also as tough as it comes. It does do better with a little bit of light, but even in low light conditions it will still grow extremely well. In low light it tends to spread its leaves a bit farther apart on the vine. This is also one I’ve seen pulled out by its roots (crazy kids!). It was even a bit dried up by the time I noticed it. But, with simply sticking it back in the soil and giving it a bit of water, it survived the whole ordeal. This is another tough vine! Find it here!

English ivy is on the list for hard to kill houseplants

#4: Lucky Bamboo – Dracaena braunii, a.k.a. Dracaena sanderiana

This is a great plant for all those who either love their plant to death (by constantly watering it), or for those who never notice that their plant hasn’t been watered in two weeks. The Lucky Bamboo can be grown in straight water with rocks or gravel to hold it upright. The benefits to this is that it can be put in a clear vase where you can see exactly how much water it has. So with a quick glance you can be assured that it either needs more water, or has had quite enough. No second guessing, and no overwatering or underwatering issues! So easy! For care tips, check out my post Lucky Bamboo Plant Care! Find it here!

Lucky Bamboo is on the list for hard to kill houseplants

#5: Spider Plant – Chlorophytum comosum

The Spider Plant is a dorm room favorite as it has low light requirements, doesn’t take up a lot of space, and can fit a college student’s lifestyle. That being said, it is an easy go-to plant for anyone admiring its striped, grass-like foliage! The small shoots that it sends off (called pups) can either be left hanging, or cut off and individually potted. They also make great gifts for others who need an easy-to-take-care-of plant! For care information, check out my post Spider Plant Care. Or purchase one here!

Spider Plant is on the list for hard to kill houseplants

#6: Peace Lily – Spathiphyllum

One of the highest rated by NASA for its air purifying abilities, this plant has it all! Not only does it reduce indoor toxins, but it also has low light requirements, is very low maintenance, and can also be slightly forgotten. Peace lily plants can survive on about one watering per week. Or you can play it by ear and once the leaves start to get droopy, water deeply. Then watch as it perks right back up! This is definitely a good choice for those who want cleaner air and also don’t want the hassle of maintaining a set watering schedule. Find it here!

Peace Lily is on the list for hard to kill houseplants

#7: Snake Plant – Sansevieria trifasciata

This is one of the plants that is commonly found in shopping centers. And do you know why? Because it is extremely forgiving. I’ve seen some plants with leaves shredded, trash thrown into it, and incredibly dry soil. Yet they still survive! These ‘mall plants’ all have low light requirements, pretty drought tolerant, and can stand up to a lot of abuse. Plus, I just love the compact, sleek lines that this plant brings to any room! For care information, check out my post Snake Plant Care! Or purchase one here!

Snake plant is on the list for hard to kill houseplants

#8: Cast Iron Plant – Aspidistra elatior

Another of the ‘mall plants’, the Cast Iron Plant can be grown in a round pot for a bush effect, or (a personal favorite) in a rectangular pot as more of a separating hedge or a green wall. It is found widely used in commercial plantings, but can sometimes be a little harder to find at the local garden center. But it is still definitely worth looking for! Find it here!

Cast Iron Plant is on the list for hard to kill houseplants

#9: ZZ Plant – Zamioculcas zamiifolia

The last of the ‘mall plants’ on my list today, the ZZ plant has a very distinctive look that will add a modern type of architecture to any space! The only caution is do not overwater this plant. So if you are one of those people who love their plant to death (via constant watering), then I would suggest the Lucky Bamboo instead. However, if you’re one of those people who forgets about their plants, only to find them dried up and dead a few days later, well then this is the plant for you! Find it here!

ZZ Plant is on the list for hard to kill houseplants

#10: Aloe Vera Plant – Aloe vera

Just like the ZZ Plant, the Aloe Vera plant likes to stay a little more on the dry side. This doesn’t mean that it doesn’t need to be watered. Instead, notice that if the soil is still wet, then do not water it! This plant is also a great air purifier, as well as has various medicinal properties. A great plant for anyone looking for something that can handle a bit of neglect, as well as gives you many different benefits to having it. For care information, check out my post Aloe Plant Care! Or purchase one here!

Aloe Vera plant is on the list for hard to kill houseplants

Well that’s my list of top ten easiest plants to keep alive! Let me know how it goes! And remember, with a bit of knowledge, anyone can go from a ‘black thumb’ to a green one!

Happy digging!

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*If you liked this post, check out my post with 10 More Hard-to-Kill Houseplants!

14 Coleus Varieties to bring Color to your Shade Garden

14 Coleus Varieties to add color to your Shade Green

Do you need plants for your shade garden? Let’s talk about one amazing plant that’s coming back into the modern garden… coleus! Whether to add to a more formal garden bed, or be placed in a colorful, moving pot, this plant just keeps giving us more and greater flexibility and styles. And because of its ability to grow fast from seed, we have a lot of different coleus varieties for the shade! Plant breeders have had a fun time discovering new colors and patterns… from the vibrant, smooth greens, to the twisted, curly reds, this plant has been doing it all! And remember, coleus does well in shade or in partial sun. It also does best in slightly moist soil. So here are 14 of the most common types of coleus varieties for your shade garden!

Note: The scientific name of Coleus is Solenostemon scutellarioides, so technically all of the following names are S. scutellarioides ‘Variety’. However, most nurseries will recognize the name Coleus much faster, so I will refer to them simply as Coleus.

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1. Coleus ‘Watermelon’

This Coleus does great in the flower beds, with a bright pink center rimmed with a light green, almost feathery leaf. This is one of the most popular varieties of coleus sold in garden centers. And, it is also one of my own personal favorites!

Coleus Watermelon is on the list for color to your shade garden

2. Coleus ‘Fishnet’

‘Fishnet’ Coleus adds a whole lot of texture to any landscape. With dark purple veins emphasizing the jagged cut leaves, this variety will make a bold statement. For an even more Gothic look, try out the variety ‘Under the Sea Fishnet’. A close relative, but quite the daring sibling.

Coleus Fishnet is on the list for color to your shade garden

3. Coleus ‘Alabama’

Also known as Alabama sunset, and sometimes called Alabama sunrise, this coleus features yellow centers, pink leaves, and a slightly toothed leaf texture.

Coleus Alabama is on the list for color to your shade garden

4. Coleus ‘Dark Star’

This is a crowd favorite! The ‘Dark Star’ is a great way to add those deep black hues into the garden for the entire season. And these black plants add quite a bit of popular drama!

Coleus Dark Star is on the list for color to your shade garden

5. Coleus ‘Rustic Orange’

This Coleus is one of the several in the orange and red range. ‘Rustic Orange’ keeps it lighter with the yellow-green border, but there are several deep orange and red options too, such as ‘Ruby Slipper’, ‘Campfire’, and ‘Inferno’.

Coleus Rustic Orange is on the list for color to your shade garden

6. Coleus ‘Chocolate Covered Cherry’

Chocolate Covered Cherry is known for its bright red centers, dark red middles, and bright green edges. Quite the contrast in colors, this twisted foliage is sure to draw attention!

Coleus Chocolate Covered Cherry is on the list for color to your shade garden

7. Coleus ‘Chaotic Rose’

While this Coleus brings a lot of the same colors as the ‘Chocolate Covered Cherry’, the thin, needle-like leaves add a much sharper texture. This can be very useful as a break from the many large, round flowering species’ foliage.

Coleus Chaotic Rose is on the list for color to your shade garden

8. Coleus ‘Henna’

‘Henna’ is also a great texture plant. With it’s ruffled leaves and the distinctive reddish-brown color, this Coleus will definitely add some variety to a pot or even an entire bed. Coleus ‘Indian Summer’ is also very similar, but brings in more of a purple tone, rather than the more bold reds of ‘Henna’.

Coleus Henna is on the list for color to your shade garden

9. Coleus ‘Dipt in Wine’

This fantastic variety is also one of the crowd favorites! With very similar colors to ‘Chocolate Covered Cherry’ and ‘Chaotic Rose’, this variety has a distinctive speckling of the leaves, almost like the wine-colored reds are dripping off each individual leaf. This adds almost a mosaic of color from the entire plant.

Coleus Dipt in Wine is on the list for color to your shade garden

10. Coleus ‘Painted Lady’

The ‘Painted Lady’ Coleus is very similar and often called the ‘Finger Paint’ Coleus. Both have very distinctive red splotches of color in a random scattering over the light green leaves.

Coleus Painted Lady is on the list for color to your shade garden

11. Coleus ‘Trusty Rusty’

‘Trusty Rusty’ is a gorgeous blend of a red center with a light yellow-green border. This variety is also one of the more common varieties and is used in pots and beds as either group plantings, borders, or even individually. This is a well-adaptable variety that brings in that extra splash of color.

Coleus Trusty Rusty is on the list for color to your shade garden

12. Coleus ‘Limelight’

There are several varieties of the bright green coleus, including ‘Limelight’, ‘Lime Time’, and ‘Electric Lime’. These all have very light, almost neon colors that look great backed against darker foliage.

Coleus Limelight is on the list for color to your shade garden

13. Coleus ‘Inky Fingers’

Boasting its delicate, lobed foliage, the contrasting purple and green adds vibrant color as well as rich texture in the landscape.

Coleus Inky Fingers is on the list for color to your shade garden

14. Coleus ‘Chocolate Mint’

With just a ribbon of green to lace its edges, there is an almost delicate, lace feel to these leaves. The only thing is I wish this plant really smelled like chocolate mint!

Coleus Chocolate Mint is on the list for color to your shade garden

That’s all I’ve included for today. However, there are over a thousand different cultivars of coleus varieties for the shade, so please be understanding if your favorite is not on this list. Please comment below if there are any more you’d like to share, and check out my post 12 Best Plants for the Shade for more plants that will do well in your shade garden!

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15 Interior Plants that Clean the Air

Indoor Plants for Cleaner Air Cover Photo

Interior plants will not only increase the oxygen levels in your home, but also will increase the humidity levels, and decrease the amount of air pollutants. These conditions have been scientifically linked to decreases in the amount of headaches, reduce stress, and brings an overall greater level of health! No wonder indoor plants are so great! But not all plants are equal. Here is a list of 15 awesome air cleaners for your home!

*For more details on the benefits of indoor plants, check out my post here!*

**Note: This post contains affiliate links, which if purchased, I will receive a portion of the profits at no extra cost to you. This helps support this blog and allows me to keep providing awesome information to you!**

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#1: English Ivy – Hedera helix

This vine does well individually, or as an ornamental ground cover in a larger pot. It comes in both a dark green, as well as an olive and cream variegation. It is very commonly found at most stores with a garden center.

English Ivy – Get it here!

Plants that Purify the Air; Hard to Kill Houseplants; Poisonous Houseplants; Small Houseplants

#2: Peace Lily – Spathiphyllum

With beautiful, dark green leaves, this plant is a high favorite. Though it may not always be in bloom, this plant is very forgiving and is very hard to kill. And remember, the bigger the pot, the bigger the plant. Especially for this guy.

Peace Lily – Get it here!

Peace Lily is on the list for interior plants that clean the air

#3: Areca Palm – Dypsis lutescens

The Areca Palm, or Parlor Palm, is one of the most common palm trees used in interior decorating. And it’s no wonder! This beautiful palm adds softness and balance to any room. Then add in the health benefits, and it’s a no-brainer!

Areca Palm – Get it here!

Areca Palm is on the list for interior plants that clean the air

#4: Boston Fern – Nephrolepis exaltata

This classic fern purifies the air at a surprisingly fast rate. It is also very common and easily found at local garden stores. While it can be used in a very wide variety of interior designs, as well as on porches and balconies, be careful of any dead leaves that this guy is famous for shedding.

Boston Fern – Get it here!

Plants that Purify the Air; Non-Toxic Houseplants

#5: Devil’s Ivy (Pothos) – Epipremnum aureum

Devil’s Ivy is one of my personal favorites. And who knew it was such a good air purifier?! There are several different varieties, including the Golden Pothos, the Marble Queen Pothos, and the Neon Pothos, giving you plenty of different looks to choose from.

Devil’s Ivy – Get it here!

Plants that Purify the Air; Plants for Low Light; Hard to Kill Houseplants; Poisonous Houseplants; Small Houseplants;

#6: Gerbera Daisy – Gerbera

This daisy has been getting more and more popular in the interiors. Known for its bright flowers, this plant is often discarded as it finishes flowering. However, the daisy plant will actually live for quite a while afterwards and may even flower again, leaving a lot of time for it to do its job cleaning the air in your home!

Gerbera Daisy – Get it here!

Plants that Purify the Air; Non-Toxic Houseplants

#7: Ficus tree – Ficus benjamina

Also known as a Weeping Fig, this plant can range from a small bush to a rather large tree! There is also a variegated ficus available that adds a bit more artistic flare to your home. Be careful though, as these plants don’t like drafts and also don’t like to be moved. To keep a ficus alive, one needs to find a good spot for it, and then keep it there.

Ficus tree – Get it here!

Ficus tree is on the list for interior plants that clean the air

#8: Snake Plant – Sansevieria trifasciata

Another one of my favorites, the Snake Plant (also called Mother-in-Law’s Tongue) is extremely easy to grow. Very forgiving and with bold lines and colors, it brings a modern statement to any room.

Snake Plant – Get it here!

Snake Plant is on the list for interior plants that clean the air

#9: Heartleaf Philodendron – Philodendron cordatum

Another awesome vine, the philodendron is often confused with the Pothos. However, the heart-shaped leaves give it a more cascading, classical look. There are also other common varieties as well, in particular the Velvet and Brazil varieties. These will also give you very distinctive looks with each variety.

Heartleaf Philodendron – Get it here!

Heartleaf Philodendron is on the list for interior plants that clean the air

#10: Aloe Vera – Aloe vera

The Aloe Vera plant is not only visually intriguing, but also a great air purifier, as well as has healing properties as well. Talk about one powerhouse plant! It can also flower, but from my experience the indoor aloe vera plants tend to not flower as often. This is one plant that I think every home should have!

Aloe Vera – Get it here!

Aloe Vera is on the list for interior plants that clean the air

#11: Umbrella Tree – Schefflera actinophylla

This plant is another one of my favorites! (Did I mention I LOVE plants?!) Though it may sometimes be a bit harder to find, the Umbrella tree, also simply called Schefflera, can come in sizes from a small plant to a large tree. It is also very hard to kill, as long as it isn’t over-watered.

Umbrella Tree – Get it here!

Umbrella Tree is on the list for interior plants that clean the air

#12: Spider Plant – Chlorophytum comosum

A great choice for a small space, the Spider Plant won’t ever get too large. Instead, it will send off small shoots (called pups) that you can cut off and plant into a new pot! This causes it to be very hard to kill as you will always have plenty of little plants to replace it.

Spider Plant – Get it here!

Plants that Purify the Air; Plants for Low Light; Hard to Kill Houseplants; Non-Toxic Houseplants; Small Houseplants;

#13: Dracaena – Dracaena

There are many different types of dracaena out there and they all seem to be very good at cleaning the air. So feel free to choose a type of dracaena that will fit your space. From bushes to trees, from greens to reds, this is one plant that never gets old! Just make sure to not over-water this guy…

Dracaena – Get it here!

Plants that Purify the Air; Plants for Low Light; Poisonous Houseplants; Large Houseplants

#14: Jade Plant – Crassula ovata

This is a great plant for the indoors! With thick, succulent leaves it can deal with a bit of neglect. It is also very easy to cut back in order to keep it at the size you want.

Jade Plant – Get it here!

Jade Plant is on the list for interior plants that clean the air

#15: Dumb Cane – Dieffenbachia

Also called Dieffenbachia, Dumb Cane can be toxic if eaten. However, it does do a fantastic job of cleaning your air and I’d say it looks pretty good while doing it! I love its dappled, large leaves. This can also be common in some garden stores, though it is usually only found in group plantings.

Dumb Cane – Get it here!

Plants that Purify the Air; Plants for Low Light; Poisonous Houseplants

Well there’s my list of 15 indoor plants that will clean the air! There are several more that also do a good job, I just tried to keep the list to some of the most common and easily available plants. Please comment below if there are any more you’d like to share!

Happy Digging!

**For more plants that clean the air, check out NASA’s list of top plants that clean the air!**

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