30 Best Indoor Plants to Create a Chic Boho Interior

Title 30 Best Boho Plants to create a chic bohemian interior with decorative lines, spots, and a birds nest fern plant

Indoor plants bring a touch of nature into your bohemian-inspired spaces! But which ones will make your space look boho instead of farmhouse, or minimalist? This list of boho plants is sure to add that touch of casual comfort into your bohemian style room! So let’s dig in!

What is Boho Design?

From the artistically disheveled to the carefully curated, boho design encapsulates a variety of styles and influences. It is a collection of eclectic pieces and patterns that come together in a way that speaks of comfort, but doesn’t scream clutter. It’s color palette is colorful but not overwhelmingly so. It’s relaxing, it’s comforting, and it’s distinctly personal. 

Boho design incorporates various textures, patterns and materials to create a space that looks effortlessly cool and lived-in. And one of the most important elements in a boho style space is the plants.

Boho designed space with various potted plants with candles, wicker basket and pillows

How to Style These Plants to look Bohemian

One of the most important things to consider when placing your boho plants is to use various textures and patterns that complement your color scheme. This should align with using natural materials among your design such as:

  • ceramic pots
  • macrame plant hangers made from natural materials
  • plant stands to create multiple layers (to mimic natural plant layering) 
  • pots that have indigo textiles (mimicking waters and deep, lush colors found within nature)
  • wicker or braided baskets (more natural materials!)

So now that you know how to style your house plants, let’s get on to which plants to use to create the ultimate boho vibes!

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3 ceramic pots with plants next to a cream sheet with a wicker basket and a cream and orange pillow

Indoor Palms for Boho Design

Indoor palms are a quintessential element of boho design. With their broad, feather-like leaves, these plants deliver a significant impact when it comes to creating a natural, carefree, and unique vibe. They not only soften the indoor environment but also purify the air. They are great for anchoring the corner of a room (making small spaces look larger), as well as they can frame out personal spaces within a larger space. Overall, if you’re wanting a boho design, then you NEED at least one palm! 

Needing help with your palms? Check out my post on Palm Plant Care!

Indoor palm in a wicker basket next to a wicker chair with a macrame hanging behind

*Note: Whenever you bring a palm tree home, you MUST treat it for spider mites! This can be a simple spray down with neem oil. But I’ve found that the majority of palm trees die when they get to their new home because of these near-invisible pests… NOT because of poor care. So please save your palm tree and just treat it from the beginning!

Here are a few suggestions for your Boho rooms:

1. Areca Palm (Dypsis lutescens)

  • Also known as Butterfly or Golden Cane Palm, the Areca Palm is a popular choice for interiors because of its graceful, arching fronds.
  • It’s a fairly easy plant to care for that thrives in indirect light and doesn’t like to be overwatered.
  • Its feathery, light green fronds can truly add a touch of boho spirit to any room.

Get one here!

Areca Palm growing in a woven basket with modern furniture behind

2. Parlor Palm (Chamaedorea elegans)

  • A Parlor Palm, with its delicate and compact shape, is perfect if you’re looking to add a touch of green without overwhelming a space.
  • It grows slowly and enjoys shade and medium light levels, which makes it an excellent plant for less sunny interiors.
  • With its attractive, fan-like fronds, the Parlor Palm fits seamlessly into any boho decor.

Get one here!

Parlor Palm growing in a pot with rocks an a watering can placed next to it

3. Ponytail Palm (Beaucarnea recurvata)

  • Despite its name, the Ponytail Palm is not a true palm but gives off a similar tropical vibe.
  • Its bulbous trunk, which gives way to long, curly leaves resembling a ponytail, is a unique way to add intrigue and drama to any boho room.
  • Ponytail Palms are also incredibly drought-tolerant, preferring dry conditions, making them a low-maintenance plant that is perfect for your boho decor.
  • I would not recommend this plant, however, if you have cats, since it is a favorite to be played with (and chewed on!)

Get one here!

Ponytail palm in a pot surrounded by a woven basket

4. Kentia Palm (Howea forsteriana)

  • The Kentia Palm, also known as the Sentry Palm, is prized for its ability to tolerate low-light conditions and relatively dry air (although in these conditions, you also need to keep an eye out for spider mites)…
  • Its feathery, arching fronds can reach impressively large sizes, making it perfect for your boho living room.
  • Because of its eventual size, it can work great to close in a quiet reading nook! (wink, wink!)

Find it here!

Kentia Palm growing in a wicker basket next to a modern couch

5. Majesty Palm (Ravenea rivularis)

  • Majesty Palms are popular indoor plants with rich, glossy leaves that can bring a definite tropical feel to any room.
  • These plants love water and bright indirect light, so they’re ideal for well-lit rooms where they can truly flourish.
  • Pair it with eccentric boho pots and bright splashes of color, and you have a room that’s sure to impress!

Get one here!

Majesty palm growing in a wooden pot next to a bench and a hanging wicker purse

With the right care and placement, these indoor palms can greatly boost the boho aesthetic of your space. Up next, consider introducing some indoor ferns to any empty space within your boho design!

Types of Ferns for Boho Design

Ferns have enjoyed a resurgence in popularity due to their unique leaf patterns, and it’s easy to see why. These charming relics from the prehistoric world awaken our spaces with their lush foliage and can soften the hard lines of an otherwise square room. They’re incredibly versatile and can fit almost any style, but they particularly shine in boho designs. Here are some types of ferns that would exquisitely complement the unruly nature of boho design:

6. Boston Fern (Nephrolepis exaltata)

  • With feathery, arching fronds and dangling fronds, the Boston Fern is the star among indoor ferns and a perfect match for a boho room.
  • They demand high humidity, moist soil, and indirect light. Bathrooms or kitchens are usually a good choice for Boston Ferns considering the higher humidity levels of these spaces.
  • They can be hung in a macrame plant hanger or placed on a pedestal to enhance the layered look that characterizes boho decor.

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An example picture of generic boston fern

7. Staghorn Fern (Platycerium bifurcatum)

  • Staghorn Ferns bring an unexpected sculptural beauty to your boho spaces. They’re called Staghorn Ferns because their fronds resemble the antlers of a stag.
  • Contrary to most ferns, Staghorn Ferns are epiphytic, which means they naturally grow on other plants or trees. This makes them perfect for mounting on boards and hanging them on the wall, creating a real living wall!
  • Bright, indirect light and well-drained soil work best, and they only need to be watered once a week.

Get one here!

A generic picture of a staghorn fern in a white pot with a blue backdrop

8. Bird’s Nest Fern (Asplenium nidus)

  • Bird’s Nest Ferns stand out with their bright green, ripple-edged fronds that grow out from a central nest, resembling a bird’s nest.
  • Easily adaptable and low-maintenance, these ferns like their soil to stay consistently moist and enjoy medium to low light conditions.
  • Its unusual shape attracts the eye and can be successfully used as a centerpiece in any boho inspired room.

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Bird's Nest fern held in a white woven basket on a gray table

9. Maidenhair Fern (Adiantum)

  • Maidenhair ferns are a delicate addition to your boho space with their fan-shaped leaf segments dancing on thin wiry stems.
  • They require mild environments, indirect light and lots of moisture (mine does best in a self-watering pot!)
  • Its delicate appearance gives a soft and romantic touch to your boho setup.

Get one here!

a picture of a Maidenhair Fern in a light blue pot

10. Silver Lace Fern (Pteris ensiformis Evergemiensis)

  • This fern sports slender fronds that are a brilliant mix of green and silver-white, adding interest and contrast to your green interior.
  • The Silver Lace Fern thrives in bright, indirect light and prefers to be kept lightly moist.
  • Its bright foliage is a great way to lighten up darker corners of a boho-inspired space.
  • Consider adding a full-spectrum plant light shining down on it to highlight it’s unique foliage!

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Silver Lace Fern growing in a black pot next to a strip wall

11. Kimberly Queen Fern (Nephrolepis obliterata)

  • Kimberly Queen ferns are lush and vibrant, with large upright fronds that cascade down, adding a touch of natural beauty.
  • These ferns thrive in indirect light and can tolerate lower light conditions than most other ferns, although they do require higher humidity, making it perfect for a bathroom or kitchen space.
  • Its ability to withstand neglect and recover quickly when cared for makes it the perfect fern for those who are new to fern care.

Find it here!

Kimberly Queen Fern picture close up of the leaf stems and paterns

Each of these ferns carries its own unique attributes, but all of them contribute to the relaxed and natural ambiance of boho decor. Whether you’re new to ferns or looking to add more to your collection, these ferns are a great way to heighten the natural charm of your boho home. 

Next up, I’ve got a list of additional houseplants that can make your boho design go from blah to freakin’ amazing.

More Houseplants for a Boho Design

While palms and ferns are certainly integral to a boho-inspired interior, a variety of other houseplants can also significantly enhance the boho aesthetic. Such houseplants provide a differing range of textures, shapes, and colors to create a single gorgeous design. 

Here are my additional plant suggestions:

12. Swiss Cheese Plant (Monstera Deliciosa)

  • Monstera Deliciosa, often known as the Swiss Cheese Plant due to its unique leaf structure, is a jungle plant that packs a visual punch in any space.
  • It thrives in moderate indoor lighting and should be watered once the soil has completely dried.
  • Do not rotate this plant, but instead provide a moss pole for any plants that are getting too large.
  • Consider adding a Monstera if you want to create more of a modern bohemian home.
  • Find care tips in my post, How to Care for Monstera plants!

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Swiss Cheese Plant in a woven basket next to a table and a decorative cactus

13. Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum)

  • The Spider Plant is a resilient houseplant favored for its wild and untamed appearance.
  • It thrives in indirect light and prefers to dry out between watering. It sprouts ‘spiderettes’ that can be cut off and planted in new plant pots – a bonus for plant lovers!
  • With its delicate, arching leaves, it blends seamlessly into the free-spirited boho aesthetic and looks fantastic hung in a macrame planter, or on a high shelf.
  • Learn how to keep your Spider plant alive with my Spider Plant Care Tips!

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Spider plant in a decorative yellow and green pot

14. Snake Plant (Sansevieria trifasciata)

  • The Snake Plant, or Mother-in-laws tongue, comes with stiff, upright leaves that are typically banded in varying shades of green.
  • Requiring little maintenance, it thrives in low light and doesn’t need plenty of water, making it a frequent choice for must-have plants.
  • The structural, almost architectural quality of its leaves fits seamlessly into boho decor, especially when layered with softer, drapier plants.
  • If you’re struggling with your snake plant, be sure to read my Snake Plant Care Tips!

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Three Snake plants potted in cream pots on a window seal

15. Fiddle Leaf Fig (Ficus Lyrata)

  • The Fiddle Leaf Fig is loved for its large, glossy violin-shaped leaves that add structure and drama to a room.
  • Preferring a stable environment, it thrives in bright, filtered light. It doesn’t like excessive watering or being moved around a lot (which can cause it to drop its leaves).
  • It exudes a chic, boho vibe that easily stands out in any design.
  • For information on how to grow Fiddle leaf Figs indoors, check out my post on Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant Care!

Get one here!

A close up of a Fiddle Leaf Fig

16. Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum)

  • The Peace Lily is a beautiful houseplant for your living space that produces lovely white flowers and stands out for its air-purifying properties.
  • It prefers low to medium light and enjoys a decent amount of water. When it’s thirsty, it will let you know by dramatically drooping.
  • Peace Lilies bring softness and a touch of color to the boho space whilst keeping your internal environment clean!

Get one here!

A Peace Lily in a white pot against tile wall

17. Prayer Plant (Maranta leuconerua)

  •  Prayer plants feature variegated leaves with vibrant patterns of green, red, and cream, adding visual interest and a pop of color to any room.
  • They thrive in moderate to bright indirect light conditions, making them versatile for various indoor spaces. They also prefer high humidity levels and regular watering, which is beneficial for creating a lush and tropical atmosphere commonly associated with boho-inspired interiors.
  • This houseplant is relatively easy to care for and with proper care and attention, they can grow vigorously and provide an enchanting touch to your boho-inspired space.

Find it here!

A close up picture of a Prayer Plant in a cream pot on a wicker table

18. Manjula Pothos (Epipremnum aurem ‘Manjula’)

  • The Manjula pothos is relatively low-maintenance, making it perfect for busy individuals or those new to plant care. 
  • It can tolerate a range of light conditions from low to bright indirect light, making it adaptable to different areas of your boho-inspired space.
  • This plant also has full, trailing vines with leaves that feature unique patterns on each and every leaf.
  • The Manjula pothos looks amazing in hanging baskets or as cascading foliage on shelves or bookcases. So bust out your macrame skills on this one… you won’t be disappointed!
  • Be sure to check out my post on Pothos Plant Care for all the latest tips!
Manjula Pothos in a woven basket on a wicker table with a matching chair

19. Marble Queen Pothos (Epipremnum aureum ‘Marble Queen’)

  • The Marble Queen pothos is a fantastic houseplant choice for a boho-inspired space, thanks to its exquisite marbled leaves and trailing vines that are perfect along a tabletop or hanging from a macrame planter. 
  • This plant requires minimal effort to maintain, making it an excellent option for both seasoned plant enthusiasts and beginners.
  • It can tolerate varying light conditions, thriving in low to bright indirect light, making it adaptable and versatile for different areas of your boho-inspired space.

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A close up picturer of a Marble Queen Pothos and it's leaf coloring of green and cream

20. Velvet Leaf Philodendron (Philodendron micans)

  • The Velvet Leaf Philodendron has the same benefits of other vining philodendrons with its easy care and adaptability to light conditions. But this stunning variety boasts beautiful reds and velvety greens that make any plant person jealous!
  • This plant is another great option for macrame planters as the soft leaves gracefully fall down the sides of its pot.
  • Pair this with either a complementary red planter, or contrast with your solid greens and teals to make this leaf pop in your space!

Find one here!

A Velvet Leaf Philodendron in a textured pot on a wicker table

21. Cacti

  • Cacti are an essential for any boho-inspired space. These all require high light, but do best with minimal watering. 
  • Consider a large, upright cactus such as the Euphorbia trigona or the Bunny-Ear Opuntia to make a bold statement, or choose something a little softer from my list of cute and Fuzzy Succulents!
  • Enjoy both the benefits of having plants that add to your bohemian atmosphere, without a lot of maintenance!
6 cacti of various shapes and colors in differing pastel pots

22. Yucca

  • Yucca plants are an easy way to add upward movement in your bohemian space with their long, slender leaves reaching upward without adding a lot of bulk to the space. This works well for both the minimalist boho interior, as well as the maximalist boho space.
  • These resilient green beauties not only bring a natural, earthy vibe but also thrive in low-maintenance conditions, making them the perfect companions for the laid-back, carefree atmosphere.
  • These plants also do well in a variety of decorative pots and woven baskets, helping them to effortlessly blend into the eclectic mix of textures, patterns, and colors that define a boho-chic interior, creating a harmonious and tranquil oasis in your home.

Get one here!

Yucca plant in a white pot staged against a white wall

23. Aloe Vera

  •  Aloe vera’s laid-back, easygoing care requirements make it a top choice for boho interiors, perfectly aligning with the carefree and eclectic vibes of this design style.
  • Just like the holistic approach favored by boho enthusiasts, aloe vera offers more than just aesthetics. Its gel-filled leaves bring natural healing properties, adding a wellness dimension to your boho haven.
  • This plant’s long, striking leaves create a textured, sculptural presence that can fit into any medium-light space. Just note that it does best when left in one spot and it doesn’t change light conditions frequently. This allows it to adapt its leaves to that location, then be perfectly happy! For care information about this plant, check out my post Aloe Vera Plant Care.

Find one here!

A close up shot of an Aloe Vera plant with sunlit spots

24. Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema)

  • Aglaonema houseplants offer a kaleidoscope of options, with various colors and varieties to choose from. This diversity effortlessly integrates into boho interiors, where mixing and matching different elements is the name of the game. Just ask my white-edge aglaonema, that’s next to my pink aglaonema! 😉
  • The aglaonema’s lush and vibrant foliage adds a touch of exotic elegance to your bohemian sanctuary. Its unique patterns and shades create a mesmerizing contrast against eclectic decor, making it a standout piece in your design. Choose colors that compliment or contrast against your pot choice, either calming your space, or making more noise, depending on your desired outcome.
  • The thing that I love most about aglaonemas is that for their bold colors and large leaves, aglaonema plants are actually quite low-maintenance. If you give them a good amount of indirect light and a weekly watering, then they will be happy for you for a long time!

Get one here!

A staged photo of a Chinese Evergreen in a red pot

25. String of Pearls (Senecio rowleyanus)

  • The string of pearls houseplant is one of the original cornerstones of boho interiors, with its cascading strands of succulent pearls adding a touch of unconventional elegance. Perfect for hanging baskets, macrame hangers, and uniquely-shaped pots, it effortlessly complements your eclectic decor.
  • This plant looks best when given plenty of sunlight. The main cause of plant death comes from either a lack of sunlight and too much water, or plenty of sunlight and too little water. So make sure when you pick out one of these beauties, that you have a nice, sunny spot to hang it!
  • One of the best things about string of pearls is for those out-there plant pots and unconventional decor, such as your elephant pots, sculpted heads, sloth figurines, etc. The round ball leaves are perfect to add the boho flair without overwhelming the space.

Get it here!

A sunlit picture of String of Pearls in a pot

26. String of Bananas (Senecio radicans)

  • The string of bananas houseplant exudes boho charm with its cascading vines of unique banana-shaped leaves. Its quirky and playful appearance adds an artistic touch to your boho interior, making your room feel fun and creative at the same time.
  • One added bonus of the string of bananas is that it is a pet-friendly choice, ensuring that your beloved furry friends can coexist harmoniously with your trendy boho designed space.
  • It’s also worth noting that string of bananas looks fabulous in hanging macramé planters, embracing the trendy and free-spirited aesthetics of boho design. Its trailing vines create a captivating visual effect, enhancing the cozy and artistic vibe of your bohemian haven.

Get one here!

A generic photo of String of Bananas plant in a brown pot

27. Baby Rubber Plant (Peperomia obtusifolia variegata)

  • Whether you plop it into a textured pot, hang it in a breezy macramé planter, or let it chill with other plant pals, peperomia obtusifolia variegata plays nice with your boho vision, making your home a cozy, artsy haven with minimal effort.
  • This peperomia variety is one of the easiest peperomia varieties to care for that I’ve come across. It’s the kind of houseplant that’s happy with some light, but it won’t throw a fit if you occasionally forget to water it – perfect for both the beginner houseplant parent, or someone that just doesn’t want to deal with a picky plant.
  • The Baby Rubber Plant is also one of the smaller plants that does great being paired with others. Whether it’s in a fun, eye-catching pot, or paired as a group with other greenery on your side table or on a credenza, this peperomia variety is a must-have for every plant parent wanting a chic look.

Get one here!

A staged Baby Rubber Plant in a pot next to miniature pumpkins on a woven cloth

28. English Ivy (Hedera helix)

  • English ivy is like the ultimate houseplant for your indoor jungle. Its lush, trailing vines add a dreamy, nature-inspired vibe to any boho oasis, and trust me, it’s all about that adding those relaxed, earthy elements.
  • As for home decor, English ivy looks great in either a woven macramé planter or left to gracefully drape along your tabletops. It’s like having a piece of the forest right inside your home. So pair it with a natural planter, such as ceramic planters, or minimalist solid colors to let the pure greenery of this plant shine!
  • And as an additional perk, English ivy doesn’t just look great; it also helps clean the air! Check out my list of Indoor Plants the Clean the Air for more air-purifying plants to add to your space!

Find one here!

A close up photo of English Ivy in pots

29. Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia)

  • Bird of paradise is like having a slice of the tropics right in my boho haven. Its lush, banana-like leaves and striking presence transport me to a carefree, exotic paradise every day. This is one of my go-to boho beauties for any interior space that wants the bohemian feel.
  • Despite its exotic appearance, the bird of paradise is surprisingly low-maintenance. It enjoys plenty of sunlight, but once it finds its happy place, it does best being left alone to grow and look beautiful and elegant!
  • The last thing that I love about the bird of paradise is that it is naturally pest free. A lot of indoor plants can come with insect problems, but this is one that I’ve seen time and time again come away insect-free, even when its neighbors are crawling with them! So if you’ve had issues with indoor plant pests in the past, then consider adding one of these beautiful gems into your space!

Get it here!

A Bird of Paradise in a gray pot against a white textured wall box pattern

30. Scindapsus (Scindapsus pictus)

  • Scindapsus is the perfect houseplant for those looking for a variety of different plants within their indoor space but are bored with their pothos vines. This vine has unique leaves that come in an array of silvers that contrast well against the typical greens and yellows of most vines.
  • This plant is also perfect for those who struggle with watering, since the leaves curl when it’s thirsty, so it practically tells you when it’s needing a drink!
  • Whether you want to add a trailing vine, or keep it trimmed short and bushy, this plant does extremely well in different conditions, allowing you to style it and use it however fits best in your boho-inspired space!

Get one here!

A close up of a Scindapsus in a hanging pot


Finishing up our plant-infused Boho design journey, we’ve introduced a variety of lush, indoor houseplants that can help your living spaces achieve a bohemian flair. These are the key takeaways from our exploration:

  • A diverse selection of palms like the Areca Palm, Parlor Palm, and Ponytail Palm are essential to the boho interior.
  • Ferns, such as the Boston Fern, Staghorn Fern, and Bird’s Nest Fern, offer verdant green hues that add an earthy yet elegant touch to your design if you have the humidity to support them.
  • Apart from ferns and palms, there are numerous other plants like the Monstera Deliciosa, Spider Plant, Bird of Paradise, and Snake Plant that all bring texture, color, and a heightened sense of style to boho interiors.

Endeavor to experiment and play around with these plant choices and arrangement styles until you achieve a design that feels distinctly you, while also respecting the vibrant use of natural materials that encapsulates the Boho aesthetic.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why are plants so important in Boho design?

Plants play a pivotal role in Boho design because they complement the nature-inspired, eclectic, and carefree vibe of this interior style. Indoor plants bring in the freshness and tranquility of the outdoors, while adding varied textures and shades of green that match the earthy, eclectic boho style.

How to care for indoor plants in Boho living spaces?

Every type of plant requires different care. However, most indoor plants that fit with boho interiors are either tropical or desert plants. These plants do best with strong, indirect light and lots of humidity, or lots of bright, direct light with infrequent waterings respectively. It’s essential to understand your plant’s specific needs to make sure that you are providing the correct sunlight, water, soil, and temperature to ensure its success in your space.

Can outdoor plants be used in Boho design?

While outdoor plants can sometimes be used indoors, it depends on the plant variety and your living conditions. Some outdoor plants can survive indoors if they receive enough light and proper care, but it’s generally easier to use plants already adapted to indoor environments. This is because most outdoor plants require lots of sunlight, as well as distinct seasons to maintain its healthy lifecycle. But once again, this all depends on the type of plant you are trying to move indoors.

How many plants should I have in one room for a Boho look?

Boho design embraces a mix-and-match, maximalist approach, but the number of plants would depend on the size of the room and the amount of natural light it receives. It’s not about crowding the space but creating a harmonious, lush look. Start with a few and add more as you see fit. And remember, just as each person’s wardrobe fits their personal preferences and lifestyle, so should your indoor space fit your own personal desires and lifestyle.

25 Best Low Light Indoor Succulents for Busy Plant Parents

Are you a plant parent with a busy schedule? Do you want to add some greenery to your low light space but don’t have the time to dedicate to high maintenance plants? Look no further. In this article, we’ve compiled a list of the 25 best low light succulents that are perfect for busy people like you. These succulent plants are not only easy to care for, but they also share a lot of the same benefits of other tropical houseplants, such as improving air quality and reducing stress levels. From snake plants to haworthias, this list is compiled to not only bring you some great options to choose from, but to also show you some unique varieties that will make your space stand out! So sit back, relax, and discover which low light succulent is perfect for your space and your lifestyle!

1. Snake Plant (Sansevieria trifasciata)

A picture of a snake plant growing in a cream pot

One of the most popular low light succulents for busy plant parents is the snake plant (aka the mother-in-law’s tongue). This high level of popularity is mainly due to the fact that this plant is incredibly resilient and adaptable, making it perfect for those who tend to forget to water. Its long, upright leaves come in a variety of shades and patterns, from dark green to variegated yellow and green, adding a touch of sophistication to any space. Most people use this plant as a type of living sculpture within their spaces due to its tall, vertical shape as well as because it can tolerate very low light levels (just be sure to add lots of well-draining soil and let it dry out a bit in between watering!)

Aside from its attractive appearance, the snake plant is also known for its air-purifying capabilities. It can remove toxins such as benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene from the air, making it a great addition to any home or office. Snake plant is also one of our unique indoor plants due to its ability to release oxygen at night, making it ideal for the bedroom. It has been shown to improve sleep quality and reduce stress levels, making it a perfect companion for busy, overworked individuals, or anyone else looking to de-stress their lives!

If you’re looking for a low maintenance, yet visually stunning plant, look no further than the snake plant. Its durability, air-purifying properties, and therapeutic benefits make it a top choice for any plant parent. Then, for care information about this plant, check out my post on Snake Plant Care!

Get one here!

2. Baby Jade

A picture of a Baby Jade growing in a brown pot sitting on a woven cloth

Another great succulent option for busy plant parents is the Baby Jade. This small succulent, also known as the Crassula ovata ‘Baby Jade’, is easy to care for and can thrive in low light conditions. It is characterized by its small, round leaves that resemble the original jade plant. The main difference is the size of the plant. Like the Jade plant, the Baby Jade can be shaped into a bonsai tree, but its overall size will be much more compact and smaller than the regular Jade. This can be perfect if you’re working with small spaces, or you need something for your office.

Similar to the snake plant, Baby Jade also has air-purifying properties that can promote a healthier environment, as well as doesn’t need a lot of water. This makes it a perfect choice for those who want to enjoy the benefits of having a plant in their space, without having to worry about keeping to a demanding watering schedule.

Get one here!

3. Haworthia cooperi var. Obtusa

An overhead shot of a haworthia cooperi obtusa with it's leaves varying in green and orange

If you’re interested in adding more variety to your succulent collection, the Haworthia Windows ‘Obtusa’ is another great option to consider. This unique succulent has translucent window-like areas on its leaves that allow sunlight to enter and reach its inner cells. It is different from other haworthia windows varieties as the leaf tips are more rounded and less angular. Then, when purposefully stressed (with too much light, or low water), then the leaves will turn a beautiful reddish color.

The Haworthia cooperi can also do well in a low light setting becuase its translucent window-like areas on its leaves allow sunlight to enter and reach its inner cells, making it more efficient at capturing light waves. This feature makes it a great option for those who don’t have a lot of natural light in their homes.

So, if you’re looking to add more variety to your succulent collection, Haworthia Windows var. Obtusa is definitely worth considering!

Get one here!

4. Panda Plant Kalanchoe

A side picture of a panda plant kalachoe varying in colors of green and black

Another succulent to consider for a low-light house plant is the Panda Plant Kalanchoe, which has thick and fuzzy leaves that is said to resemble the coat of a panda. This Panda Plant, also known as Kalanchoe tomentosa, is native to Madagascar and is perfect for busy plant parents who want to add a touch of whimsy to their collection without high maintenance needs. 

Similar to other succulents, the Panda Plant Kalanchoe does not require a lot of watering, and it thrives in either in bright, indirect light or low light environments. The panda plant can actually get leaf burn if it is in too much hot, direct sunlight. So if you’re looking to add some soft texture to your space, the Panda Plant is definitely worth considering.

Get one here!

5. Purple Heart Tradescantia

A purple heart tradescantia in a brown pot

Next, let’s take a look at another low light succulent, the Purple Heart Tradescantia.

Purple Heart Tradescantia is a low light succulent that many plant parents adore. Its stunning purple leaves add a pop of color to any indoor space and in time, its long, trailing vines will create an eye-catching effect, especially when planted with other vertical, green plants such as snake plants. This succulent also prefers to be left alone and it can do well in low to bright light conditions.

Just make sure that you do leave it alone. I’ve found that my tradescantia don’t like to be touched (or played with by my cat!) and being handled too much can cause the leaves to turn brown. So if you’re wanting these gorgeous purple leaves, make sure to give it a well-draining soil and pot, let it dry between watering, and then try not to touch it!

This plant also does extremely well with a grow light. So if you have no-light locations, you can have your tradescantia with a little grow light (like this one!) and it will be perfectly happy for you!

Get one here!

6. Ogre Ears aka Gollum Crassula

A side view of gollum crassula also known as ogre ears. they vary in shapes and size

Moving on to another low light succulent, let’s take a look at Ogre Ears. This unique succulent has thick, fleshy leaves that are shaped like, as you can probably guess from its common name… ogre ears! Its scientific name is Crassula ovata ‘Gollum Jade’, and it doesn’t dissapoint!

Like many succulents, Ogre Ears is low maintenance and prefers well-draining soil and infrequent watering. This plant can thrive in a variety of light conditions, from bright, indirect light down to low light conditions. Ogre Ears is an excellent choice for those looking to add some quirky character to their succulent garden. Its interesting shape and texture make it a standout among other succulents. Plus, it’s a great conversation starter with guests! Oh, and my kids just absolutely love them too! There’s just something about Ogre Ears that always makes me smile 🙂

Get one here!

7. Ponytail Palm

A picture of a ponytail palm inside of a woven basket tied with yellow rope

Next up, the Ponytail Palm, (another one of our indoor succulents for low light) is a visually stunning indoor plant that looks fabulous as a specimen plant. The Beaucarnea recurvata, or Ponytail Palm, has leaves that grow in a long, curly pattern that resembles a ponytail, hence the name. The leaves are thick and leathery, which helps the plant retain moisture in dry conditions that have low humidity. The trunk of the Ponytail Palm is also quite unique, with a bulbous base that can store water to help the plant survive periods of drought. This also helps it to require very little attention as it thrives with thorough, infrequent watering.

The only thing that I can add about this beautiful, fun plant, is that you should not get a ponytail palm if you have cats in your home. In my experience, cats LOVE to chew on this plant. This transforms it from a gorgeous curly head of leaves to a rather unsightly firecracker top. I actually had to re-home mine because of my cats (after several failed attempts at cat deterrents). But don’t worry, my aunt is loving her new ponytail palm tree, and she’s gotten it looking gorgeous again! Haha!

Get one here!

8. Window Haworthia

An overhead shot of a window haworthia varying in color shades of cream and green

Like the Ponytail Palm, the Window Haworthia is a beautiful succulent that is also a relatively low maintenance plant. It can survive in a variety of soil conditions and requires infrequent watering. The Windows Haworthia species is also a type of haworthia that has translucent leaves. These “windows” on the leaves can capture more light than their solid-leaf haworthia siblings. This makes it the perfect choice for a location that has less light, and it can sometimes even  prefer a bit of shade over a sunny spot. For more care information, check out my post, Haworthia plant care!

Get one here!

9. ZZ Plant

A staged picture of a zz plant in a gray pot on top of a woven place setting and white table

The ZZ plant is a versatile succulent that is perfect for busy plant parents. Not only can it tolerate low light conditions, but it’s also drought-tolerant and can go weeks without being watered, trust me. I seriously neglect mine. (Sorry little ZeeZee!) However, this just proves that it is a great choice for those who may forget to water their plants regularly, or those who have a busy schedule.

The reason the ZZ plant, or Zamioculcas zamiifolia, can do so well with little water is because of its root system that contains little bulbs that store water. So they can do well with thorough watering to replenish the bulbs’ water, then periods of drought.

This, plus the fact that ZZ plants are notoriously easy to propagate from leaf and stem cuttings, and you definitely have a winner on your hands!

Get one here!

10. Burro’s Tail

A picture of a burros tail succulent overflowing the sides of a black pot

The Burro’s Tail succulent, also called a donkey’s tail, is a unique and beautiful plant that is perfect for busy plant parents. With its cascading stems that can grow up to three feet long, the Burro’s Tail is a favorite among succulent enthusiasts. This hardy little plant is incredibly low maintenance, requiring only occasional watering and minimal attention.

One thing to keep in mind with the Burro’s Tail is that it prefers bright indirect light to keep the short, stubby leaves. While it can handle some low light conditions, it won’t thrive in complete darkness and in a lower light level, it will tend to have some stretching between the leaf joints.

Another thing to note is that the leaves are delicate and can easily fall off if the plant is bumped or moved too much. This means that it needs to go in a place that has little traffic where it could be bumped or brushed.

So, even though this indoor succulent can be a bit of a diva, it’s definitely a succulent that looks incredible when it gets what it wants… (Is anyone else thinking of the song Prima Donna here?! :D)

Get one here!

11. Zebra Plant

A zebra plant varying with green and white in a white pleated pot

The Zebra Plant, also known as Haworthia fasciata, is a charming succulent that is easy to care for and its striped leaves are absolutely stunning! Native to South Africa, the Zebra Plant prefers bright, indirect light but can also tolerate low light conditions. The only comment I can make here is that when given bright light, such as in a south-facing window, it will stay short and compact and will require more watering. But in low-light environments, slow down on the water, and also expect stretching. The leaves will start getting taller with fewer stripes, but even with the stretching, your zebra cactus will still look great.

For more information on how to care for this plant, check out my post on Zebra Plant Care.

Get one here!

12. Jade Plant

A Jade plant in a ceramic gray and white pot in front of a decrative tan wall

The Jade Plant, also known as the Crassula Ovata, is a popular choice among succulent enthusiasts. With its small, shiny, round leaves, it adds a touch of elegance to any space. But what makes it truly remarkable is its resilience.

Like most other succulents, the Jade plant can do well with infrequent watering since it stores water in both its stem and leaves. Overwatering can lead to root rot, so it’s essential to let the soil dry out completely between watering sessions, especially when it is in lower light conditions. But with proper care, the Jade Plant can grow up to six feet tall and live for decades. This makes it one of the best succulents to bring home!

Get one here!

13. Christmas Cactus & Thanksgiving Cactus

A red flowering christmas cactus planted in a brown pot

Speaking of hardy succulents, the Christmas Cactus and Thanksgiving Cactus are must-haves for any busy plant parent. These flowering plants are perfect for those who want to add some color to their low-light space. While both plants belong to the same genus, they differ in their blooming season. The Christmas Cactus blooms in December, while the Thanksgiving Cactus blooms in November, although forced blooming can cause your cactus to have flowers at any time of the year. This is why some people simply refer to both of these species as holiday cacti.

These cacti do like a bit more moisture than other succulents, since they are originally from tropical regions that have a lot of humidity. This moisture is especially vital during blooming time, since the blooms can drop if the plant gets too dry. The best method here is to water them thoroughly and let the soil drain before putting them back in their saucer. For more information on caring for your cactus, check out my post on Christmas Cactus Plant Care, or if you’re having issues with your holiday cactus, check out my post on troubleshooting problems with Christmas Cactus.

Get one here!

14. String of Pearls

A picture of string of pearls growing over the sides of a black hanging pot

The String of Pearls succulent is a unique and eye-catching plant that is perfect for those who love to add a touch of whimsy to their indoor garden. This low-light succulent is known for its slender, trailing stems that are adorned with small, round leaves that resemble pearls. This makes it perfect for hanging planters, with trailing stems that can grow up to three feet long.

Like many succulents, String of Pearls is relatively low-maintenance and prefers indirect light and well-draining soil. However, it does require a little more attention when it comes to watering. These cacti like to be kept moist, but not too wet. Be sure to water them thoroughly and let the soil drain before putting them back in their saucer. If you are worried about keeping the moisture consistent, then I would recommend buying a soil moisture meter. This will fix ALL of your watering issues!

Get one here!

15. Raven ZZ Plant

An overhead shot of grean raven zz plant in a black pot over a woven mat

Raven ZZ Plant is an exceptional choice if you are looking for a houseplant that will thrive in low light conditions. Its dark purple-green leaves with waxy texture and smooth surface make it an intriguing addition to any corner of your home. This succulent is a natural air purifier, removing toxins from the air and creating a healthier environment. 

Like the original green ZZ plant, the Raven ZZ Plant is also easy to care for and can survive with minimal watering. In low light it can grow pretty slowly, making it very low-maintenance. But when there is new growth, it comes as a beautiful bright green that contrasts starkly against the dark green mature leaves.

If you are a busy plant parent who struggles to find time for plant care, Raven ZZ Plant is the perfect choice for you. Its resilience and low maintenance needs make it a hassle-free addition to your indoor plant collection. 

Get one here!

16. Moonshine Snake Plant

A singular moonshine snake plant with its varying shades of green

Next on our list is the Moonshine Snake Plant, a perfect choice for busy plant parents due to its resilience and unique features. This low-light succulent has striking silver-green leaves that have a silvery stripe down the center. The plant’s thin, upright leaves are slightly stiff, making it almost impossible to damage or break them. A Moonshine snake plant can grow up to three feet tall, and it doesn’t require much watering, making it perfect for people who are always on the go.

Apart from being easy to take care of, Moonshine snake plants also provide several benefits. They are known for their ability to purify the air, removing toxins such as formaldehyde, benzene, and xylene. Its air-purifying qualities make it an ideal choice for bedrooms and offices.

Get one here!

17. Hoya spp.

A sunlit hoya plant in a white pot.

Hoya, also known as the wax plant, is a popular choice among plant parents because of its unique foliage and minimal care requirements. Its waxy leaves come in a variety of colors and shapes, from heart-shaped to circular, and can add visual interest to any room. 

With enough light, Hoya can produce small, fragrant flowers that bloom intermittently throughout the year. Its flowers are star-shaped and come in shades of pink, white, and yellow. 

Get one here!

18. Pincushion Cactus

A side view of pincushion cactus of different sizes growing in a brown pot with a black rim

Pincushion Cactus, also known as Mammillaria, is a cactus that is perfect for busy plant parents. It requires minimal care and adds an unusual element to any collection. Pincushion Cactus prefers soil that drains well and should only be watered occasionally. Its unique appearance is due to the small white or yellow flowers that bloom from its spiky stems. 

This small cactus also does well in low-light conditions but it won’t flower as often unless given more light. This doesn’t stop it though from being a cute little cactus to put on your shelf!

Get one here!

19. Haworthia ‘White Ghost’

A side picture of a hand holding a hawortha white ghost in a green pot

Haworthia ‘White Ghost’ is a strikingly beautiful low-light succulent that is known for its ghostly appearance. This unique plant has fleshy, translucent leaves with white markings, making it look almost ethereal. It can be grown both indoors or outdoors, but it prefers bright indirect sunlight or low- to medium-light conditions. Like most succulents, Haworthia ‘White Ghost’ does not require frequent watering, and it needs well-draining soil, especially when it is in low light. 

If you’re looking for a low-maintenance, visually stunning addition to your plant collection, Haworthia ‘White Ghost’ is definitely worth considering.

Get one here!

20. Kalanchoe spp.

A side view of a kalanchoe flowering pink with a matching pink pot and bow

Kalanchoe is a beautiful and versatile low-light succulent that comes in a variety of colors and shapes. This plant produces clusters of small, vibrant flowers that add a pop of color to any indoor or outdoor space. These flowers can range from whites to yellows, pinks, and even orange. It prefers bright, indirect light but can tolerate lower light conditions as well.

One of the great things about Kalanchoe is how easy it is to care for. It only needs to be watered once a week, and its soil should be well-draining to prevent overwatering. This succulent does well in a range of temperatures and can even thrive in drought-like conditions.

If you’re looking for a low-light succulent with colorful blooms and minimal maintenance, Kalanchoe is a great choice.

Get one here!

21. Aloe Vera

A side view of an aloe vera plant in a white ceramic pot against a pastel green wall

Aloe Vera is a popular succulent known for its medicinal properties. It’s easy to care for, making it an excellent choice for busy plant parents. Most people believe that aloe vera needs a lot of bright, full sun, but it actually does better in partial shade. If given too much light (especially when it is in a pot and doesn’t have the cooling effect of being planted in the ground), the leaves can turn a blue-ish color. When this happens, you know that your plant is stressed and it is best if you move it into a lower-light spot before the leaf tips turn brown. Don’t confuse this with a dark green color, though, which is a sign of overwatering!

In addition to its aesthetic appeal, the aloe vera plant has been used for centuries for its healing properties. The gel inside its leaves can be applied topically to soothe burns, reduce inflammation, and promote healing. It’s also known to purify the air of harmful pollutants, making it a great addition to any indoor space.

If you’re looking for a low-light succulent that’s not only beautiful but also has proven health benefits, Aloe Vera is an excellent choice.

Get one here!

22. String of Hearts

An overhead picture of String of hearts with various shades of green in a red pot

Another stunning low-light succulent option is the String of Hearts. This type of Hoya is a delicate and beautiful plant that features cascading vines of small heart-shaped leaves, creating a charming and whimsical look. It’s a great choice for hanging baskets or trailing over bookshelves or windowsills.

But the String of Hearts isn’t just pretty to look at – it also has air-purifying properties that make it a healthy addition to any space. Plus, it’s a low-maintenance plant that’s easy to care for, making it perfect for busy plant parents.

If you’re a fan of unique and eye-catching succulents, the String of Hearts is definitely worth considering. Just make sure that when you purchase a String of Hearts, you don’t start with a single heart leaf, since the plant needs a section of the stem in order to propagate and grow further. So make sure you get more than just a single leaf!

Get one here!

23. Crown of Thorns

an overhead picture of bright pink flowering crown of thorns succulent in a pot

The Crown of Thorns succulent is a unique and beautiful addition to any collection. With its thick stem and small green leaves, this plant is a showstopper. But what sets it apart from others is its small, bright flowers that bloom in clusters. 

Be aware, though that this plant does have sharp thorns so it could be dangerous being placed in high-traffic areas or around small children. However, this plant could be good if you have pets that generally mess with your plants, since they will leave this tough little guy alone.

Get one here!

24. Baby Toes Fenestraria

An overhead picture of baby toes fenestraria varying in shades of cream and green

The Baby Toes Fenestraria is a perfect choice for those who want a unique and fascinating plant that can thrive in low light conditions. Its plump and window-like leaves create a striking visual appeal that will capture anyone’s attention. To me, it reminds me of a mix between the windows haworthia and the ogre ears!

So if you’re looking for something that is extremely unique, then get yourself a Baby Toes!

Get one here!

25. Haworthia cooperi var. ‘retusa’

An overhead shot of a haworthia cooperi retusa varying in different shades of green in the leaves

If you’re already a fan of succulents and are looking for a low light option, the Haworthia cooperi var. ‘retusa’ is an excellent choice to consider. This unique plant boasts a rosette of plump green leaves that have transparent tips, providing an eye-catching and mesmerizing appearance. 

The Haworthia cooperi var. ‘retusa’ is easy to care for, making it an excellent option for busy plant parents who still want to add some personality to their living space. This succulent actually prefers medium to low light conditions, making it an ideal choice for those who don’t have access to bright, direct sunlight.

Adding the Haworthia cooperi var. ‘retusa’ to your plant collection allows you to enjoy the unique beauty of this plant and adds diversity to your space. Its distinct aesthetic adds an element of fascination that will surely capture the attention of anyone who enters your home.

Get one here!

In short, low-light succulents are the perfect addition to any busy plant parent’s home. With a variety of options, from the snake plant, to the aloe plant, to the haworthia cooperi var. ‘retusa’, there is a plant for every taste and style. Not only do these plants add a touch of green to your space, but they also have numerous benefits for your health and well-being. So why not add some low light succulents to your home and enjoy the benefits for years to come?!

If you need any care information, check out my post on Succulent Care!

How to Choose the Best Pots for Succulents (+5 Faves)

Have you been eyeing a new succulent lately? Or maybe you have a growing collection and just need a new pot? Whether you’re a beginner or a succulent expert, we all need to have one thing right in our succulent care. And that is… we need to choose the right pot!

So what are the best pots for succulents? Today I’m going to tell you exactly what works and what doesn’t work for succulent pots, as well as give you some recommendations of my personal faves. Then if you still have questions, check out my “Frequently Asked Questions” section at the bottom of the page. Or just scroll down to see my top 5 best succulent pots!


Let’s dig in!

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What Makes the Best Pots?

There are three keys that you need to look for in the right container. The perfect succulent pot would consider:

  • Drainage
  • Material
  • Size

Let’s address these things one at a time.

#1: Proper Drainage

Picture of various shapes and sizes of pots

I’m sure you’ve heard it before, but let me stress this fact… succulent pots NEED drainage holes!!!!

Technically, you CAN keep succulents alive in pots without drainage holes by simply adding only small amounts of water at a time. I know, because I’ve done this. But speaking from experience, these succulents never thrive like the succulents that I have in my pots with good drainage. This is because when your pots have proper drainage, you can water your plant as much as you want at each watering and the excess water will simply drain out.

But with pots that have no drainage holes (such as the pretty glass containers they show on Pinterest), these pots will leave you to always be fighting your moisture levels, since one little extra watering could potentially kill your whole plant. Personally, I tend to under-water these succulents to avoid accidentally giving them too much water. But as a result, my succulent plants are never as healthy.

So long story short… get a pot with drainage holes! Just do it!

#2: Pot Material

I would argue that pot material is the least important thing out of the three keys for choosing the best pot for succulents. This is because pot material alone will not kill your succulents.

Terra Cotta/Ceramic Pots

A towering shot of pots next to a pile of dirt

Terracotta pots, or ceramic pots, are definitely the best choice for succulent pots. This is due to the fact that the clay can actually soak up some of the excess moisture, giving your plant a little extra buffer between wet and dry phases. Be careful in the winter, though, as wet ceramic pots (in cold temperatures) can take longer to dry out. This could potentially cause overwatering problems for people who tend to water too much in the winter.

So the best pot material for succulents is terra cotta pots, unless you tend to overwater your plants during the winter. 

Plastic Pots

A succulent in a white squareshaped pot

Plastic pots and plastic containers are also a fine choice for succulents as long as they have sufficient drainage, are heavy enough to not tip over, and are not left outdoors.

Some succulents grow more vertically and can become top heavy. Plastic pots are usually lighter and easily fall over in these situations. To fix this, use sand instead of perlite in your succulent soil mix. This will help to weigh down any tipsy pots!

Next, if you are keeping your succulent outdoors, I do not recommend using plastic pots. This is first because of their higher chances of falling over due to their low weight. Second, plastic pots have a tendency to heat up and dry out faster when exposed to high temperature than clay pots or concrete pots. And third, plastic pots can freeze and deteriorate quickly in very cold climates. This is why I only recommend plastic pots for indoor use.

Metal Pots

Various plants flowering in different colors of pink red and green in metal cans

Metal pots and metal containers usually have the same heat issue as plastic pots. For this reason, you should keep a metal pot indoors only. If you want to move your succulents outdoors, then a good choice would be a terracotta or concrete pot.

Concrete Pots

two succulents in concrete pots

Concrete pots are similar to clay pots in that they are both a breathable material. Concrete pots are particularly good in outdoor spaces where they will be durable and protective to your succulents. Just be sure to keep in mind that real concrete pots can be extremely heavy. This is good for areas that are prone to high winds (especially if you live within hurricane areas), since your concrete planters will be sure to protect your plants when the weather gets tough!

#3: Size of Pot

Pot size is, in my opinion, the MOST OVERLOOKED problem of succulent killers. Because if your pot is too big, your succulent will die!!! 

plants growing in various shaped and sized pots

This is more of a water problem than a size problem. If you have a large pot, then you will have lots of soil that will be wet. This soil will have water where the small plant roots can’t reach. This extra, unreachable water will cause too much moisture to sit for too long and will lead to root rot.

Even with proper drainage, you need to make sure that the walls of your pot are only an inch or two bigger than your succulents’ current pot (on all sides). This is why a lot of succulent planters tend to be shallow pots that can fit a few succulents together in an arrangement, but that are still shallow enough that the small roots can still reach the bottom of the pot.

Potting Multiple Succulents Together

variety of succulents in a singular pot

If you want to pot multiple succulents together in a succulent arrangement or succulent planter, then your best bet is to buy a large, shallow container. Then, make sure that it is stuffed full of succulents! This will help it have enough roots everywhere so you won’t have those pockets of soil that the roots can’t reach…

Pot Recommendations:

  • All-Around Favorite: D’vine Dev Terracotta Pots
  • Best for Shorter Succulents (And Best Value!): Brajtt Plant Pots
  • Best for a Group of Succulents: Kimisty 10 Inch Round Succulent Planter Bowl
  • Best for Hanging Succulents: Mkono 8 inch Ceramic Hanging Planter
  • Best for Large Succulents: Aveyas 6/8/10 inch Ceramic Planter Pot

#1: All-Around Favorite – Terracotta Pots by D’vine Dev

These pots are fantastic because they are not only terracotta pots, but they also have drainage holes, the perfect-fit saucer, a drainage net (to keep the soil from coming out), and a “scratch pad” to put under your pot. This ensures that your pot has great drainage, but also that it keeps your surfaces dry and scratch-free! 

These guys have really thought of everything that an indoor succulent grower needs out of a pot. And that’s why it’s my all-around favorite set of succulent pots!

Plants in various models of the terracotta pots by d'vine dev

#2: Best for Shorter Succulents (And Best Value) – Brajtt Succulent Pots

These white, modern pots are perfect for your shorter succulents that don’t have deep root systems. I love that each pot has a small drainage hole, and they come with a functional, stylish bamboo tray to catch any excess water before it stains your window ledge.

And to get 8 pots for only $14.99 (at the time of writing this post)… that’s an AMAZING deal!!!

12 different example plants potted in the brajtt succulent pots

#3: Best for a Group of Succulents – Kimisty 10 inch Round Succulent Planter Bowl

This planter dish is perfect for succulent arrangements or succulent gardens! It is a glazed ceramic pot with a drainage hole and a plug (to keep your surfaces clean!). It also has a gorgeous, airy stand and white decorative rocks to make your succulent garden go from amateur to professional!

I especially love the size of this planter dish, since most are only about 6” long. With this dish coming in at a solid 10” diameter, (choose the “large” size), it fits a lot of succulents!

various forms of succulents all potted in a singular kimisty 10 in round succulent planter bowl

#4: Best for Hanging Succulents – Mkono 8 Inch Ceramic Hanging Planter

I searched far and wide for the perfect hanging succulent planters, and this is the one that I finally discovered!

It is a sturdy glazed ceramic pot that comes with a removable drainage plug for excess water. It also comes with a rope and pre-drilled holes, so all you need now is a strong hook! This hanging pot is suitable for indoor or outdoor use.

A picture example of a mkono 8 inch ceramic hanging planter

#5: Best For Large Succulents – Aveyas 6/8/10 Inch Ceramic Planter Pot

This sleek, modern pot is perfect for larger succulents! It comes with both a drainage plug and a saucer so you can really control the pot’s drain holes and protect your furniture. This pot also comes with a matching pot stand, a drainage net, and planter filler to add even more drainage to the bottom of your pot!

Your large succulents are definitely going to enjoy being in one of these!

various size colors and glaze of the aveyas 6 8 10 inch ceramic planter pot

Those are my best pots for succulents! If you still have questions, check out the frequently asked questions below, or join my plant community on Facebook, Houseplants for Plant Killers!

Then if you’re looking for your next step in your succulent journey, download my free resource, the Succulent Care Guide!

Happy Digging!

Frequently Asked Questions:

Do succulents need deep pots?

Larger succulents need deep pots, but small succulents would die in deep pots. The trick is to plant your succulent in a pot that is only an inch or two deeper than its current pot. This way, the root system will be able to reach the water all the way at the bottom of your pot.

Do succulents grow better in pots?

Most plants grow better when planted in the ground. However, if your environment isn’t hot and dry, then your succulents would actually prefer to be in a pot, where they will have better drainage and can be brought indoors when it gets cold or damp.

Can succulents stay in small pots?

Some small succulent varieties will stay perfectly happy in their small pots. However, some larger succulents will grow to where they don’t have enough room and will eventually need to be repotted into larger pots. This all depends on your type of succulent and its mature size and growth habit.

Do succulents like to be crowded?

Yes. If your succulents are in a wide pot, they do better if they are crowded. This lessens the possibility of your pot having drainage issues. It also makes the most beautiful succulent arrangements. So feel free to pack them in!

Do you put succulents in plastic pots?

Yes, you can. Just make sure that your pot still has good drainage. Don’t use plastic pots for outdoor succulents, though, as these tend to heat up, dry out, and fall over more than ceramic pots. For indoor use, however, plastic pots will be just fine.

What is the easiest succulent to grow?

There are a number of succulents that are easier to grow than others. These include haworthias, echeverias, and sedums. For a complete list, check out my post 12 Easiest Succulents to Grow Indoors.

How often should you water a succulent?

Generally, you should water your succulents once the soil has become dry, but before it begins to pull away from the sides of your pot. This is usually between every five to seven days, depending on the amount of sunlight, temperature, and season. Check out my post “How Often Should I Water my Succulent” for more details.

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Top 5 Worst Herbs to Grow Indoors

Worst Herbs to Grow Indoors

We’ve all been there… bought a new plant baby, lovingly watered and nurtured it, gave it the perfect spot,… then cried as it withered away and died despite all your hard work. Been there, done that. So let’s just get this out in the open. Not all plants like being indoors. Some like more sun, others like the temperature fluctuations that come with the outdoors, others just need better air circulation… So let me help you stay away from those sad plant deaths and tell you which indoor herbs are the hardest to grow indoors.

*Note: These herbs can still be successfully grown indoors, but they will have more indoor plant deaths than their easy-to-grow herb counterparts. If one of your favorite herbs is on this list, you might just need to do some extra research before purchasing one of these plants for growing indoors.*

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Worst Indoor Herbs #1: Basil

Basil is one of those herbs that everyone has because it’s so useful, but that dies in a lot of people’s care. This is because basil plants need a lot of sun to grow well, and a lot of water to keep it happy in the sun. When caring for my basil plant, I noticed that I had to water it at least once EVERY DAY during the summer to keep it happy. And with it being in the brightest spot in the house, it STILL produced small leaves. So that’s why it’s on my list of worst herbs to grow indoors… it needs a LOT of attention and is very difficult to produce those large, tasty leaves that are so much easier to grow outdoors.

Quick Tip: If you still want to grow basil indoors, try out one of the smaller-leaf basil such as a Thai basil. This will be easier to care for and will grow better indoors.

Worst Herbs to Grow Indoors - Basil

Worst Indoor Herbs #2: Cilantro

Cilantro makes the list of worst herbs to grow because it also needs a LOT of sunlight to grow. Most indoor cilantro plants that I see all have small leaves and are stretched because they aren’t getting enough sunlight. In order for cilantro plants to produce well, they need to have lots of sun and lots of space, which makes them one of the worst herbs to grow indoors.

Quick Tip: If you still want to grow cilantro indoors, then grow them in large flats and put in plenty of seeds. Then start another tray 4-6 weeks later, and maybe another tray after that. Then make sure that your cilantro has a dedicated grow light. This will help you feel okay about over-harvesting since you will have other trays growing. You will also be able to harvest each tray at once and before it begins to bolt (aka flower). This method of having different trays at different development stages (and each with their own light) is one way to successfully grow cilantro indoors.

Worst Herbs to Grow Indoors - Cilantro Plant

Worst Indoor Herbs #3: Italian Parsley

Just like cilantro, parsley makes this list of worst herbs to grow indoors based on the amount of light that it needs to produce large, harvest-worthy leaves. Indoors, parsley needs to be placed in a sunny window, and will need to be turned every other time that you water it to ensure even growth. Even with this, it might still not produce large enough leaves. Then it will need a dedicated plant light to stimulate large leaf growth.

If you want to grow parsley indoors, then I would suggest you use a curly leaf parsley (as opposed to flat-leaf parsley, such as the common Italian parsley). Curly leaf parsley is usually a bit easier to grow and will give you a better harvest than the flat-leaf parsley.

Worst Herbs to Grow Indoors - Parsley Plant

Worst Indoor Herbs #4: Dill

Dill is actually pretty easy to grow, however, this plant gets huge! Unless you’ve got a spare 3-4 feet to give this herb, then you won’t be able to keep it in your windowsill herb garden!

To grow dill indoors, try a fern-leaf variety, which will only grow to about 1.5-2 feet in height. You’ll still need to give it some space, but at least this smaller size is more realistic for an indoor plant.

Worst Herbs to Grow Indoors - Dill plant

Worst Indoor Herbs #5: Fennel

Fennel is one of the worst herbs to grow indoors because, like dill, it is also huge! Most fennel plants can reach up to 6 feet in height! I don’t know about you, but I DEFINITELY don’t have this type of space in my home! So while you can grow it from a small plant indoors, you’ll eventually want to bring it outdoors. This will allow the plant to have enough space to grow its large, onion-like bulbs (that are also edible!).

There aren’t really any options to grow this herb indoors, but if you want to overwinter it, you can grow it in large, deep pots outdoors during the summer. Then in the fall, cut it back to a few feet in height and bring it indoors. This way, it can continue to stay warm and grow throughout the winter. You can continue to harvest the leaves all winter long as it grows, and then simply move it back out the following spring before it really begins its spring-time growth.

Worst Herbs to Grow Indoors - Fennel Plant

Those are the 5 worst herbs to grow indoors! These herbs have been selected based on personal experience, as well as selected based on many other comments and suggestions made by others who have had difficulty with these plants.

IF you have difficulty growing herbs indoors, then I would suggest you get one of these indoor herb kits! These are simple, table-top systems that make growing herbs as easy as pushing a button. Seriously… these kits are amazingly simple and effective!

If you have any other questions or comments to help with the indoor growing of these plants, please share! And feel free to sign up for my email list for even more amazing tips and tricks for your indoor plants!

Happy Digging!

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Worst Herbs to Grow Indoors Pinterest

33 Stunning Succulents that are Safe for Cats

Succulents Safe for Cats Cover Image

Cats and houseplants. I get it. Your furry, feline friends are always exploring, touching, sniffing, and sometimes even taste-testing your houseplants. You can’t get them to stop, so instead you want to make sure that whatever plant you bring into your home won’t hurt them. This can sometimes make cat-owners hesitant to purchase houseplants. But today I’m going to show you 33 succulents that you can safely keep, as they are non-toxic to cats! So enjoy the peace-of-mind that comes with knowing your succulent collection can grow while your precious furry friend remains safe!

*Note: I have researched these plants to the best of my ability and have found them to be safe for cats. However, I hold no liability for any incorrect information or any harm or damages caused to yourself, your pets, or your property because of this information. For further details about plant toxicity levels and what to do if your pet ingests any of these plants, please visit aspca.org or call their help number at 1-(888)-426-4435*

*Each of these plants contain an affiliate link to purchase these products at succulentsbox.com. Unfortunately, succulentsbox.com does not ship outside of the continental USA. Any readers who live outside of the continental USA will have to find a local source to purchase these succulents. I am sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.*

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A Crinoline Ruffles Echeveria
#1: Crinoline Ruffles Echeveria

This beautiful Echeveria has ruffled leaves with light pink edges surrounding a blue-green center. Crinoline Ruffles is for anyone looking for something unique to add to their collection!

Purchase Crinoline Ruffles Echeveria

Cymbiformis var obtusa haworthia
#2: Cymbiformis var. obtusa Haworthia

Transparent tips??? Stunning! This Haworthia variety has thick, dense leaves that open up to transparent tips. These leaves can be somewhat soft, so make sure it is protected from tipping over.

Purchase Cymbiformis var. obtusa Haworthia

Red lion Sepervivum
#3: Red Lion Sempervivum

This deep red Sempervivum will definitely add some color to your succulent collection! The red leaves can also have green tints on the leaf edges depending on the plant and the amount of sunlight.

Purchase Red Lion Sempervivum

Ghost Echeveria
#4: Ghost Echeveria

The Echeveria lilacina (Ghost) has striking silver leaves that stand out when placed near other green succulents. This loose rosette also does not produce offsets very quickly, making it very happy in the same pot for a while.

Purchase Ghost Echeveria

Topsy turvy echeveria
#5: Topsy Turvy Echeveria

This large succulent has a very unique shape. Silver-green leaves twist into the center of the rosette, leaving this topsy-turvy succulent highly sought after.

Purchase Topsy Turvy Echeveria

Afterglow echeveria
#6: Afterglow Echeveria

Afterglow is another large Echeveria variety. It is characterized by its pink and purple leaves that form a loose, free-style rosette.

Purchase Afterglow Echeveria

Living stones lithops
#7: Living Stones Lithops

Known as “Living Stones”, Lithops are one of the coolest, trending succulents of the decade! As they grow, they produce a large flower in the middle of their two leaves, then they go dormant for several months, sometimes completely receding back into the soil. If you want an ultra low-maintenance succulent, then this is right for you!

Purchase Living Stones Lithops

Venosa haworthia
#8: Venosa Haworthia

This triangular succulent is sure to make a statement with its green, webbed leaves. It is also a fast producer of offsets, giving you plenty of little plants to either add to your collection or to gift to a friend.

Purchase Venosa Haworthia

Cubic frost echeveria
#9: Cubic Frost Echeveria

Cubic Frost is a soft pink succulent with wedge-shaped leaves. It also grows relatively fast for a succulent, making it perfect for the impatient gardener!

Purchase Cubic Frost Echeveria

Black knight echeveria
#10: Black Knight Echeveria

The ‘Black Knight’ Echeveria isn’t your typical soft pastel succulent. Instead, dark green centers fade to black edges! The more sun this plant gets, the darker its leaves… so plan accordingly!

Purchase Black Knight Echeveria

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Mardi gras aeonium
#11: Mardi Gras Aeonium

This colorful succulent shows the best of nature’s paint brush! Yellow and green stripes give way to purple tips on these stunning succulents.

Purchase Mardi Gras Aeonium

seacup variegata aeonium
#12: Suncup Variegata Aeonium

Each Suncup is a unique blend of green variegation on a yellow rosette. It is one of the smaller Aeoniums, but it does readily produce offsets to make up for its smaller size.

Purchase Suncup Variegata Aeonium

elegans echeveria
#13: Elegans Echeveria (Mexican snowball)

The ‘Mexican Snowball’ Echeveria has a dense, thick covering of blue-tinted leaves. These dense leaves remind us all why these succulents are called rosettes!

Purchase Elegans Echeveria

crested frosty echeveria
#14: Crested Frosty Echeveria

This unusual succulent is covered in soft white fur, which makes it a huge favorite! However, it’s name is deceiving as this Crested Frosty actually does not do well in the cold.

Purchase Crested Frosty Echeveria

cobweb sempervivum
#15: Cobweb Sempervivum

It’s no wonder this variety is known as the ‘Cobweb’ Sempervivum. The white threads would be worrisome on any other plant!

Purchase Cobweb Sempervivum

calcareum sempervium
#16: Calcareum Sempervivum

The Calcareum features dense leaves, all tipped with a deep red. This warns people of its somewhat sharp tips, though it’s still a lot safer than your cacti!

Purchase Calcarium Sempervivum

holiday cactus schlumbergera
#17: Holiday Cactus Schlumbergera

Speaking of cacti, this tropical cactus should be treated more like an orchid than a cactus. Long, scale-like stems bear large, bright flowers when given a strict lighting regiment during the fall.

Purchase Holiday Cactus Schlumbergera

mahogany sepervivum
#18: Mahogany Sempervivum

A more open version of the ‘Calcarium’, the ‘Mahogany’ also has red-tipped leaves. But the more sun this plant receives, the darker the leaves will become!

Purchase Mahogany Sempervivum

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violet queen echeveria
#19: Violet Queen Echeveria

The Violet Queen has long, blue-green leaves that take on a pastel pink color on the edges when it gets cold. It also produces offsets rapidly, so be prepared to have several of these cuties!

Purchase Violet Queen Echeveria

Black rose zwartkopf aeonium
#20: Black Rose Zwartkopf Aeonium

‘Black Rose’ is one of the most popular Aeonium varieties. And it’s no wonder! The deep black leaves with the green center is so stunning it makes everyone want to start up a succulent collection!

Purchase Black Rose Zwartkopf Aeonium

kiwi aeonium
#21: Kiwi Aeonium

The Kiwi is one of my personal favorites! Its leaves range from green to yellow to white depending on the amount of sunlight. And to top it off, the edges stay perfectly lined in an almost fruity shade of red!

Purchase Kiwi Aeonium

subsessilis echeveria
#22: Subsessilis Echeveria

For a softer shade of pink, get yourself a Subsessilis! The light pink tips paired with the blue-green color of its leaves makes it a dreamy pallet of soft pastels.

Purchase Subsessilis Echeveria

dinner plate aeonium
#23: Dinner Plate Aeonium

This succulent is named ‘Dinner Plate’ because of its large, flat shape that can get up to 2 feet in diameter! However, under good care it doesn’t stay flat and instead forms smooth, rounded hills of green.

Purchase Dinner Plate Aeonium

lily pad aeonium
#24: Lily Pad Aeonium

When people think of succulents, they usually picture something like the Lily Pad. Thick, fleshy green leaves form a picture-perfect rosette every time!

Purchase Lily Pad Aeonium

doris taylor echeveria
#25: Doris Taylor Echeveria

This furry succulent is the perfect companion to your own furry feline friend! The hard part will be keeping your hands off this little guy!

Purchase Doris Taylor Echeveria

perle von numberg echeveria
#26: Perle von Numberg Echeveria

Perle von Numberg is one of the most widely sold succulents. It’s easy to find this beautiful, pink Echeveria, so pick one up today, or feel free to have it shipped straight to your door!

Purchase Perle von Numberg Echeveria

painted nodulosa echeveria
#27: Painted Nodulosa Echeveria

The Painted Nodulosa is truly a masterpiece of dark green and wine red. And it’s beauty is only improved by the fact that it is one of our succulents that are safe for your cat! Just be aware that this plant tends to grow upwards instead of having a spreading habit.

Purchase Painted Nodulosa Echeveria

zebra plant haworthia
#28: Zebra Plant Haworthia

Zebra plants are easily identified for their white spines that travel up each individual leaf. As they continue to grow upward, they will also produce lots of new offsets at their base. This is why Haworthias are perfect for people wanting to fill their house with succulents!

Purchase Zebra Plant Haworthia

window haworthia
#29: Window Haworthia

The ‘Window’ Haworthia is a succulent that uses its transparent leaves as a window! This allows light to penetrate deeper into its leaves. This zero-waste succulent shows how something can be efficient and stunning at the same time.

Purchase Window Haworthia

blue rosette echeveria minima
#30: Blue Rosette Echeveria Minima

This succulent is one of the small varieties of Echeveria. However, this doesn’t stop it from producing lots of offsets. This succulent fills its pot with little blue rosettes in no time!

Purchase Blue Rosette Echeveria Minima

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chroma echeveria
#31: Chroma Echeveria

Each and every ‘Chroma’ Echeveria is slightly different! Leaf colors can be green, brown, purple, red, or even pink. This little succulent is definitely one-of-a-kind!

Purchase Chroma Echeveria

donkeys tail sedum
#32: Donkey’s Tail Sedum

This Sedum is widely known and loved! Very few people know that it’s actually one of our succulents that are safe for your cats! As if we need any more reasons to buy this beautiful trailing succulent!

Purchase Donkey’s Tail Sedum

raindrops echeveria
#33: Raindrops Echeveria

Raindrops is truly unique with its large ‘raindrops’ that grow on the tips of its leaves! This blue-green succulent can also get pink tips when given lots of sunlight!

Purchase Raindrops Echeveria

That’s it for my list of 33 stunning succulents that are safe for cats! Enjoy your succulents, while knowing that your curious cats are safe! And check out this list of Houseplants that are Safe for Pets for even more ideas!

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them below. Then to get even more awesome tips, join my email list! Every new subscriber gets a free welcome gift!

Then, if you want some more help with your succulents, here’s my post that explains the secret to succulent watering! Here is the answer to How Often Should You Water Succulents?

Happy Digging!

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5 Effortless Indoor Herb Garden Kits

5 effortless indoor herb garden kits cover photo

Wouldn’t you love it if you could just press a button and have all the fresh culinary herbs that you want?! Some people might think this is crazy, but with modern technology, we are pretty close to having fresh, kitchen-grown herbs at just the press of a button! Still seem too good to be true? Well check out these five indoor herb garden kits that truly make growing herbs effortless.

Wouldn’t you love it if you could just press a button and have all the fresh culinary herbs that you want?! Some people might think this is crazy, but with modern technology, we are pretty close to having fresh, kitchen-grown herbs at just the press of a button! Still seem too good to be true? Well check out these five indoor herb garden kits that truly make growing herbs effortless.

As far as Indoor Herb Garden kits go, the two leading brands for ease of use and sustainability are Aerogarden and Click and Grow. While this post does contain affiliate links, this in no way swayed my opinion of these products. These grow kits really are as awesome as they seem! So here are the top 5 indoor gardens, along with the pro’s and con’s of each to ensure you get the one that fits your personal needs!

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#1: Click & Grow Smart Gardens

Click & Grow’s Smart Gardens are simple to set up and easy to grow. Just attach the light, pop in the seed pods, and add water mixed with the provided nutrients. Then when you plug it in, a timer will automatically start, setting you up for 16 hours of lights on, and 8 hours of lights off. This is convenient for people who struggle with setting manual timers, but it might require you to get up early one day if you want it to turn off earlier in the evening.

Click & Grow offers 3-pod systems, 9-pod systems, or a bundled shelving set of 3, 9-pod systems totaling 27-pods. All of the features are the same regardless of size, so simply purchase according to your needs!


  • 3-pod system one of the cheapest indoor garden systems
  • relatively quiet
  • lights blink when low on water (effective reminder)
  • comes with height extenders to make the light taller or shorter
  • automatic 16 hours on, 8 hours off


  • no manual light settings
  • some people have difficulty refilling the water without spilling
  • low water lights (blinking) can be annoying to some people

#2: Tasty Sprout by Aerogarden

This is a unique system as it was a mix of Aerogarden’s indoor systems along with Tasty’s low-cost practical cooking methods. What you get is a small, recipe-driven indoor herb system that appeals to the masses, but only has a few of Aerogarden’s touches.

If you are limited on space, or you want a cheap option to get started with indoor gardening, then this is the kit for you!

Indoor Herb Garden Kit Tasty Sprout by Aerogarden & Tasty


  • Small, 3-pod design
  • Pods sold in recipe packs of southwestern, ranch, Caprese salad, and coctail/mocktail packs
  • inexpensive for an automatic growing kit


  • no manual timing system – run 18 hours on, 6 hours off from time it’s plugged in
  • only 12″ tall
  • made from a light plastic material
  • uses an aerator pump, which some people find to be too loud

#3: Aerogarden Harvest

The Aerogarden Harvest is the most basic of Aerogarden’s indoor garden systems (aside from their Tasty hybrid). That being said, it is still an amazing system! It uses a water pump system instead of an aerator pump, making it run silently when compared to the Tasty Sprout. The Harvest also has several buttons on the front to manually set your light timings. It also keeps track of how many days you’ve been growing, as well as tells you how many more days you have until you need to add more liquid fertilizer (included in purchase).

Overall, this 6-pod system is perfect for anyone who is serious about indoor gardening, but not quite ready to take the leap to one of the more expensive models.

Indoor Herb Garden Kit Aerogarden Harvest


  • Cheapest of the mainstream Aerogarden systems
  • quiet pump system
  • adjustable manual lighting settings


  • plastic build
  • takes up slightly more space than the 6-pod Harvest Elite

#4: Aerogarden Harvest Elite 360

At first glance, this system appears to be only a rounded, metal version of the Aerogarden Harvest. However, the Harvest Elite 360 has a few essential features that left customers feeling glad they made the upgrade.

First, the LCD display makes the system much more user-friendly than the Harvest. For example, you can simply choose the type of plants you are growing (such as herbs or flowers), and it will automatically set up the optimal growth settings for you.

Another game-changer is the vacation mode. By activating vacation mode, your system will automatically shorten the light times and decrease the water usage so you won’t have to worry about running out of water while you’re gone! This system really takes care of you! So if you want an indoor garden system that won’t die during your extended holidays, then you should consider the Harvest Elite!

Indoor Herb Garden Kits Aerogarden Harvest Elite 360


  • LCD display with manual timing adjustments
  • Suggested settings for different plant types
  • smaller than Harvest, but still fits 6 pods
  • Stainless Steel build
  • Vacation mode!!!


  • Several people complained that their LCD display was broken out-of-the-box and they had to get a replacement system from the company (free of charge, but took longer)
  • More expensive than the Harvest system

#5: Aerogarden Bounty Elite

Now this system truly has it all! With a touchscreen display you can connect it to your WiFi and use either your Alexa device or the Aerogarden app to adjust any settings, turn on/off your lights, and check on the status of your plants. The lights are also dimmable with the touch of a button, as well as has a sunrise/sunset setting to slowly fade in or out of the day.

Overall, this indoor herb garden kit has everything you need to be as involved or as hands-free as you want in the growing process! From the suggested settings and vacation mode, to the voice-command lights off, this system is any smart gardener’s dream come true!

Indoor Herb Garden Kits Aerogarden Bounty Elite


  • Touchscreen manual adjust settings
  • WiFi enabled
  • Alexa compatible
  • 9-pod capability
  • Water-level indicator
  • Vacation mode
  • Suggested settings based on plant type
  • Choice to have water and fertilizer alerts sent to cell phone
  • 1-touch light dimmer
  • Sunrise/Sunset mode


  • Takes up slightly more space
  • Most expensive of the Aerogarden systems

That’s it for the top 5 effortless indoor herb garden kits! Honestly, all of these systems require very little setup and maintenance and will have you harvesting your favorite herbs all year long! For some quick inspiration, check out this list of The 5 Best Vegetables to Grow Indoors. And as always, feel free to leave any questions or comments below, including any comments of any experiences you’ve had with any of these machines! Then, make sure to join my email list to get more awesome tips, as well as to receive a free welcome gift straight to your inbox today!

Happy Digging!

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Top 5 Easiest Herbs to Grow Indoors

Ever since I’ve been growing herbs indoors, I’ve noticed that some of my herbs grow lush and beautiful, but some of my herbs have the hardest time indoors. So I did my research to see if it was just me or if others were having problems with specific herbs in their indoor gardens as well. And do you know what I found??? Some herbs consistently do better than others when planted indoors! So if you’re starting an indoor herb garden (or just looking to expand) definitely try out this list of easy-to-grow indoor herbs first! Because everyone deserves to have a big, beautiful, and easy edible garden!!!

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Easy Herbs to Grow Indoors #1: Rosemary

Rosemary is an extremely versatile herb. It is used to create butters, oils, vinegars, and dressings. It can also be used to flavor chicken, pork, or even fish. But my personal favorite way to use rosemary is to cook it into my breads and potatoes! Yum!!!

As an indoor edible, rosemary is extremely easy to grow. The biggest thing to watch for (or the main killer of this plant) is too much water. Especially in the winter when the plant isn’t actively growing. 

For everything you need to know about growing rosemary indoors, check out my post Indoor Rosemary Plant Care!

Easy herbs to grow indoors- Rosemary plant

Easy Herbs to Grow Indoors #2: Oregano

Oregano is a great herb to add into dressings, marinades, and sauces. It adds a homemade Italian taste to almost any pizza or pasta! And what’s the best thing about this herb?! It has a stronger flavor as a fresh herb, than it does when it’s dried. Which means that you can get along with a smaller plant, while still achieving that classic oregano taste!

To grow this herb, it needs to have a lot of sun, and dry out between watering. But don’t put any store-bought plants in your brightest windows ledge right away (unless it is winter-time). Instead, slowly acclimate your plant to warmer temperatures and brighter light by leaving it in the heat for 30 minutes more each day. This will ensure that any greenhouse-grown plant will have the time it needs to adjust!

For more in-depth instructions on how to care for this herb, check out my post, Indoor Oregano Plant Care!

Easy herbs to grow indoors- Oregano plant

Easy Herbs to Grow Indoors #3: Mint

It’s probably no wonder that mint made it onto my list of easiest herbs to grow indoors. If any of you have planted mint outdoors, you’ll know that this herb grows so well it can start becoming a weed! That’s why growing mint indoors can be a great solution for the lazy gardener who doesn’t want to be pulling mint sprigs out of their lawn!

To grow mint indoors, make sure that it gets plenty of direct sunlight. This, combined with a good vegetable fertilizer will help it to grow those large, minty leaves that everyone loves! Then, if it’s starting to die off, simply take some cuttings and root them in straight water! So simple!

For more information on how to grow your own mint plant indoors, check out my post Indoor Mint Plant Care!

Easy herbs to grow indoors- Mint plant

Easy Herbs to Grow Indoors #4: Chives

From eggs to potatoes, and soups to salads, chives are my favorite herb to grow indoors! This is not only because it is easy to keep alive and thriving, but also because it can be put  on almost anything!!!

Chives will need a little more  water than these other Mediterranean herbs. But you still need to make sure that you don’t over-water your chives. A good rule of thumb is to make sure that the soil can get lightly dry in between watering. This will help to avoid fungus gnats and root rot, but still keep your chive plant happy!

To learn more about how to grow chives indoors, check out my post Indoor Chive Plant Care!

Easy herbs to grow indoors- Chive plant

Easy Herbs to Grow Indoors #5: Thyme

Thyme is a great herb to season your soups, sauces, and breads, as well as your chicken, potatoes, and rice. Thyme is also a great source of vitamin C, and has lots of great health benefits!

To grow thyme, the biggest thing you need to watch for is the watering. Thyme doesn’t like to be too wet, especially during the winter when it goes dormant. So make sure that you allow the soil to dry down to the first inch before you water it again.

For more in-depth information on how to grow thyme indoors, check out my post Indoor Thyme Plant Care.

Easy herbs to grow indoors- Thyme plant

That’s it for my list of the easiest herbs to grow indoors! If you are just starting out in your indoor gardening, then make sure to go easy on yourself by starting with one of these herbs first. Then you can add some of the harder herbs to grow as you master the basics! And if you’re looking for more indoor herb inspiration, check out my post, Top 5 Effortless Indoor Herb Kits!

Happy Digging!

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The 5 easiest herbs to grow indoors cover picture

The 5 BEST Vegetables to Grow Indoors

Here is a list of the 5 BEST vegetables to grow indoors. Based off of yield, ease, and practicality!

Whether you’re new to indoor gardening or an expert, it’s always good to know which vegetables you should actually be growing indoors, a.k.a. which ones will give you the most bang for your buck! And let me tell you, I’m not just going to list the vegetables that are the easiest to grow indoors. This is because a lot of people suggest vegetables only because they do well indoors. And strange enough, a lot of people suggest growing radishes indoors. Honestly, I don’t remember the last time I’ve actually eaten a radish! So even if I grew radishes in my home, I know that I still would never eat them.

So here’s my list of vegetables that are most commonly consumed, are easy to grow, and that give you good yields per plant. But remember, make sure that you are growing vegetables that you will actually eat. In the long run, it’s your own preferences that matter most when making this decision.

**Note: This post contains affiliate links, which if purchased, I will receive a small portion of the profits. This helps me to keep providing awesome information to all of you!**

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The Best Vegetables to Grow Indoors – Vegetable #1: Tomatoes

Tomatoes are one of the best vegetables to grow indoors mainly because they are one of the most versatile! You can eat them in salads, on sandwiches, in pastas, or as pastes! Plus, they’re easy to can or freeze for later use. Just make sure to get an ever-bearing variety, as well as give this plant its own plant light. Here’s a plant light review post if you’re unsure of what to get. It might take your tomato plant a while to start producing indoors, but once it does, you’ll be glad you waited!

These are the top 5 BEST vegetables to grow indoors. Just starting out? Choose to grow tomatoes for an ultra versatile crop!

Vegetable #2: Lettuce

Here is another plant that is highly eaten and enjoyed! Lettuce is also one of the easiest plants to grow from scraps! Simply purchase your lettuce of choice, cut off the bottom, and place it in water. Leave it in a cup with toothpicks placed in it to hold the top of the plant out of the water. Then fill the cup with enough water to allow the bottom to be submerged. Start one every time you bring a new head of lettuce home. After a couple of months you should have your endless supply of lettuce!

These are the top 5 BEST vegetables to grow indoors. Just starting out? Grow lettuce from the scraps you're already buying!

Vegetable #3: Green Beans

Beans are one of the easiest vegetables to grow indoors mainly because they require less sunlight than most other vegetables, as well as they can use less space by growing vertically! Here are some ideas for how you can create your own vertical gardens! Another reason why green beans makes by top 5 list is because it’s difficult to eat fresh green beans all year long when they start costing over $4/pound during the winter! It’s much more cost effective to simply grow your own and enjoy them whenever you want! Just keep a constant planting schedule every few weeks and you’ll never run out!

These are the top 5 BEST vegetables to grow indoors. Choose to grow green beans for a small-space crop that you can grow year round!

Vegetable #4: Spinach

If you’re a health nerd (like my husband), or a foodie (like me!) then you’ll definitely want to start a row of spinach. Like these other vegetables, it is also one of the easiest to grow indoors. Then, if it’s growing a bit faster than you can eat it, spinach can easily be frozen, or added to sauces, entrees, or appetizers on the fly!

These are the top 5 BEST vegetables to grow indoors. Just starting out? Grow spinach for an easy to grow choice!

Vegetable #5: Peppers

Although peppers take a bit longer to grow, and will also need a plant light, they are definitely a popular plant to grow indoors. This is because they are not only super versatile and can be added to many dishes, but you can also custom grow your peppers according to your temperature preferences! Whether you prefer bell peppers, jalapenos, ghost peppers, or chili peppers, the method of growing is all the same. So wow your friends with your home-grown pepper collection, and spice up your life! Just make sure that you keep them in a big enough pot, and they’ll reward you with large peppers!

These are the top 5 BEST vegetables to grow indoors. Just starting out? Grow peppers to get your spicy fix.

These are my recommendations for the best vegetables to grow indoors. For more information on growing plants indoors, be sure to sign up for my email list and enjoy a free welcome gift! Then let me know in the comments below if you’ve tried growing any of these plants, and let me know how it goes! I love hearing from all of you!

*Note: For sun requirements of any of these plants, check out my free reference guide at How Much Sun Does my Plant Need?!

Happy Digging!

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Gifts for a Plant Lover: 10 Unique Gift Ideas!

Unsure of what to buy for that special plant lover in your life? Check out one of these 10 unique gift ideas! The perfect gift for any plant person!

Sometimes shopping for plant lovers can be difficult. Especially if you aren’t a plant-lover yourself, it can all be somewhat confusing. So I put together this list of 10 items that would all make a GREAT gift for a plant lover. Show them that you really care!

**Note: This post contains affiliate links, which if purchased, I will receive a portion of the profits. This helps me to keep providing awesome information to all of you!**

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Face Plant/Glasses Holder

This is one of my FAVORITE pot ideas ever! Not only fun, but this pot is also very practical for those who wear glasses (I get it… I wore glasses my entire childhood…) Plus, pot it up with one of the best air-purifying plants, and your plant-lover friend will not only have a place for their special set of glasses or sunglasses, but they will also sleep better! It’s a win, win, win!!!

Gifts for a Plant Lover: 1 - Face Pot
AeroGarden Countertop Hydroponic Herb System

For all those techie plant-lovers (we know you’re out there!) here’s the AMAZING hydroponic herb grower! This kit includes a set of starter herb seeds (6 pods) as well as the built-in LED plant lights that automatically turn on and off. This system will also remind you when you need to add more water, and when you need to add more plant food! Seriously, this high-tech herb planter makes it IMPOSSIBLE to fail!

Gifts for a Plant Lover: 2 - Smart Hydroponic Herb System
Pink Mini Garden Tool Set

Wondering why someone would need a miniature tool set? Honestly, this mini toolkit can be SUPER helpful. The main uses are in planting, cleaning, watering, and pruning small plants such as succulents, cacti, fairy garden plants, or small bonsai. The pink is perfect for women, but this company also has blue tools as well. Just make sure that whatever kit you end up purchasing, that it includes the mini watering nozzle. Trust me! These watering nozzles are a MUST for small indoor plants!

Gifts for a Plant Lover: 3 - Mini Succulent and Cactus Tool Kit
1-of-a-kind Red Copper Plated Birch Leaf Necklace

This necklace is truly remarkable! It isn’t just made from a mold like other necklaces. The producers hand-pick a birch leaf, press and dry it, remove the chlorophyll, then plate it in red copper. You are buying an actual leaf! Preserved forever in it’s one-of-a-kind design! Be aware… no two necklaces are the same! Sorry about all the exclamation points… I just LOVE this necklace!!!

Gifts for a Plant Lover: 4 - Red Copper Birch Leaf
Vintage Plant Mister

This GORGEOUS plant mister is useful for anyone who owns a palm, fern, or other high-humidity plant. But this vintage mister is also a decor piece for anyone who uses their plants as a design aspect to their home! Leave it on any shelf to add to the decor and to show off to your friends! Such a dazzling gift for a plant lover! 

Gifts for a Plant Lover: 5 - Vintage Plant Mister
Organic Cat Grass Growing Kit

Give your plant lover something to give to their plant loving furry friend! I know cats can cause quite a bit of damage when they snack on your plants… so try giving them something they CAN munch on! Cat grass provides your pet with essential vitamins and minerals that most indoor cats don’t have access to. So get them away from your other plants by treating them with their own scrumptious greens!

Gifts for a Plant Lover: 6 - Cat Grass Grow Kit
Succ without You Pot and Plant

This cute little gift not only comes with the endearing pot, but it also comes with a live echeveria succulent! Spoil that special someone by letting them know you care… and having them be reminded of that every time they water their plant! Oh… so much love!!!

Gifts for a Plant Lover: 7 - Succ Without You Pot
Bonsai Tree Seed Starter Kit

This kit is perfect for any plant-lover who wants to grow a few bonsai trees! This kit includes everything you need to grow 4 different bonsai tree species, as well as instructions that will help you along the way! Definitely a great gift for the more experimental or adventurous plant lover!

Gifts for a Plant Lover: 8 - Bonsai Starter Grow Kit
It’s Not Hoarding if it’s Plants Mug

This is a great gift to give during those cold, winter months! Make your friend/relative/significant other smile with this cute plant mug! For all of us plant-lovers who can admit that they probably have a lot of plants… but still need more!

Gifts for a Plant Lover: 9 - Plant Hoarder Mug
Galison 1000pc Houseplant Jungle Jigsaw Puzzle

This plant puzzle is a collage of over 50 different plants! Bring out your true plant nerd as you challenge your brain with this amazing adult puzzle! Final dimensions are 20″ x 27″. The perfect gift for a plant lover who also enjoys puzzling!

Gifts for a Plant Lover: 10 - Plant Foliage Puzzle

I hope you’ve found inspiration for what to buy for your plant-lover! Believe me… anything from this list will get them smiling and excited! Because there’s nothing more loving than recognizing and supporting each others’ hobbies. So pick out one of these gifts, and let me know how it goes! AND… since I’m really rooting for you… if you haven’t been inspired by any of these gifts, you can find some more gift ideas here!

Happy Digging!

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Low Light Plants for the Bathroom

Low Light Plants For the Bathroom Cover

Today I’m going to give you a list of 9 low light plants for the bathroom! Because, let’s face it, most of us don’t have large, beautiful windows that overlook the ocean from our luxurious bathtubs. Even though are bathrooms are dark, we can still make them feel luxurious with our plant choice! Now the only question is which plants will be able to survive my dark, humid bathroom? Well, here they are…

**Note: This post contains affiliate links, which if purchased, I will receive a portion of the profits. This helps me to keep providing awesome information to all of you!**

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Low Light Plants for the Bathroom #1: English Ivy – Hedera helix

This beautiful vine does great in low light situations. When you choose your English ivy, make sure to choose one with solid green leaves rather than white or yellow variegation. The green varieties do a lot better with low light conditions.

Buy one here!

English Ivy – Hedera helix

Low Light Plants for the Bathroom #2: Nerve Plant – Fittonia spp.

This colorful plant not only looks stunning, but it also prefers indirect light over direct sunlight. But be aware that the lower the light levels, the less bright this plant’s colors will be.

Buy one here!

Nerve Plant – Fittonia spp.

Low Light Plants for the Bathroom #3: Prayer Plant – Maranta leuconeura

The Prayer Plant does surprisingly well in low light conditions and it absolutely loves extra humidity.  Just be sure to place it in well-draining soil as this plant doesn’t like to stay wet.

Buy one here!

Prayer Plant – Maranta leuconeura

Low Light Plants for the Bathroom #4: Rabbit’s Foot Fern – Davallia denticulata

Rabbit’s foot fern is known for its thick, furry roots that make quite a bold statement! And, as all ferns, this plant does well with moist bathroom conditions.

Buy one here!

Rabbit’s Foot Fern – Davallia denticulata

Low Light Plants for the Bathroom #5: Slipper Orchid – Paphiopedilum

The slipper orchid is the type of orchid that does the best in lower light conditions. Imagine having one of these beautiful orchids in your bathroom!

Buy one here!

Slipper Orchid – Paphiopedilum

Low Light Plants for the Bathroom #6: Bird’s Nest Fern – Asplenium nidus

This fern is a personal favorite! I love how the thick, wavy leaves are sure to make a bold, tropical statement wherever they are placed! And, for a fern, this little guy isn’t nearly as messy as some other ferns can be.

Buy one here!

Bird’s Nest Fern – Asplenium nidus

Low Light Plants for the Bathroom #7: Bamboo Palm – Chamaedorea seifrizii

Bamboo Palm does better in low light than any of the other indoor palm trees. It also loves the added humidity found in most bathrooms. This extra humidity will also help keep the leaf tips from turning brown!

Buy one here!

Bamboo Palm – Chamaedorea seifrizii

Low Light Plants for the Bathroom #8: Guzmania Bromeliad – Guzmania spp.

Bromeliads are nice plants to own in that they are slow growing, so they require little maintenance other than watering. They will also look great for years before they have an approximate 6 month long flower, and then they will produce new offsets while the parent plant will decline. This makes them incredibly easy-going plants!

Buy one here!

Guzmania Bromeliad – Guzmania spp.

Low Light Plants for the Bathroom #9: Fancy-leafed Begonia – Begonia spp.

Fancy-leafed begonia needs less light than flowering begonias. And it’s a good thing, too, because with their colorful foliage, these plants can really brighten up any dark space!

Buy one here!

Fancy-leafed Begonia – Begonia spp.

That’s it for my list! Remember, you can get away with placing any plant in poor lighting if you get two identical plants. Simply place one plant in good lighting and the other in the poor lighting, then switch them once a week! This will give each one enough light to stay healthy and still look good. And feel free to leave any questions and comments below! I absolutely love hearing from you!

Happy Digging!

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