15 Fire Resistant Perennials

Looking at making your yard more fire-safe? Check out my previous post on creating a fire-safe yard, and check out this awesome list of fire-resistant perennial plants!

So what makes a plant fire-resistant? Mainly, plants are fire-resistant if they are free of sap or resin that can easily catch fire, as well as they have more water stored in their leaves, making them harder to burn. There are a surprising number of fire-resistant plants available for the landscape, giving you plenty of options for your specific style. However, remember that no plant is fire-proof and can still catch fire depending on fire intensity and weather patterns. But, planting fire-resistant plants will give your home an added measure of protection and might just buy you some needed time.*

Here’s the list!

**Note: This post contains affiliate links, which if purchased, I will receive a portion of the profits at no extra cost to you. This helps me to keep providing you with this awesome information!**

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#1: Coneflower – Echinacea purpurea

Coneflower is not only fire-resistant, but it is also one of my favorites to see in the landscape! Bright purple, pink, and white flowers bloom on long stems that are perfect for cut flower arrangements. They are also low-water and like full sun. Coneflower also attracts butterflies, and is deer resistant. What an awesome plant! (Hardiness zones 3-8)

Get your coneflower here!

#2: Blanket Flower – Gaillardia var.

Blanket flower reminds me of a Native American blanket spread out along the yard. How pretty! Beautiful blooms range in combinations of red, orange, yellow, and gold will fill your space from early summer to early fall. These large blooms attract butterflies and do well as cut flowers on the taller varieties. Blanket flower prefers full sun, but is also low-water and does well in drought conditions. (Hardiness zones 3-9)

Find it here!

#3: Plantain Lily – Hosta spp.

Plantain Lily, also known as Hostas, do well in the shade garden. Ranging in leaf color from blue-green to silver, these hardy perennials are known for their gorgeous foliage. Their flowers are also pretty, but often overshadowed by the patterned leaves. In colder climates hostas will die back in the wintertime, but will send up new shoots in the spring! Just make sure that when new plants are getting established that they stay moist, but not wet. It is easy for hostas to get crown rot if its base gets too much water. (Hardiness zones 3-9)

Get some amazing hostas here!

#4: Trumpet Vine – Campsis radicans

Trumpet vine is a beautiful vining plant that produces orange and red flowers that attract butterflies and hummingbirds. While some people would tell you to never plant trumpet vine due to its tendency to become invasive, it can be controlled if given the time necessary. Regular and heavy pruning, as well as proper placement and care for suckers will keep this fast growing vine under control. Make sure to have a sturdy support, as well as don’t place it near any buildings or have it climb up trees to avoid damage. All in all, this is a very beautiful, fast-growing vine, but needs to only be planted by those who have the time and dedication to keep it under control. (Hardiness zones 4-9)

Find it here!

#5: Columbine – Aquilegia spp.

Columbine is also one of my favorite plants! Flowers come in any color of the rainbow and will bloom all summer long! Plant columbine in partial shade and it will be extremely low maintenance and drought tolerant. These plants are short-lived, but will readily re-seed. New plants will take 2-3 years to flower, but will still produce the unique, clover-shaped leaves of mature plants. In addition to being fire-resistant, these plants are also deer resistant, as well as attract butterflies and hummingbirds. What an awesome plant! (Hardiness zones 3-9)

Find it here!

#6: Lavender – Lavandula spp.

This well-known plant will be very resistant to flames as long as it is kept moist. Lavender is extremely popular due to its natural scent, beneficial oils, and pretty purple or white blooms. What some people might not know, however, is that Lavender is also fairly drought tolerant and attracts butterflies, hummingbirds, and is deer resistant. No wonder so many people have this in their yards! (Hardiness zones 4-8)

Find it here!

#7: Coreopsis – Coreopsis spp.

Coreopsis’ bright yellow flowers are hard to miss! A great self-seeder, most plants are perennials, though they do have some annual varieties available. Once established, these little plants are very drought tolerant. They can also tolerate partial shade, especially in warmer climates. Deadheading spent flowers can prolong bloom time, but if left on, coreopsis seeds are a great source of food for birds during the wintertime! (Hardiness zones 4-9)

Find it here!

#8: Delphinium – Delphinium spp.

Delphinium is often thought of as a somewhat difficult plant to care for. However, with proper care, anyone with the right conditions can grow these amazing stalks of color. Just make sure that your delphinium gets plenty of morning sun, but has some shade in the afternoon, especially in hot climates. Also, make sure that this little guy stays moist. Delphinium doesn’t like to dry out. Varieties include flowers ranging from the classic blue to red, white, and lavender. Make sure that any tall flower stalks are properly staked or else they can easily break off. (Hardiness zones 3-7)

Find it here!

#9: Yarrow – Achillea spp.

This low-maintenance plant is perfect for the fire-resistant yard! With blooms in red, yellow, orange, purple, or white, anyone can find the perfect spot for these drought-tolerant plants. Just make sure to provide full sun and well-draining soil. Deadheading throughout the summer will ensure nearly constant blooms and add lots of color to your yard. (Hardiness zones 3-9)

Check out this yellow variety!

#10: Sage – Salvia spp.

This multi-use plant is great for not only the outdoors, but can also be dried and used in the kitchen! Sage leaves are what is used for the popular seasoning, but plants will also produce white, purple, pink, or blue flowers in late spring. This aromatic plant will also attract butterflies and birds into your garden! So consider this as a great fire-resistant plant that will also give you a great harvest. (Hardiness zones 5-9)

Find it here!

#11: Penstemon – Penstemon spp.

Penstemons are a great drought-tolerant, low-maintenance plant! With stunning purple, pink, blue, white, yellow, or red flower spikes, this plant is sure to draw attention as a specimen plant, or provide a colorful background when planted in groups. Plant in full sun and once established, these tough perennials will only need infrequent, deep watering. These tall flowers will also attract plenty of bees and hummingbirds to your yard. (Hardiness zones 3-8)

Find it here!

#12: Yucca – Yucca spp.

Yuccas are one of the most common desert plants grown in the landscape. Their sword-like leaves come in many shades of greens and blues and can even be variegated with yellow and white. Yuccas produce large white flowers in the late summer and will grow in very poor soil conditions. Just make sure to not overwater as this plant doesn’t like to stay wet. This low-maintenance, drought-resistant plant is perfect for the fire-resistant yard! (Hardiness zones 4-11)

Find it here!

#13: Honeysuckle – Lonicera spp.

Honeysuckle vines are among the same classification as trumpet vine in the fact that they can also become invasive if not properly cared for. Make sure to keep this vine (or groundcover) well contained in a specific area. Then make sure to do some heavy pruning every fall. Honeysuckle also does well in full sun to partial shade, but if the top is allowed to grow too big, it can overshadow the lower vines, causing them to lose some of their leaves and become more of a woody plant. To avoid this, make sure that you thin out the top branches to allow some light to reach the lower portion of the plant. Once this fast grower is tamed, however, you can sit back and enjoy this fragrant beauty! (Hardiness zones 4-9)

Find it here!

#14: Evening Primrose – Oenothera spp.

There are many different reasons to grow this native flower in your yard. Not only is it fire-resistant, but Evening Primrose is also grown for its medicinal and culinary use. Soft pink, yellow, and white blooms open every evening and stay open through the night. They grow well from seed and thrive in full sun to partial shade. This hardy annual (or perennial depending on your climate and variety) is also drought-tolerant once established and the seeds are also edible for human consumption as well as a popular attraction for birds. (Hardiness zones 3-11)

Get some seed here!

#15: Daylily – Hemerocallis spp.

Daylilies are another of my favorite plants! These little guys have thick, grass-like leaves that soften any border in the landscape. Their blooms rise above the plant and show off large, star-shaped flowers that come in thousands of different colors and varieties. Daylilies do well in full sun to partial shade and need only a moderate amount of water. Once established they need very little care besides thinning them out every several years.  (Hardiness zones 3 to 9)

For a colorful collection, get it here!

There’s my list of fire-resistant plants! There are many more than these, I just went with some of the more common plants that are easily found in the local garden center. Just remember that no plant is fire-proof, but that plants listed as fire-resistant will be much harder to get a flame going than other common landscape plants. And for tips on how to create a fire-resistant yard, check out my post here!

Happy digging!

*Note: This is in no way a means of providing insurance against fire. All content is the author’s opinion and is thereby not liable for any damages to any person or property, whether brought about by fire or any other causes.*

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How to Create a Fire Resistant Yard

These past few weeks I’ve been thinking a lot about fire resistant landscaping.

As some of you might know, I was raised in Northern California.

Over the past several months, large portions of Northern California have burnt in some of the largest wildfires ever recorded in the area. It is devastating for the many people who have lost loved ones in these fires. It is also difficult to imagine how many people have lost their homes and all of their possessions over the last several months. I hope that we can all pray for and send our aid to those affected.

Now, this made me think. Northern California isn’t the only area that is affected by wildfires. I hear about fires in Southern California every year. Not to mention all the other fires that happen throughout the United States. So what can we do to help with all of this, as well as to help protect our own homes? We can create a fire-resistant yard!

Let’s help out our local firefighters and create spaces where they can be safe, while they protect our homes and our lives.

*Note: This is not meant to be fire insurance. Fire damage is dependent upon the strength of the fire, as well as the weather conditions. There is no guarantee that your home will not be affected by nearby fires.*

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**Note: This post contains affiliate links, which if purchased, I will receive a portion of the profits at no extra cost to you. This helps me to keep providing you with this awesome information!**

Here’s how to create a fire-resistant yard:

Mark a space all around your home that is at least 30 feet wide. Designate this as the fire-safe zone!

Remove all dead and dying plant material, as well as any trash or weeds that are also flammable. Make sure to rake up all leaves and pine needles and to also remove them from rooftops and rain gutters. Also remove any wood piles from within this 30 foot radius.

Give the plants space! Trim back any tree branches that are touching (leaving a minimum of 10 feet between branches). Trim bushes and grasses to keep space open around them.  Also trim up tree branches to keep space open between tops of shrubs and low-hanging limbs. Make sure that there is also space between shrubs and the sides of the house and that there are no tree branches overhanging the roof.

Consider installing non-flammable hardscape within this area. This would be materials such as pavers, gravel, and stone.

Last, but definitely not least, consider replacing some of your plant material with fire-resistant plants. This doesn’t mean to just plant cactus and succulents (though if it’s what you want, then go for it!). But there are many different types of beautiful plants that are resistant to fire. Check out my list here!

So that’s my list of things to do to make your yard more fire resistant. Let’s do our part to keep our homes, our neighborhoods, and our firefighters safe from wildfires!

Happy Digging!

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12 Best Plants for the Shade

One big problem that I see within landscapes is that dreaded shade circle. Usually people don’t plan for shady areas and end up planting the same grass, shrubs, or annuals in the shady and sunny regions of their yard. Most often, this leaves an area that is full and thriving in one area, then looks like it is dying five feet over. But here is a way to fix it! Remember to plant shade areas with shade-loving plants! What a concept! Don’t know what to plant? Here is a list of some of the more common plants for the shade…

*Note: If you really have no way around re-planting, but are left with dying plants, another alternative is if it is a tree or other plant that is causing the shade, try thinning out the shade. This is done via selective pruning. It is best to hire an arborist to prune large trees, but can also be done yourself if you have the proper experience and safety gear.*

**Note: This post contains affiliate links, which if purchased, I will receive a portion of the profits at no extra cost to you. This helps me to keep providing you with this awesome information!**

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Plants for the Shade #1: False Goat’s Beard – Astilbe

Found in most nurseries as simply Astilbe, this perennial is good for zones 3-9. There are many different varieties available that range from 6 inches to 5 feet in height. They are also available in white, red, pink, purple, and blue varieties. Astilbe does well in partial shade to full shade (though it won’t flower quite as much in full shade). It needs protection from hot afternoon sun as this can cause the leaves to burn. Astilbe also does well in pots that are left in shady areas. Just remember to keep these plants a bit moist as they don’t like to dry out!

Find it here!

Plants for the Shade #2: Hostas – Hosta

Hostas are a very common shade plant. And it’s clear to see why! There are thousands of different varieties of this plant, each one showing off its different patterns and shades of green, yellow, and white leaves. Hostas will also flower, but they are normally planted for their foliage, not their flowers. These plants vary in how much sun they require (depending on the variety), but all hostas will either like partial shade or full shade. Deer do like to much on these plants, though, so make sure to plant deer-resistant plants surrounding your hostas if you are in an area that has a lot of deer.

Find it here!

Plants for the Shade #3: Coral Bells – Heuchera

This is another plant that has very attractive foliage! Coral bells is a hardy perennial (down to zone 3!) and leaves come in colors ranging from red, orange, and yellow to dark green, purple, and near black! These plants will flower late spring to early summer and spent booms can be removed to show off the colorful leaves. Coral bells also does well in pots and are best in part shade to full shade conditions. Make sure to keep them slightly moist (but not drowning!) and enjoy these colorful plants all year long!

Find it here!

Plants for the Shade #4: Sweet Woodruff – Galium odoratum

Sweet Woodruff was originally grown for its sweet, fresh fragrance as well as its medicinal and edible uses. Hardy from zones 4-9, this pretty perennial loves the shade and will bloom from late spring to mid- summer. Reaching a height of only 1 foot, this is a great groundcover for large areas. It is also deer resistant. Be careful, though, as Sweet Woodruff can become invasive. They spread through underground rhizomes, so make sure that the area has a border and that any plants outside of the area is removed every spring. (Photo by Jean Gaffard)

Find it here!

Plants for the Shade #5: Japanese Forest Grass – Hakonechloa macra

This is one of my favorite grasses! This perennial grass not only does well in partially shaded borders and planters, but also does well in partially shaded pots. It has green foliage (and a variety with cream colored leaf margins!) and it will turn red in the fall as it prepares to go dormant. Japanese Forest Grass will also bloom, but flowers are small and inconspicuous. This grass is also deer resistant and slow-growing, making it a great landscape plant! (Photo by Real Jardin Botanico de Madrid)

Find it here!

Plants for the Shade #6: Columbine – Aquilegia

Columbine plants are a great option for areas with partial shade. These plants can tolerate full sun in cooler climates, but need partial shade in warmer regions. This native plant has many different varieties to choose from. So many in fact, that you can find columbine in any color you want! Columbine do have short lives (around 3-4 years), but they will re-seed easily and the new seedlings will produce flowers starting in their second year. There are also drought-tolerant varieties available, making it great for anyone looking to cut back on their water bill!

Find it here!

Plants for the Shade #7: Ferns

Ferns are great for shady spaces! They not only do well in the shade garden, but also thrive in indoor and outdoor pots, making them great for any area that doesn’t receive much sunlight. There are many different types of ferns available, so choose one that is the right size and has the upright or hanging form that you like. Depending on your climate, some ferns may die back in the winter, whereas some ferns will actually be evergreen! And don’t worry too much about your gardening experience… ferns are some of the easiest plants to grow!

Check out this Japanese Painted Fern!

Plants for the Shade #8: Bleeding Heart – Lamprocapnos spectabilis

This shade-loving perennial is also one of the easiest perennials to grow! Foliage and flowers emerge in early spring and plants will thrive in cool, shady locations. After blooming and with the hot summer temperatures, Bleeding Heart will have an early fall and the leaves will turn yellow and die back. These can be trimmed back in preparation for the next spring’s pink and white show!

Find it here!

Plants for the Shade #9: Lenten Rose – Helleborus orientalis

Lenten Rose is one of the most popular shade plants. With flowers available in white, green, red, pink, purple, and even a near black, this plant has a lot of colors to choose from! Lenten Rose can grow in zones 3-9 but will be evergreen in any zone above 5. These late-winter to early-spring blooms are also deer and rabbit resistant, which makes them great for forested regions. They also love the shade and once established, can even tolerate dry conditions. Overall, they are an easy-to-care-for perennial that will make you want to keep planting more!

Find it here!

Plants for the Shade #10: Caladium – Caladium

Also known as Elephant ear, Caladium has very showy leaves that range in colors of greens, reds, whites, pinks, and purples. This plant prefers partial shade and is only a perennial down to zone 9. However, in colder climates, the tubers can be dug up in the fall to be stored in a cool, dry place until the following spring. Caladiums can also be grown in pots for easily placing indoors during the winter. Though Caladiums require a bit more care, their bright, colorful leaves are definitely worth the extra effort!

Find it here!

Plants for the Shade #11: Hydrangea – Hydrangea spp.

Hydrangeas are an ever-popular plant and it’s no question why! These guys do great in partial shade and there are even some varieties that are more tolerant to full shade. Their great, big bundles of blooms are either white, green, or the famous blue (in acidic soil) and pink (in alkaline soil). There are also hydrangeas that do well from zones 3-9, thus making it the perfect option for many people in various climates. Just make sure that they receive a bit of attention during the winter to ensure their safety!

Find it here!

Plants for the Shade #12: Mondo Grass – Ophiopogon japonicus

Mondo grass is also very popular in the landscape. With both green and black varieties, Mondo grass can be grown in borders, planters, pots, or even as a lawn! It can tolerate full sun, but will have a darker color in partial shade. This is perfect for areas that are a mix of sun and shade. This perennial grow only 6 to 10 inches tall, making it perfect for a low border, or to add an additional layer to planting beds! (Photo by brewbooks)

Find it here!

There’s my list of 12 plants for the shade! There are many more perennial plants that can tolerate the shade, but I tried to keep it to plants that are more common and readily available at any local nursery. And if you live in warmer zones, or are okay with an annual, check out my list of 14 Coleus Varieties for the Shade! Then feel free to comment about any of these plants, as well as any other plants that you have found to be successful in your own shade garden!

Happy digging!

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Landscaping 101: Designing your Yard in 10 Basic Steps

For most people, designing their yard can seem like a daunting task. Where to begin? What to include? How much will it cost? These are all great questions that can leave homeowners scratching their heads and delaying their plans. But don’t worry. It’s easy to create a DIY yard design. Just follow these 10 steps, and you’ll have a basic yard design down in no time!

*Note: If these steps seem too complicated for you, then you can always hire a landscape designer to create a design for you. They are trained to create a functional, beautiful space that you will love. There is no real substitute for a professional!*

That being said… now it’s on to your design!!!

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DIY Yard Design Step #1: Decide what is staying and what is going!

If you have a brand new house with a blank slate, consider yourself lucky and go on to the next step. If not (like most of us), we need to decide what features we like, and what features we want to change up. Check out my post on how to decide which plants to keep! Then also decide what hardscape (all non-plant) features  you want to keep and which ones to trash.

DIY Yard Design Step #2: Make a list of what you want from your yard…

This is the time to really put the brain to work. What do you really want to do in your yard? Do you want to use it for entertaining? Would you use a play area for kids? Or would you simply want it to increase your home’s curb appeal? Do you want a space to sit and relax? Make a list of all the things that you want from your yard. Remember, this is your yard and you want to meet your needs.

DIY Yard Design Step #3: Time to draw…

Get out a sketchpad and draw up a basic sketch of your yard. Then add general areas of where you want everything. Things like Pool Area, Play Area, Sitting Area, and Garden. Put in what you want, but make sure it’s very general and loose.

Next, add in walkways. This makes sure that you have a good flow from one area to the next. Use lots of big arrows to indicate where people will be walking. Then maybe even walk it yourself a  couple of times. Make sure that you don’t feel trapped by anything, or that you have to go around multiple things to get where you want. Add in entrances or exits as necessary.

DIY Yard Design Step #4:  Add in plant areas!

Once again, keep this very general. Don’t add specific plants unless they are already existent. Draw in plant areas and designate places you might want trees, shrubs, vines, etc. This is more for what shapes you want, not for specific plants.

DIY Yard Design Step #5: Keep a budget in mind…

Think of how much you have to spend, then think of what you have planned. This might have you going back and changing up some things, but also try to think of more budget-friendly ways to achieve what you want. Maybe it’s in doing a couple DIY projects instead of hiring it out. (Note: Make sure that it’s something you feel comfortable with, as DIY projects, if done incorrectly, can cost you more in the long run…)

Also consider completing things in sections (like the play area this year, the pool area next year, etc). And try to get a realistic pricing for everything. Remember, hardscape can cost quite a bit, but purchasing hundreds of plants can also be very pricey. So be realistic and change things up if you have to, but make sure that what you plan is within your budget.

DIY Yard Design Step #6: Look for Inspiration!

Now that you have your general areas in mind, as well as a price range set, start looking around for ideas! My personal favorite is Pinterest, but there are plenty of ways to collect ideas, such as in magazines, local nurseries, or even a stroll around your own neighborhood. Make sure you get lots of different ideas together and decide on your overall style. This will help in the next steps…

DIY Yard Design: Look for Inspiration

DIY Yard Design Step #7: Think of water…

Water has become quite a hot topic over the last several years. Plan in what existing water lines you have and which ones you will need to change. Also designate water areas (low-water, medium-water, and high-water areas). This will help keep down water costs in the future.

DIY Yard Design: Think of Water Needs

DIY Yard Design Step #8: Plan out the hardscape…

Keeping in mind your budget and your style, decide what materials you want to use, as well as the exact shapes. This is the time to define the overall lines in your yard, whether it is curvy and loose, or straight and modern. The hardscape is what will generally be the most permanent, so plan wisely.

For some hardscape inspiration, check out Belgard’s Inspiration Gallery!

DIY Yard Design: Plan the hardscape

DIY Yard Design Step #9: Plan out the softscape (the plants)…

Keep in mind the watering zones you set in step #7… Then consider sun requirements. You will have some sunny areas, some shady areas, and some in-between. Also check your hardiness zone to see what plants will survive your climate. Once you have it all looked up, choose specific plants that fit the requirements for each space.

Look around at what plants do well in your area. Check out local nurseries to see what they’re selling. Then make sure that the mature size fits the space, as well as keep in mind any maintenance requirements (to fit your time schedule).

Next, remember to choose fun colors and to mix up the textures of the foliage so you don’t end up with a very bland yard.

All of these things are important when selecting plants to use, so take your time and choose wisely!

DIY Yard Design: Plan the Softscape

DIY Yard Design Step #10: Install and enjoy!

The installation period can take the longest, especially if you’re doing a lot on your own. But I know that in the end you will have a beautiful yard and a space you can truly enjoy!

There’s the list! And remember, if you get too overwhelmed or have any questions, feel free to contact me, or leave a comment below!

Happy digging!

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Deciding which Plants to Keep when Landscaping

We’ve all been there… Landscaping, pruning, or even just doing a bit of yard cleanup… There’s always at least one plant that we’re trying to decide what we should do with it. Should we keep it as is, move it somewhere else, or just finally get rid of it??? This can be a tough decision, but here are some questions to ask yourself that can help you decide…

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Question #1: Do I love it?

We’ve all been there and had that plant that we just couldn’t ever think to get rid of! Whether it’s the beautiful flowers, wonderful smell, or just the memories attached, we have a hard time letting go. It could be the last plant standing in the middle of a complete yard makeover. Or it could be located right where you want to put the pool. Either way, there are ways to work past this…

Consider transplanting, potting, or getting a cutting! This way your beloved plant will still be around, but won’t be in the way of any renovations…

But, if you only like it, then toss it. There will be plenty of future plants for you to absolutely fall in love with!

Question #2: Is it too big?

This is what gets most homeowners. They plant everything perfectly, then three years later, one plant has grown so big it looks like it’s trying to take over the world! If you can trim it back, go for it. But there’s usually a reason why you haven’t gotten to it yet (see my question on time). Or, if it can’t be easily trimmed back without looking garish, then think about removing the whole thing. It’s better to plant something to fit the space than to be battling it for years…

Question #3: Is it in the way?

Most plants that are in the way are just too big, but occasionally we can have smaller plants that are also just plain in the way. This reminds me of my friend who has some bushes lining her front walkway. She keeps them well trimmed, but the walkway is so small that people are constantly brushing into it. Get more than two people on her front step and it gets claustrophobic! So, I suggested… get rid of the plant! Open it up! You should never have to squeeze past a plant or trudge through a flower bed unless you’re retrieving a lost soccer ball.

Question #4: How much time does it require?

Let’s get real here. How much time do you really spend in the yard? Maybe an hour a week? Some people spend more time, some people spend less time. So, if you’re constantly running short on time and not ever getting around to your yard’s To-Do list, then it’s time that you make it easier on yourself. What is taking the most time in your yard? Is it mowing the grass? Edging? Or is it trimming back the hedges? Whatever it is, there are ways to fix it. Consider mixing things up and think of what you can change in your yard to make it less of a burden. I promise you’ll enjoy it much more when you’re not stressed about all those To-Do’s.

Question #5: How much water does it need?

This question has become really important in the last few years. With water prices rising, sometimes we have to ask ourselves if we really want to invest that much money into watering those guzzlers! Consider replacing with low-water alternatives. Or, consider transplanting all the water-loving plants into one area of the yard. That way you can flood the one section without wasting it on the rest of the yard that doesn’t really need the extra liquids.

Question #6: Is it invasive?

Let me suggest this one thing… If it’s invasive, get rid of it. And make sure you get rid of all of it. Now, I realize that there are a lot of invasive plants that people absolutely love. These plants are fine to grow if you know what you’re doing.

First off, know how it spreads. If it spreads through the roots, consider planting in pots or in designated beds that are separated by concrete. Believe me, invasive root systems can be a pain to get rid of if they have time to get established.

If they spread through seed, however, be considerate of neighbors and don’t plant it where it can spread to other yards. Also try to stay up with the pre-emergent herbicides to keep those seeds from spreading.

This is why I suggest just getting rid of it. If the plant has invasive tendencies, then either take it out once and for all, or make sure that you have the time available to properly care for your plant.

Question #7: How well is it doing?

If your plant is thriving where it is, then don’t worry about it. But if it is looking like it’s been having a rough time, consider either transplanting it or getting rid of it. Sometimes a plant can do better in either a sunnier location, or one that gets a bit more shade. Other times, it might be right on the edge of surviving the cold winters or hot summers and might do best in a pot where it can be moved indoors in extreme weather. Or, if it is just not doing well and there are other problems with it (like you don’t really love it, or it’s in the way, etc…) then just get rid of it.

I hope this list helped you to determine what to do with the plants in your yard. And remember, not all plants are the same. Just like not all people are the same. A person has groups that they get along with and groups that they can’t stand! It’s the same with plants. If you are having bad thoughts about a particular plant, then consider replacing it with something that works better. If you do your research, then odds are that you’ll find a replacement plant that you absolutely love! And that’s what you deserve… a yard filled with things that you love.

And for more awesome tips on landscaping, check out my post, Designing your Yard in 10 Easy Steps!

Happy digging!

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