Spider plants are sold as attractive, easy-to-care-for houseplants. And sure, they are easy to care for as long as you know what they want! But if you give them what they want then they will reward yo with beautiful foliage and endless additional plantlets for years to come!
Don’t have an amazing spider plant yet?! Get one here!
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Spider Plant Care: Light Requirements
Spider plant can do well in moderate to bright light but do not place it in direct sunlight, or the leaves will burn. If the leaves are starting to turn a white-yellow color, this is an indication that the plant is receiving too much sunlight and it should be immediately moved to a location with less light.

Spider Plant Care: Water Requirements
During the spring and summer, spider plant should be kept lightly moist. This means that you should lightly water your plant when the top of the soil feels dry. It would also do well in a self-watering pot or with a watering globe.
During the fall and winter when this plant stops actively growing, watering should be limited to only when the soil has become dry. To do this, stick your finger into the soil and if the soil feels dry down to a depth of 1 inch (2.5 cm), then it is time to water. If the soil still feels a bit moist, then do not water it yet.

Additional Tips
Spider plants are sensitive to fluoride in the water. If watered with fluoridated water, the leaf tips will turn brown. If this is happening, or if you know that your tap water contains fluoride, then water your spider plant with either distilled water or rainwater.

I hope you liked this post! Spider plant is on my list of easy, low-maintenance houseplants… check out the list here, Top 10 Hard to Kill Houseplants! For more tips delivered straight to your inbox, join my email group! Each new member gets a free welcome guide! And with any questions or comments, please leave it in the ‘comments’ section below!
Happy Digging!
Love to know more about indoor plants
I need help with my peace lily.no matter what I do the leaves keep turning black
Hmmm… black leaves are sometimes a sign of root rot. Can you check to see if your soil is too wet? If you press down on the soil, and it feels wet and spongy, this means your soil is too wet… immediately repot it into dry soil and add some hydrogen peroxide to your plant’s roots. Then water lightly. Let me know if this is what is going on!
Love this.very helpful .