How to Care for Monstera Deliciosa (and grow HUGE leaves!)

Monstera deliciosa, also known as the Swiss Cheese plant, is one of the main tropical plants for every houseplant owner… these indoor plants have become a rite of passage for every serious plant person! This can be a good thing, though, as monstera plants can be relatively forgiving, as long as you know a few tricks. So here is everything you need to know to not only keep your monstera alive and healthy, but to also have it grow large, beautifully fenestrated leaves that you can’t wait to show off to your friends!

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Monstera Care: Light Requirements

Monstera thrives in bright, indirect sunlight. Place your monstera near a window where it can get some natural light, but make sure to avoid direct sunlight, which can cause leaf scorch. This is seen as brown markings that start along the leaf edges. If you don’t have a bright spot in your home where you can put your Monstera, consider using grow lights to provide it with the light it needs. My personal monstera did quite well under grow lights, though if you want those large leaves, then nothing compares to lots of bright, natural light (which is once again NOT HOT, direct sunlight!)

One sign you might notice if your monstera isn’t getting enough light is that your plant’s leaves will be small, and will also start to be long and stretched out. If this is your plant, you would do well to place it in a location with more bright light, as well as consider pruning it back to help it form a sturdy base instead of a long, spindly one. (And make sure to propagate any cuttings at this time too!)

A picture of monstera leaves being sunlit and shadowed

Monstera Care: Water Requirements

Monstera deliciosa plants are considered to need medium watering amounts. This means that they would like evenly moist soil, but make sure to let your plant dry out to the top inch of soil before watering again. If your plant receives too much water, it could get root rot, which would kill your entire plant fast! So make sure that you have a regular watering routine, but that you also use a light, well-draining soil and a pot with drainage holes. This will allow any excess water to drain out of the pot, which will help you avoid any overwatering issues!

During the growing season (usually spring through fall when it gets more light and warmer temperatures), your monstera will need a lot of water. But then, during the dormant season (usually during the winter months), you will need to decrease your watering. Because of this fluctuation in watering amounts it is a good idea for you to always be feeling the soil or use a soil moisture meter to determine if the soil is wet or dry BEFORE adding more water to your pot!

A monstera in a silver ceramic pot on a brown dresser

Monstera Care: Soil Tips

As mentioned above, this houseplant needs soil that drains well. This will help you avoid overwatering and root rot. For this, you should use a light potting mix… something that is specifically made for indoor plants, or a regular potting soil that is mixed with either sand or perlite. If this makes your pot too light, though, (especially if you use perlite), then you can place rocks in the bottom of your pot to keep it from falling over.

A monstera in a cream ceramic on a wooden stool

Monstera Care: Training it UP to Grow

One essential tip for monstera plants is that it NEEDS to be trained up a moss pole! Monstera plants are originally from the rainforests of central america. In its natural habitat, it uses aerial roots to wrap around tree trunks and climb its way to better light conditions high above in the canopy. Only then will it shoot out its large leaves!

This means that you will need to mimic this natural environment by giving it lots of bright indirect sunlight (to make it think it doesn’t need to climb any higher for light), and you will need to give it a moss pole to give it something to attach to. I’ve found that a sphagnum moss pole works the best, and if your plant still needs some help, you can give it some encouragement and wrap its aerial roots around your moss pole. Then secure the roots with plant ties or a bit of string.

Monstera being trained up to a moss pole

Monstera Care: Fertilizer is a MUST!!!

The next thing you need if you want a beautiful plant is you NEED to fertilize your little guy! Be careful not to over-fertilize, but definitely use your fertilizer to the maximum recommended dosage. This will vary based on the strength of your fertilizer, but this usually will have you fertilizing your monstera every 2 to 4 weeks. 

The addition of fertilizer will boost your new growth to become larger with greater fenestrations (or holes) in the leaves. The one caution, however, is that you should only fertilize your monstera during periods of growth. This is usually from spring through fall. Fertilization during the winter can cause chemical burn to your plant.

Close up picture of various monstera leaves

Monstera Care: How to Propagate…

The best way to propagate your monstera plant is through stem cuttings and rooting in water. I’ve found this is the easiest and fastest way to get new plants! First, you need to locate a leaf node. This is usually the junction where a leaf stem attaches to a main stem. It will also have a brown bump on the other side of this junction. This is where a root will form (or might have already started forming!). 

Simply cut off a portion of your stem that includes this leaf node, then place the leaf cutting in water. Replace the water every week or so, and within a few weeks, you should have new roots growing!

propagated monstera on a window seal

Once your roots are at least a couple of inches long, then you can transition your cuttings into soil. Pot your cutting into a well-draining soil mix, and make sure that it stays a little more moist for a couple of weeks while the roots are establishing in the soil. 

Also, when you transition your cutting into soil, you will also need to provide support (since your roots won’t be able to hold the weight of your plant for a couple of weeks at least!). What I’ve done in the past is simply get a few straight sticks and bury them in the pot as well. Then I’ll tie my monstera stem onto the stick. Many different support systems will work, I’ve just found this to be the easiest and cheapest way to provide support.

*Quick Tip: You can also use this time to place a moss pole for your plant to climb! It might not have any aerial roots for a while, but if you’ve got it ready now then why wait, right?!

After a few weeks the root system should be established enough to hold the plant upright without the help of any support. Then, within a few months you should have a plethora of beautiful new leaves, signaling that you now don’t have a cutting… now you have your very own new plant!

a monstera in an ff white pot

*Bonus Quick Tip: You can take monstera cuttings and place them in a decorative vase. Then you will have an attractive, living floral piece in your home! I’ve kept cuttings in a vase for a very long time (aka… MONTHS!) and they do GREAT!!! In fact, they looked so good, my neighbor asked if she could have some to put in her home! So definitely use this to your advantage…

This wraps up my Monstera deliciosa care tips! If you have any other questions, check out the Frequently Asked Questions section below. If this still doesn’t answer your question, then feel free to put up some pics on our Facebook group, Houseplants for Plant Killers! This is where I can personally help you along your plant journey! 

Wanting more, check out my Youtube channel for more awesomesauce plant tips!

Happy Digging!

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Frequently Asked Questions:

Is monstera easy to grow?

Monstera deliciosa is a relatively easy to care for houseplant. This plant does enjoy brighter lights, however, so if you only have low light, then I would recommend purchasing a different houseplant for your space. But if you do have an east, west, or south facing window, then go ahead an treat yourself to a beautiful monstera!

Where do Monstera plants grow best?

Monstera plants (as houseplants) grow best in any location that has bright indirect light and that is not affected by any cold breezes or heavy traffic. It also grows better with high humidity levels, so a bright bathroom would be the first best location. If this isn’t possible, don’t worry. As long as it gets plenty of bright, indirect light it will still do well in your home!

How do you grow healthy Monstera?

Healthy monsteras come from a combination of good lighting, proper watering, frequent fertilizer, and a moss pole (or similar) to allow it to climb. If your monstera has all of these things, then you should have a large, happy plant!

How often should I water Monstera?

Monstera plants should be kept moist, but need to be able to lightly dry in between watering. Watering amount and frequency will depend on your light situation, size of plant and pot, time of year, and type of soil and drainage. Overall, you should be watering about once every week, decreasing to no more than once every two weeks in the winter.

Should I put my monstera outside?

Placing your monstera outdoors can give it access to brighter light conditions, which could help it grow faster and larger! However, make sure that it stays in partial shade and NEVER in hot, direct sunlight. This could burn your monstera leaves. Also, make sure to bring your plant indoors if temperatures ever fall below 50 F or above 100 F to keep your plant safe.

The 31 Best Indoor Houseplants of 2023

Houseplants. The trend that steadily rose with NASA’s clean air study, and has now led us to green walls, urban jungles, and a race for IKEA’s glass cabinets! But whether you’re new to the plant scene, or you’ve been here a while, it’s great to see what kinds of indoor plants are available, trending, and super hot right now. Whether you’re a green thumb or not, you’re sure to find a plant that’s right for you!

So here’s a list of the 31 BEST houseplants of 2023!

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  1. Scientific Name: Sansevieria trifasciata

Common Name: Snake Plant

Starting off strong for the year is the snake plant! Now, there is a reason why you’ve seen this guy everywhere. He comes in lots of different colors, but more importantly, he comes in lots of different SIZES! This means that he can jazz up a living room with his tall, compact vertical lines, or he can sit, totally happy in a small corner of your desk. Snake plants are also extremely low maintenance, hard to kill, drought-tolerant, and do well in low light. I mean, you really can’t ask for more. He’s definitely a teacher’s pet! Here’s all you need to know for Snake Plant Care!

A close up picture of a snake plant showing it's varying leaf designs and color

2. Scientific Name: Aloe vera

Common Name: Aloe vera

This plant has always been a popular plant, but it has seen a huge rise in the interior space. This is in part from the popularity of succulents (Aloe vera plants are a relatively easy succulent to grow indoors). But its popularity has also recently stemmed from the essential oils and home remedies movement. Oh, and as a bonus, it also cleans your air. I mean, how more natural can you get?! This plant literally has healing benefits! And for a bonus, here’s my post on how to care for one of these guys – Aloe Plant Care!

An aloe verya plant used to decorate a window seal

3. Scientific Name: Rhaphidophora tetrasperma

Common Name: Mini Monstera

This “Mini Monstera” isn’t actually part of the Monstera family. Instead, this little guy is an “adopted” monstera due to its deeply veined leaves. But this origin story isn’t why people are raving about this plant… instead, it’s because this plant achieves a very similar look of the monstera, without the size. Which is huge!!! (Because it’s so small!!!) This means that people who don’t have a lot of space can now enjoy this tropical look as well!

A Mini Monstera decoratively placed on a small table

4. Scientific Name: Zamioculcas zamiifolia

Common Name: ZZ Plant

The ZZ plant is the perfect plant for busy, beginner houseplant owners. This low-fuss personality isn’t the main reason why it rose in popularity, though. The biggest selling point of the ZZ plant is its ability to thrive in low light! So if you have a dark corner that most plants don’t like, then consider this guy for the job! Another added perk… it’s also a semi-succulent. So it doesn’t mind the neglect… it actually prefers to dry out a bit!

A picture of a ZZ plant in a white pot on a small table

5. Scientific Name: Platycerium spp.

Common Name: Staghorn Fern

One plant that has risen in popularity pretty fast is the staghorn fern! This is in part because we stopped looking at houseplants as something you put in a pot on the windowsill. No, this fern is a living piece of art, perfect for any focal wall! So if you’re low on space, but still want to green things up, then think vertical with this stunning fern.

A wall mounted staghorn fern

6. Scientific Name: Ficus lyrata

Common Name: Fiddle Leaf Fig

It’s no wonder that the fiddle leaf fig is still one of our most-used houseplants. It seems every modern interior design has at least one of these included. We, in turn, are trained to see this indoor tree as a symbol of style and design. And you know what? I’m okay with that. This big guy deserves it! I do predict, though, that this ficus might see a bit of a drop in popularity. That’s because once everyone has one (or several), then stores will stop being able to sell them. Which less demand = seeing fewer in stores. So make sure to stock up now! For information on how to keep your fiddle leaf alive, check out my post, Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant Care!

A Fiddle Leaf Fig decoratively placed in a woven basket

7. Scientific Name: Tillandsia, sp.

Common Name: Air Plants

I’m going to admit… the majority of air plants themselves aren’t the most beautiful plant ever. I mean, when was the last time you saw one of these lying on a shelf? No, what makes these plants special is the choice of holder you place it in. By personally selecting a holder, you have the chance to add a personal 3-D sculpture to your space that is a majestic blend of inorganic and living elements. And to top it all off, you won’t have to sacrifice much living space to do it either! Here’s How to Care for Air Plants, as well as a bonus post I created on How to Water Air Plants… the right way!

Air plants with their ombre shades of green to pink

8. Scientific Name: Epipremnum aureum ‘Golden’

Common Name: Golden Pothos

The Golden Pothos has been a popular houseplant for many years and I don’t think it’s going to go down in popularity any time soon. This is because this GORGEOUS vine is also good at boosting indoor oxygen levels, can do well in low light, and can tolerate a good amount of inconsistent moisture! So if you’re looking for an amazing, easy-to-grow indoor plant, then grab one of these! And, here’s everything you need to know to care for this plant in my post Pothos Vine Care… which includes free printable care pages!

A close shot of a Golden Pothos leaf and its varying shades of cream and green

9. Scientific Name: Epipremnum aureum ‘Marble Queen’

Common Name: Marble Queen Pothos

The Marble Queen pothos used to be overshadowed by its “Golden” big brother. But not anymore! With some modern design trends focusing on clean, white lines, (or lighter shades of just about everything), this white variety of pothos has re-emerged in a big way! Just remember, though, that it needs plenty of bright, indirect light in order to keep its white variegation! And if you missed it in the previous clip, here’s everything you need to know about Pothos Vine Care!

A close up picture of Marble Queen Pothos and it's cream and green leaf patterns

10. Scientific Name: Euphorbia trigona

Common Name: Royal Red Cathedral Cactus

The Royal Red Cathedral Cactus definitely lives up to its elegant name! This cactus blends deep purples and reds, giving it a soft, almost tropical look that can be successfully paired with desert plants, as well as tropicals! Either way, this cactus is definitely on my wishlist this year!

A Royal Red Cathedral Cactus in a brown pot

11. Scientific Name: Varies

Common Name: Ferns (Multiple species)

Aside from the Staghorn fern, I thought it was important to mention ferns as a general category. That’s because we’ve seen a HUGE increase in both popularity, as well as the number of different species that are widely available today. Some common ones are the Boston fern, Kimberly Queen, Maidenhair, Rabbit’s Foot, and Kangaroo Paw… just to name a few! If you have high humidity levels, then you should definitely add one of these ferns to your space!

A picture of a boston fern in a green pot

Common Name: Jade Plant

Jade plants have always been popular houseplants, but with the rise of succulents, jade plants are now even more common in our homes. This is as plant parents have wanted plants that require less watering. But it has also come as the Portulacara “jade” plants have become better known. This new type of jade plant has brought more colors and shapes to the previously boring, green Crassula variety. Because who doesn’t want a “Rainbow Jade”?!

A close up pictue of a jade plant and its varying color leaves ranging from green yellow and red

13. Scientific Name: Beaucarnea recurvata

   Common Name: Ponytail Palm

This lesser-known palm tree has become one of the favorites of the bohemian decorating style. With long, curvy leaves that know how to make a statement, the ponytail palm is definitely the free spirit of the family! Just make sure that if you’re displaying this plant in your boho space, that you pair it with an equally fab and trend-setting pot. Do this, and you’ll be sure to have tons of envious friends! (Oh, and be sure to keep your cat away! They love this edible palm!)

A Ponytail Palm being displayed in a black pot

14. Scientific Name: Ficus elastica

Common Name: Rubber Tree

Rubber trees are one of those plants that I can see go either way for popularity. I believe it’s because most people don’t trim their trees, leaving it looking like a tall, spindly stalk of leaves. But if done right, (with pruning and turning), then this guy can actually be a stunning houseplant! Then, add in its super easy care routine to its gorgeous leaf colors, and I could see this guy taking off! Check out how to easily keep it alive in my post, Rubber Tree Plant Care!

A rubber tree plant white pot

15. Scientific Name: Philodendron xanadu

Common Name: Xanadu Philodendron

You know, I’m not really sure why the Xanadu philodendron has become so hugely popular lately. It’s similar to the re-emergence of high-waisted jeans… I just don’t get it. But if you’re a fan of the crinkled leaves, then by all means, go for it! Although it’s not my favorite, I can’t argue with its ability to quickly make any space feel like a chic, urban jungle!

A close up picture xanadu philodendron with its unique leaf ridges

16. Scientific Name: Saintpaulia ionantha

Common Name: African Violets

African violets have been seen everywhere lately, but I’m not sure if it’s the actual appearance of this plant that has caused the popularity, or if it’s just widely sold as one of the few flowering houseplants. Either way, the biggest thing to watch out for with African violets is that you NEED to purchase a healthy plant. If there are any signs of mold or a mushy stem or leaves, then don’t buy it. These plants aren’t always the easiest to keep alive, especially if you buy a sick plant to begin with. But if you do manage to keep this guy alive, then enjoy your flowers for years to come! Here’s exactly how to care for it… African Violet Plant Care!

Flowering african violets in a pot

17. Scientific Name: Aglaonema sp.

Common Name: Chinese Evergreen

Chinese evergreens are one of my favorite houseplants to grow, and it’s not surprising that it’s made the list of the best houseplants! This is because Chinese evergreens come in all different leaf patterns and colors like green, white, red, and even pink! Needless to say, if you want to add a splash of color to your interiors, then this easy, low-maintenance plant is the one to choose!

An overhead picture of a chinese evergreen and its leaf design of various shades of pink and green

18. Scientific Name: Zamioculcas zamiifolia

Common Name: Raven ZZ Plant

The Raven ZZ is the newly-introduced black-leaf variety of the regular ZZ plant. Not only is it a beautifully dark shade, but it’s also a bit more compact and shorter than its also a bit more compact and shorter than its green brother. This, combined with its low light and little water requirements makes it perfect for those small desks or shelves that just need a little extra something!

An overhead picture of a raven zz plant and its leaf design and structure

19. Scientific Name: Spathiphyllum

Common Name: Peace Lily

This plant is extremely popular, and has always been extremely popular. This is because its large, dense leaves can really green up a space fast! And, this plant is very forgiving if you forget to water for a bit. If you see it start to droop, add water, and watch as it springs back to life in no time!

A decorative picture of a peace lily in a pot by a window

20. Scientific Name: Tradescantia albiflora

Common Name: Tradescantia Nanouk

Tradescantias were fading in most indoor plant scenes. Until the Nanouk came along. This pink and cream variety has caused a re-birth for the “Wandering Jew” plant. Now you can see both the pink and purple varieties draping down their hanging baskets along several storefronts. Though, with its difficulty in staying alive, we’ll see if this picky houseplant will maintain its current fame. *Hint: If you have one, give it tons of bright, indirect light, and let it dry out between watering. Don’t keep it too wet, and it will thank you!!!*

Tradescantia nanouk with a purple and green variety of leaves

21. Scientific Name: Hedera helix

Common Name: English Ivy

English Ivy has been a popular houseplant for years! That’s because it’s relatively easy to grow, it does well in low light, and it looks good in hanging baskets, up moss poles, or pretty much anywhere else! Then throw in the several variegated varieties that have been coming out, and there’s just no way to beat this classic houseplant!

A decorative english lily in a pot with its leaves overflowing through the top

22. Scientific Name: Dracaena marginata

Common Name: Madagascar Dragon Tree

The Madagascar Dragon Tree is another classic houseplant that is still found in many homes. However, I’m not sure if this one will continue in popularity for too much longer. It can sometimes be difficult to water (as it is easily over-watered). This is making it be quickly being upstaged by its relatives, the corn plant, the Janet Craig Dracaena, and the Warneckii. Only time will tell if one of these dracaenas will become like the Fiddle Leaf Fig of the Ficus family…

A madagascar dragon tree in a pot next to two empty pots

23. Scientific Name: Haworthia, spp.

Common Name: Transparent Haworthia

Another houseplant that has been popular lately is the Transparent Haworthia, also called Windows Haworthia, or simply just Haworthia. Many social media images have shown off these translucent succulent leaves, causing the succulent community to go green with desire! And, although these leaves aren’t always as see-through in person, these Haworthias are still a stunning piece of nature that every plant lover can show off with pride! And remember, this little guy doesn’t NEED the bright light that it’s brother, the zebra plant loves. The windows haworthia can settle for only morning or evening sunlight. Its leaves are made to optimize light after all!

Close up side picture of a transparent haworthia with great detail of its see through leaf structure

24. Scientific Name: Philodendron ‘Birkin’

Common Name: Philodendron Birkin

Philodendron covers a very large group of houseplants, but the Birkin variety has become extremely popular the last few years. This is in part because it has started to be widely sold throughout the United States as part of the Costa Farms Tropicals collection. But availability isn’t the only reason why people bought this plant. It is also because this plant’s beautiful striped leaves has everyone falling in love at first sight!

A picture of the stems and leaves of a philodendron birkin

25. Scientific Name: Maranta spp.

Common Name: Prayer Plant

Prayer plants have also seen a resurgence in popularity over the past couple of years. The Kerchoveana Minima in particular can be found in most garden centers as it’s large leaves and dark spots make it look stunning and full, even in a small 3 inch pot!

A picture of stems and leaves of the prayer plant with its varying shades of green

26. Scientific Name: Monstera Deliciosa var.

Common Name: Variegated Monstera

There are several different types of variegated Monstera plants, but regardless of the type of variegation, they are all highly sought after… (almost comparable to toilet paper at the start of the COVID lockdown!) Fortunately, growers have caught on to this fad and have been producing even more of these gorgeous monsteras. Which means that you can now find some varieties for just a couple hundred dollars… (talk about the rare diamonds of the houseplant world!!!)

a picture of a variegated monstera of varying colors of green and cream potted in a woven basket

27. Scientific Name: Begonia spp.

Common Name: Begonia

While Begonias aren’t new to the popular plant scene, begonias as houseplants has really been coming back hot! Ranging in colors from reds to purples to whites (and don’t get me started on the spotted begonias!), these leaves look like they belong on a set from The Mandalorian! So if you’re looking for something unique, then definitely check out this year’s begonias!

A picture of flowering begonia and its multicolored leavves of shades of pink cream and brown

28. Scientific Name: Calathea spp.

Common Name: Peacock plant

Calathea plants encompass many different varieties and styles that are often called peacock plants, prayer plants, and even rattlesnake plants. But it’s the beautiful markings on these leaves that people just can’t resist! Calathea can be difficult to grow (since it requires lots of humidity) but if you have the right conditions, this plant will be a show-stopper!

A peacock plant with leaves varying from green to purple in a gray pot

29. Scientific Name: Monstera adansonii

Common Name: Swiss Cheese Vine

This Monstera is the vine version of the Monstera deliciosa. The Swiss Cheese vine has risen in popularity as it has a similar look to the Swiss Cheese plant, but it has smaller leaves and an upright or hanging form that is a much better option if you don’t have the space for it’s bigger brother. Talk about houseplants that can fit into small spaces!

swiss cheese plant propagation picture

30. Scientific Name: Stromanthe sanguinea 

Common Name: Tricolor Stromanthe

This is another houseplant that plant lovers just have to add to their collection! With each leaf a different pattern of creams, pinks, and greens, it’s hard to believe that this plant is real! But just be careful, because this little girl is definitely a diva… so I would only recommend it to people who are at least at an intermediate level in houseplant care. For care instructions for this plant, check out this post on Stromanthe Plant Care.

a tricolor stromanthe with special attention to its leaf colors of green cream and pink

31. Scientific Name: Cordyline spp.

Common Name: Ti Plant

Ti plants are usually grown outdoors, but they have been recently building in popularity as indoor plants. This is because of their bright colors and the tropical vibes they bring to any space. Just keep them in a sunny window and give them plenty of water (in a well-draining pot of course), and these leaves will stay bright and colorful. So if you want some beachy vibes, then ditch the driftwood, and bring your space to life with a few Ti plants!

an overhead picture of a Ti plant and its leaves varying colors of pink rims and deep purple leaves

This is it for my list of the 31 best indoor houseplants of 2022! If you liked this post, then feel free to share it to your favorite social media platform, or join the Facebook group Houseplants for Plant Killers to get personalized plant care tips and help! Then, for more houseplant ideas, check out my post, 10 Hard-to-Kill Houseplants, to find a list of plants that are perfect for any beginner houseplant parents!

Happy Digging!

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A decorative picture of a plant with the title 31 best houseplants of the year and care info

Top 5 Easiest Herbs to Grow Indoors

Ever since I’ve been growing herbs indoors, I’ve noticed that some of my herbs grow lush and beautiful, but some of my herbs have the hardest time indoors. So I did my research to see if it was just me or if others were having problems with specific herbs in their indoor gardens as well. And do you know what I found??? Some herbs consistently do better than others when planted indoors! So if you’re starting an indoor herb garden (or just looking to expand) definitely try out this list of easy-to-grow indoor herbs first! Because everyone deserves to have a big, beautiful, and easy edible garden!!!

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Easy Herbs to Grow Indoors #1: Rosemary

Rosemary is an extremely versatile herb. It is used to create butters, oils, vinegars, and dressings. It can also be used to flavor chicken, pork, or even fish. But my personal favorite way to use rosemary is to cook it into my breads and potatoes! Yum!!!

As an indoor edible, rosemary is extremely easy to grow. The biggest thing to watch for (or the main killer of this plant) is too much water. Especially in the winter when the plant isn’t actively growing. 

For everything you need to know about growing rosemary indoors, check out my post Indoor Rosemary Plant Care!

Easy herbs to grow indoors- Rosemary plant

Easy Herbs to Grow Indoors #2: Oregano

Oregano is a great herb to add into dressings, marinades, and sauces. It adds a homemade Italian taste to almost any pizza or pasta! And what’s the best thing about this herb?! It has a stronger flavor as a fresh herb, than it does when it’s dried. Which means that you can get along with a smaller plant, while still achieving that classic oregano taste!

To grow this herb, it needs to have a lot of sun, and dry out between watering. But don’t put any store-bought plants in your brightest windows ledge right away (unless it is winter-time). Instead, slowly acclimate your plant to warmer temperatures and brighter light by leaving it in the heat for 30 minutes more each day. This will ensure that any greenhouse-grown plant will have the time it needs to adjust!

For more in-depth instructions on how to care for this herb, check out my post, Indoor Oregano Plant Care!

Easy herbs to grow indoors- Oregano plant

Easy Herbs to Grow Indoors #3: Mint

It’s probably no wonder that mint made it onto my list of easiest herbs to grow indoors. If any of you have planted mint outdoors, you’ll know that this herb grows so well it can start becoming a weed! That’s why growing mint indoors can be a great solution for the lazy gardener who doesn’t want to be pulling mint sprigs out of their lawn!

To grow mint indoors, make sure that it gets plenty of direct sunlight. This, combined with a good vegetable fertilizer will help it to grow those large, minty leaves that everyone loves! Then, if it’s starting to die off, simply take some cuttings and root them in straight water! So simple!

For more information on how to grow your own mint plant indoors, check out my post Indoor Mint Plant Care!

Easy herbs to grow indoors- Mint plant

Easy Herbs to Grow Indoors #4: Chives

From eggs to potatoes, and soups to salads, chives are my favorite herb to grow indoors! This is not only because it is easy to keep alive and thriving, but also because it can be put  on almost anything!!!

Chives will need a little more  water than these other Mediterranean herbs. But you still need to make sure that you don’t over-water your chives. A good rule of thumb is to make sure that the soil can get lightly dry in between watering. This will help to avoid fungus gnats and root rot, but still keep your chive plant happy!

To learn more about how to grow chives indoors, check out my post Indoor Chive Plant Care!

Easy herbs to grow indoors- Chive plant

Easy Herbs to Grow Indoors #5: Thyme

Thyme is a great herb to season your soups, sauces, and breads, as well as your chicken, potatoes, and rice. Thyme is also a great source of vitamin C, and has lots of great health benefits!

To grow thyme, the biggest thing you need to watch for is the watering. Thyme doesn’t like to be too wet, especially during the winter when it goes dormant. So make sure that you allow the soil to dry down to the first inch before you water it again.

For more in-depth information on how to grow thyme indoors, check out my post Indoor Thyme Plant Care.

Easy herbs to grow indoors- Thyme plant

That’s it for my list of the easiest herbs to grow indoors! If you are just starting out in your indoor gardening, then make sure to go easy on yourself by starting with one of these herbs first. Then you can add some of the harder herbs to grow as you master the basics! And if you’re looking for more indoor herb inspiration, check out my post, Top 5 Effortless Indoor Herb Kits!

Happy Digging!

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