The Difference Between Cacti and Succulents (+ Care Guide!)

The difference between Cacti and Succulents Cover Photo

SUMMARY: Succulents and cacti are both drought-resistant plants, but cacti are a subset of succulents with unique characteristics like areoles and spines. While they have similar care requirements indoors, including well-draining soil and careful watering, succulents generally tolerate more frequent watering and lower light conditions compared to cacti.

Hey there, plant lovers! Are you ready to dive into the wonderful world of succulents and cacti? These quirky little plants have taken the indoor gardening scene by storm, and for good reason. They’re low-maintenance, come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, and add a touch of desert flair to any room.

I remember when I first started my succulent collection. I was so excited to bring home my first few plants, but I quickly realized I had no idea how to tell the difference between succulents and cacti, let alone how to care for them. Sound familiar?

Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered. In this article, we’ll explore the key differences between succulents and cacti, and I’ll share some tried-and-true tips for keeping your prickly pals happy and healthy indoors. Plus, I’ll introduce you to some easy-to-care-for varieties that are perfect for beginners.

So, whether you’re a seasoned plant parent or a total newbie, get ready to learn everything you need to know about these trendy, low-maintenance plants. Trust me, by the end of this article, you’ll be a succulent and cactus pro!

*To grab a free succulent care guide, check out my Free Gifts page!

What are Succulents and Cacti?

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of caring for succulents and cacti, let’s make sure we’re all on the same page about what these plants actually are. I know I had a bit of confusion when I first started my collection, so let’s clear things up!

Defining Succulents

Succulents are a broad category of plants that have adapted to store water in their leaves, stems, or roots. This adaptation allows them to survive in arid environments or through periods of drought. The word “succulent” comes from the Latin word “sucus,” which means juice or sap.

Some common characteristics of succulent plants include:

  • Thick, fleshy leaves or stems
  • Waxy or glossy appearance
  • Compact growth habit
  • Shallow root systems

You might be surprised to learn that succulents come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and colors. From the rosette-shaped echeveria to the trailing burro’s tail, there’s a succulent out there for every style and space!

Here's some examples of the many types of succulents and colors there are!

Defining Cacti

Now, let’s talk about cacti. Cacti (plural for cactus) are actually a subfamily of succulents, which means all cacti are succulents, but not all succulents are cacti. Mind-blowing, right?

Here are some key features that set cacti apart from other succulents:

  • Areoles (specialized branch nodes) that give rise to spines, hair, or flowers
  • Spines instead of leaves (in most cases)
  • Cylindrical or spherical stems
  • Ribbed or tubercled surface texture

Cacti are native to the Americas and have adapted to survive in some of the harshest desert conditions on Earth. From the tiny, button-like peyote cactus to the towering saguaro, these plants are as tough as they are fascinating!

Picture of cacti variety. Notice the spines, ribbed surface textures and areoles.

Differences Between Succulents and Cacti

Now that we’ve got the basics down, let’s explore the key differences between succulents and cacti. And it’s not just that they come from different plant families. Trust me, once you know what to look for, you’ll be able to tell them apart like a pro!

Appearance and Characteristics

One of the most obvious differences between succulents and cacti is their appearance. While succulents come in a wide range of shapes and sizes, cacti have a more distinct look. Here are some key characteristics to help you distinguish between the two:

  • Leaves: Most succulents have visible leaves, while cacti have modified leaves in the form of spines or tiny, deciduous leaves that fall off early in the plant’s life.
  • Spines: Cacti have areoles, which are small, raised bumps on the stem where spines, hair, or flowers grow. Succulents, on the other hand, rarely have spines.
  • Stem shape: Cacti often have cylindrical or spherical stems, while succulents come in a variety of shapes, including rosettes, paddles, and trailing stems.
  • Flowers: Both succulents and cacti can produce stunning flowers, but cacti flowers typically grow from the areoles, while succulent flowers grow from the end of the stem or between the leaves.

I remember the first time I saw a flowering cactus in person. I was amazed by the delicate, colorful blooms that seemed to appear out of nowhere on the prickly, plant. Growing up, I didn’t even know that cacti flowered let alone flowered so much! It was a beautiful reminder that even the toughest, most resilient plants have beauty within them.

Succulent and Cacti grouped together in pots

Native Habitats

Another key difference between succulents and cacti is their native habitats. While both groups of plants have adapted to survive in arid conditions and environments, they have evolved in different parts of the world.

  • Succulents: Succulents are found on every continent except Antarctica, with the majority of species native to Africa, Central America, and South America. They can grow in a variety of habitats, from coastal cliffs to high-altitude mountains.
  • Cacti: Cacti, on the other hand, are native exclusively to the Americas, with the exception of a few species that have been introduced to other parts of the world. They are primarily found in desert regions, from the southwestern United States to the dry valleys of the Andes Mountains.
Succulents and Cacti on the ground

Understanding the native habitats of succulents and cacti can give you valuable insights into their care requirements. For example, if you know that a particular cactus species is native to the high-altitude deserts of Peru, you can infer that it likely prefers cool temperatures and plenty of sunlight.

Caring for Succulents Indoors

Alright, now that you’re an expert on the differences between succulents and cacti, let’s talk about how to keep your succulent babies happy and healthy indoors. I’ll let you in on a little secret: it’s easier than you might think!

Light Requirements

One of the most important factors in succulent care is light. These sun-loving plants need plenty of bright, direct light to thrive indoors. Here are some tips to ensure your succulents get the light they need:

  • Place your succulents near a south- or east-facing window that receives at least 6 hours of direct sunlight per day.
  • If you don’t have a sunny window, consider investing in a grow light to provide your plants with the light they crave.
  • Rotate your succulents every few weeks to ensure even growth and prevent them from stretching towards the light source.
  • Some few succulents can tolerate medium light (for those north and east-facing windows). These succulents are prone to sunburn when placed in lots of hot, direct sunlight. Check out my list of low-light succulents if you’d like to grow some succulents but you don’t have a lot of light!

I learned the hard way that succulents can be quite particular about their light requirements. I once placed a beautiful echeveria on a north-facing windowsill, thinking it would be happy there. Boy, was I wrong! Within a few weeks, the poor thing had stretched out like a rubber band, desperately searching for more light. Lesson learned: always make sure you are giving your succulents the light they need!

succulent in a ceramic pot with small gravel soil

Watering Needs

Another crucial aspect of succulent care is watering. Succulents are drought-tolerant plants that store water in their leaves and stems, so they don’t need to be watered as frequently as other houseplants. Here’s how to get it right:

  • Water your succulents deeply, but infrequently. Allow the soil to dry out completely between waterings.
  • When in doubt, it’s better to underwater than overwater. Overwatering is one of the most common causes of succulent death.
  • During the winter months, reduce watering frequency even further, as succulents go dormant and require less water.

I’ve found that the “soak and dry” method works best for my succulents. I give them a thorough watering, making sure the water runs out of the drainage holes at the bottom of the pot, and then I let the soil dry out completely before watering again. It’s like giving your succulents a big drink of water, followed by a nice, long nap!

echeveria with water droplets on the leaves

Soil and Potting

Last but not least, let’s talk about soil and potting. Succulents need well-draining soil and pots with drainage holes to prevent root rot. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Use a cactus or succulent potting mix that contains ingredients like perlite, pumice, or coarse sand to improve drainage.
  • Choose pots with drainage holes to allow excess water to escape. Terra cotta or unglazed ceramic pots are great options, as they allow the soil to breathe.
  • Avoid using regular potting soil or pots without drainage holes, as this can lead to waterlogged soil and unhappy succulents.

When I first started collecting succulents, I made the mistake of potting them in regular potting soil. I quickly learned my lesson when I noticed my plants kept dying from overwatering, despite how little I actually watered them. I repotted them in a well-draining cactus mix, and my succulents suddenly stopped dying! It’s amazing what a difference the right soil can make.

Succulent Planter Bowl holding Succulents and cacti

Caring for Cacti Indoors

Now that we’ve covered the basics of succulent care, let’s dive into the world of cacti. These prickly plants may seem intimidating at first, but with a few simple tips, you’ll be a cactus-caring pro in no time!

Light Requirements

Just like their succulent cousins, cacti need plenty of bright, direct light to thrive indoors. In fact, cacti are some of the most sun-loving plants out there! Here’s what you need to know:

  • Place your cacti in a south-facing window that receives at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight per day.
  • If you live in a particularly hot climate, you may need to provide some afternoon shade to prevent sunburn.
  • If you don’t have a sunny enough window, consider using a grow light to supplement your cactus’s light needs.

I once had a small cactus collection that I kept on a north-facing windowsill, thinking they would be fine with indirect light. Oh, how wrong I was! My poor cacti started to etiolate, or stretch out, in search of more light. I quickly learned my lesson and moved them to a sunny south-facing window, where they thrived. (Now I just need to keep my toddler out of them, yikes!)

small cactus in ceramic pot in front of a window

Watering Needs

Cacti are some of the most drought-tolerant plants out there, so it’s important not to overwater them. Here are some tips for watering your cacti:

  • Water your cacti deeply, but infrequently. Allow the soil to dry out completely between waterings, which may take several weeks.
  • During the winter months, reduce watering even further, as cacti go dormant and require very little water.
  • When in doubt, err on the side of underwatering. Overwatering is the number one killer of cacti!

I like to use the “toothpick test” to determine when my cacti need water. I simply stick a toothpick into the soil, and if it comes out clean and dry, it’s time to water. If there’s still moisture on the toothpick, I wait a bit longer. It’s a simple but effective way to avoid overwatering! And if your cactus is too large or if you are risking getting pricked, you can also use a wooden chinese chopstick to test for moisture in the soil! (Or, you can also just get a soil moisture meter…)

small cactus with a large watering can

Soil and Potting

Like succulents, cacti need well-draining soil and pots with drainage holes to prevent root rot. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Use a cactus-specific potting mix that contains ingredients like coarse sand, perlite, or pumice to improve drainage.
  • Choose pots with ample drainage holes to allow excess water to escape. Unglazed ceramic or terra cotta pots work well.
  • Avoid using regular potting soil or pots without drainage, as this can lead to waterlogged soil and unhappy cacti.

When repotting cacti, I always wear thick gloves to protect my hands from the spines. Trust me, it’s not a mistake you’ll make twice! I also like to add a layer of pebbles or gravel to the bottom of the pot to improve drainage and prevent water from pooling at the base. Just don’t add too much gravel or pebbles to the bottom or you can cause other problems.

For information on how to repot your cacti without feeling like a pincushion, check out my video on how to repot a cactus!

With the right light, water, and soil conditions, your indoor cacti will thrive and bring a touch of the desert flair to your home. Just remember: when in doubt, err on the side of neglect. Cacti are tough, resilient plants that can handle a bit of tough love!

Easy Succulents for Beginners

If you’re new to the world of succulents, you might be wondering which varieties are the easiest to care for. Fear not, my friend! I’ve got you covered with three foolproof options that are perfect for beginners.

Jade Plant

The jade plant (Crassula ovata) is a classic succulent that’s been a staple in households for generations. With its thick, glossy leaves and easy-going nature, it’s no wonder why. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Jade plants prefer bright, indirect light but can tolerate some direct sun.
  • Allow the soil to dry out completely between waterings, and reduce watering frequency during the winter months.
  • Jade plants are slow growers, so they don’t need to be repotted very often. When you do repot, choose a pot that’s only slightly larger than the previous one.

I personally love jade plants as it always reminds me of a rather large jade plant my grandmother kept for years. I still wish I could have gotten a cutting of that plant, but unfortunately I only got my green thumb well after she had sold her house and moved out of the state. So I’ll never have her jade plant… But they still remind me of her every time I see one.

Jade succulent plant in a plastic pot

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is another beginner-friendly succulent that’s known for its medicinal properties. The gel inside the leaves can be used to soothe burns, cuts, and other skin irritations. Here’s how to care for your aloe vera plant:

  • Aloe vera prefers bright, indirect light but can tolerate some direct sun in the mornings or evenings. It can also tolerate some lower light conditions (although if it’s too low, then your plant might stretch).
  • Allow the soil to dry out completely between waterings, and be careful not to overwater, as this can lead to root rot.
  • Aloe vera plants produce offsets, or “pups,” which can be separated from the mother plant and potted up on their own.
  • Try not to move this plant. It adapts well to its location and if you keep moving it, this makes it harder for the plant to thrive.

I always keep an aloe vera plant in my kitchen for those inevitable cooking mishaps. There’s nothing quite like the instant relief of fresh aloe gel on a minor burn, or on one of my kids’ sunburns. Plus, the plant itself is a beautiful addition to any sunny windowsill.

Aloe Vera in a white plastic pot on a window ledge

Snake Plant

The snake plant (Sansevieria trifasciata) is a tough-as-nails succulent that can tolerate just about anything, from low light to infrequent watering. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Snake plants can survive in a wide range of light conditions, from low to bright indirect light.
  • Allow the soil to dry out completely between waterings, and reduce watering frequency during the winter months.
  • Snake plants are slow growers and can go years without needing to be repotted.

I once forgot to water my snake plant for over a month (oops!), but when I finally remembered, it looked just as healthy as ever. These plants are practically indestructible and are perfect for anyone who’s prone to neglecting their houseplants.

So there you have it, folks! Three easy-peasy succulents that are perfect for beginners. With a little bit of light, some well-draining soil, and a touch of neglect, these plants will thrive in your home for years to come.

Snake plant succulent in a white pot

Easy Cacti for Beginners

Now that we’ve covered some easy-to-care-for succulents, let’s talk about cacti that are perfect for beginners. Don’t let their prickly exterior fool you – these plants are just as easy to care for as their succulent cousins!


Mammillaria, also known as “pincushion cacti,” are a genus of small, spherical cacti that are native to Mexico and the southwestern United States. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Mammillaria cacti prefer bright, direct light but can tolerate some light shade.
  • Allow the soil to dry out completely between waterings, and reduce watering frequency during the winter months.
  • These cacti are slow growers and can stay in the same pot for several years before needing to be repotted.

I have a small collection of mammillaria cacti on my windowsill, and I love watching them grow and change throughout the year. In the spring and summer, they produce delicate, colorful flowers that add a pop of color to my home. Plus, their compact size makes them perfect for small spaces!

Close up of a pincushion cactus

Bunny Ears Cactus

The bunny ears cactus (Opuntia microdasys) is a fun and quirky cactus that’s perfect for beginners. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Bunny ears cacti prefer bright, direct light but can tolerate some light shade.
  • Allow the soil to dry out completely between waterings, and reduce watering frequency during the winter months.
  • These cacti have small, fuzzy-looking glochids instead of sharp spines, but they can still cause irritation if touched, so handle with care!

I once made the mistake of touching a bunny ears cactus without gloves on, and let me tell you, those little glochids are no joke! They stuck to my skin like Velcro and were a pain to remove. Lesson learned – always use tongs or gloves when handling these cute but prickly plants!

Bunny Ears cactus in a pot with a blurry background

Prickly Pear Cactus

The prickly pear cactus (Opuntia spp.) is a larger cactus that’s native to the Americas. While it may look intimidating, it’s actually quite easy to care for. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Prickly pear cacti prefer bright, direct light and can tolerate some heat and drought.
  • Allow the soil to dry out completely between waterings, and reduce watering frequency during the winter months.
  • These cacti can grow quite large, so make sure to choose a pot that’s big enough to accommodate their size.

I always remember the prickly pear cactus I used to see growing natively in the southwest. On a particular field trip, we came upon a large group of prickly pear setting fruit. My professor encouraged us to pick one and taste the fruit. And let me say, it’s pretty good! Just be sure to keep your fingers clear of all those spines!

Prickly pear fruit on a large cactus pad

Christmas Cactus

While this indoor plant is classified as a cactus, I wanted to point out that this is one cactus that can grow well in medium light (aka, a lot less than all other cacti!). As a tropical cactus, it prefers to be in humid, moist environments. It is an ideal choice for a bathroom with a window, where it will get sufficient light, while also benefitting from the increased humidity that comes from running the shower. 

For more information on how to care for this plant, check out my post How to Care for Christmas Cactus!

Well, there you have it, folks – everything you need to know to become a bonafide succulent and cactus parent! We’ve covered the key differences between these two types of plants, delved into their specific care requirements, and even highlighted some easy-to-care-for varieties that are perfect for beginners.

I hope this article has inspired you to add a few of these easy, low-maintenance plants to your home. Whether you’re drawn to the vibrant colors of succulents or the striking shapes of cacti, there’s a plant out there for everyone.


The key to success with succulents and cacti is to provide them with plenty of bright, direct light, well-draining soil, and a hands-off approach to watering. With proper care, your plants will thrive and bring joy to your home for years.

Embrace your inner plant parent and start building your own collection of succulents and cacti. It’s an addictive hobby, but a rewarding one. If you ever have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out or join our Facebook group, Houseplants for Plant Killers. We’re all in this together, and there’s always more to learn in the wonderful world of plants!

Happy Digging!

P.S. – To grab your succulent care guide, check out my Free Gifts page!


Here are some of the most common questions I get about caring for succulents and cacti. Trust me, if you’re wondering about it, chances are someone else is too!

How often should I water my succulents and cacti?

Overwatering is the primary killer of succulents and cacti. Water deeply but infrequently, allowing the soil to fully dry between waterings. During the growing season (spring and summer), water every 1-2 weeks. During the dormant season (fall and winter), water every 3-4 weeks. However, adjust the schedule based on factors like plant size, soil type, and humidity.

Monitor soil moisture regularly and water accordingly. Underwatering is preferable to overwatering, as plants can recover from drought stress but not from root rot caused by excessive moisture.

Can succulents and cacti grow well in low light?

Most succulents and cacti require bright, direct light for at least 6 hours daily. Insufficient light can cause stretching, paleness, and spindly growth.

If your home lacks sunny windows, invest in a grow light or rotate your plants regularly to ensure even light exposure.

Like humans, plants need sunlight for photosynthesis and energy production. Provide your succulents and cacti with the bright, direct light they crave for healthy growth and vibrant colors.

What type of soil is best for succulents and cacti?

Succulents and cacti require well-draining soil to prevent root rot. Regular potting soil holds too much moisture. Use a specialized cactus and succulent potting mix containing perlite, pumice, or coarse sand for improved drainage.

Alternatively, make your own mix by combining equal parts potting soil, coarse sand, and perlite or pumice. Use containers with drainage holes, and optionally add a layer of pebbles or gravel at the bottom for better drainage.

With the right soil and proper watering, your succulents and cacti will thrive indoors.

31 Fuzzy Succulent Plants that make you go “Awww!”

Post Title "31 Fuzzy Succulents that make you go Aww..." with image of panda plant on white background.

Hello succulent lovers! If you’re like me, you can never have enough of these adorable plants in your home. And what’s better than a fuzzy succulent? I’m excited to share with you my top 31 favorite fuzzy succulents that will add a unique and cozy touch to your indoor garden. Whether you’re new to succulents or a seasoned collector, there’s a fuzzy plant out there for everyone. So, let’s dive in and explore these irresistible, tender succulents that will make your heart melt!

What are fuzzy succulent plants?

A fuzzy succulent is a type of plant that exhibits hairy or woolly structures on its leaves or stems, which are often used for water retention and protection from environmental stresses. This characteristic is commonly found in plants belonging to the Crassulaceae, Asteraceae, and Malvaceae families. The fuzzy texture of succulents can range from a light fuzz to dense woolly covering, and can serve as an adaptation to various ecological niches, including arid and high-altitude environments.

These specialized hairy or fuzzy leaves can range in texture from a fine down that is nearly invisible to the naked eye, to a more noticeable fuzziness. You’ll find that touching these plants is an absolute delight, and their fuzzy texture adds a unique dimension to your houseplant collection.

General Care Tips for Fuzzy Succulents

Fuzzy succulents generally require well-draining soil, bright but indirect light, and infrequent watering. They can usually tolerate some direct sunlight, but this is usually not quite as much full sun than their non-fuzzy relatives.

It’s important, though, not to overwater them as their fuzzy leaves can trap moisture among the hairs, which can lead to damage on the leaves and possible root rot. So when watering, make sure to add only a little water, or drain out any excess water from the soil through the pot’s drainage hole.

Then, as with most succulents, fertilizing should be done sparingly, if at all. And only in the summer months. Never fertilize your succulents in the winter months when the plant is not actively growing.

One of the biggest things that sets fuzzy succulent care apart from regular succulents is that fuzzy succulents tend to trap dust on their leaves.  Normally this is taken care of outdoors by the wind, but since we typically don’t have high winds indoors, your fuzzy succulents would need to be periodically wiped down with a dry, soft cloth to remove any dust and debris that has gotten stuck on their leaves.

For more succulent care tips, check out my post on Taking Care of Succulents!

*Note: This post may contain affiliate links, which if purchased, I may receive a portion of the profits. This allows me to keep providing awesome information for you!*

1. Kalanchoe tomentosa

Kalanchoe tomentosa, also known as the Panda Plant or Teddy Bear Plant, is a fuzzy succulent that is perfect for plant lovers with furry friends. Its soft, silvery leaves are covered in tiny hairs, giving it a cuddly, teddy bear-like appearance. Not only is it safe for cats, but it also adds a touch of coziness to any space. And, a native of Madagascar, this fun succulent always makes me think of not just a panda bear, but specifically of King Julian from the movie Madagascar! Haha!

Get a Panda Plant!

A picture of a hand holding a pot of Kalanchoe Tomentosa

2. Echeveria Setosa var. Deminuta

Echeveria setosa var. deminuta is a charming succulent with small, fuzzy leaves that resemble tiny sea anemones. This unique plant is known for its rosettes of grayish-green foliage that are covered in fine hairs, adding a touch of softness to its already delicate appearance. Its diminutive size makes it perfect for small spaces or as a feature in a succulent arrangement. It will also easily reward you with a new plant stemming from the sides of each rosette!

Get an Echeveria setosa var. Deminuta!

A picture of a hand holding a pot of Echeveria Setosa var. Deminuta

3. Echeveria Doris Taylor

Echeveria Doris Taylor is a stunning succulent with a soft and fuzzy appearance, reminiscent of lamb’s ear. Its rosettes of thick, powdery blue-green leaves are covered in fine white hairs, giving it a cozy and velvety texture. If it is in a bright, warm climate, this slow-growing plant will bloom in late fall or early winter, producing a tall stalk of delicate peach-colored flowers that stand out against its muted foliage. 

​Get an Echeveria Doris Taylor!

A generic close up overhead shot of a echeveria doris taylor

4. Crassula lanuginosa var. Pachystemon ‘David’

Crassula lanuginosa var. pachystemon ‘David’ doesn’t look like your typical jade plants. Instead, its thick, almost bonsai-like trunk and densely packed leaves can cascade down the sides of its pot more like a Burro’s tail succulent. Its fuzzy, silver-green foliage forms a neat, compact rosette that contrasts beautifully with its woody stem. This slow-growing plant is perfect for bonsai enthusiasts or as a statement piece in a succulent arrangement.

Get a David Crassula!

5. Echeveria pulvinata x setosa

Echeveria pulvinata x setosa is a stunning hybrid succulent with a velvety, soft texture and a rosette shape that resembles a flower. Its leaves are covered in fine hairs that give it a fuzzy appearance, with colors ranging from blue-green to reddish-brown. This slow-growing plant produces delicate pink flowers on tall stems in the summer, adding a touch of elegance to its already striking appearance. It’s an excellent addition to any succulent collection or as a unique gift for plant enthusiasts.

Get an Echeveria pulvinata x setosa!

A generic close up overhead shot of an echeveria pulvinata x setosa

6. Sempervivum Ciliosum

Sempervivum Ciliosum, with the common name of the Eyelash Houseleek, is a charming succulent with a unique appearance that resembles a tiny, green rose. Its compact rosettes of fleshy, pointed leaves have tiny hairs, or “eyelashes,” that protrude from the tips, adding an extra dimension of texture and visual interest. This slow-growing plant produces delicate pink flowers in the summer, making it an excellent addition to any rock garden or succulent arrangement.

Get an Eyelash Houseleek!

An overhead picture of a hand holding a pot of Aeonium Dinner Plate

7. Crested Echeveria Frosty

Crested Echeveria Frosty is a captivating succulent with a unique and beautiful appearance. Its intricately curved leaves form a rosette shape, which is further accentuated by its crested growth pattern. The frosty blue-green leaves have a powdery texture, adding to its delicate and ethereal appearance. This slow-growing plant blooms in the spring, producing tall stems of peach-colored flowers that stand out against its muted foliage, making it an ideal plant for succulent enthusiasts who appreciate rare and distinctive specimens.

Get a Crested Echeveria Frosty!

8. Aeonium Dinner Plate

Aeonium Dinner Plate is a striking succulent with a unique and eye-catching appearance. Its large, flat rosettes of glossy leaves can grow up to 12 inches in diameter, resembling a plate, hence its name. The leaves range in color from green to deep burgundy and have small hairs along the leaf edges. This slow-growing plant produces tall stems of yellow flowers in the summer, making it a perfect addition to any succulent garden or patio where its striking beauty can be admired by all.

Get an Aeonium Dinner Plate!

9. Crassula mesembryanthemoides

Crassula mesembryanthemoides is a charming succulent with a unique and fascinating appearance. Its dense clusters of gray-green, hairy leaves form a dense mat-like structure, making it an excellent ground cover plant. The leaves are triangular and pointed, with a powdery texture that gives them a frosted appearance. This slow-growing plant produces small white or pink flowers on tall stems in the summer, adding a delicate touch to its already intriguing look. It’s an excellent addition to any succulent collection or rock garden, bringing a touch of beauty and diversity.

Get yourself a Crassula mesembryanthem!

A picture of a crassula mesembryanthemoides in a brown pot

10. Crassula congesta ‘Green Beans”

Crassula congesta ‘Green Beans’ is a delightful succulent with a unique and charming appearance. Its thick, green leaves are shaped like little beans and are tightly packed together in rosettes that can grow up to 6 inches in diameter. The leaves have a fleshy texture and a glossy sheen, on their leaf surface, making them look almost plastic-like. Don’t forget to water it though! This slow-growing plant produces delicate white or pink flowers in the summer. This makes it an excellent addition to any succulent collection or rock garden, especially for those who appreciate rare and unusual specimens.

Get yourself a Green Bean Crassula!

Picture of a crassula congesta grean beans in a brown pot

11. Kalanchoe orgyalis

Kalanchoe orgyalis is one of my favorite succulents. It has a unique appearance with elongated, fuzzy, and copper-colored leaves that look almost like they’re made of velvet. The leaves’ edges have a smooth texture that adds to the plant’s charm. This slow-growing succulent produces clusters of delicate pink flowers that add a pop of color to its already striking appearance. It’s an excellent addition to any succulent collection, and the fuzziness of the leaves makes it a favorite of mine to touch and admire.

Get a Kalanchoe orgyalis!

12. Echinopsis subdenudata ‘Fuzzy Navel’

Echinopsis subdenudata ‘Fuzzy Navel’ is a unique and fascinating succulent that I can’t help but love. Its round, green body is covered in tiny white spines that make it look fuzzy and almost soft to the touch. The plant’s spines make it unique and fascinating, and its slow growth rate makes it a perfect choice for indoor gardening. The plant produces large, showy pink flowers that add to its already attractive look. Whether placed on a windowsill or in a terrarium, ‘Fuzzy Navel’ is an excellent addition to any indoor succulent collection.

Get yourself a Fuzzy Navel succulent!

A picture of a echinopsis subdenudata fuzzy navel surrounded by rocks in a black pot

13. Cotyledon Tomentosa – Bear Paw

Cotyledon Tomentosa, also known as the Bear’s Paw, is a delightful succulent with a unique appearance resembling the paw of a bear. Its rounded, furry leaves are covered in tiny hairs, and the tips are adorned with sharp, claw-like protrusions. This slow-growing plant produces delicate, tubular flowers in shades of orange or yellow in the summer, adding a touch of color to its already charming appearance. It’s an excellent addition to any succulent collection, especially for those who love animals.

Get yourself a Bear Paw!

A picture of a hand holding a pot of Cotyledon Tomentosa bear paw

14. Crassula brevifolia

Crassula brevifolia is a perfect succulent for an indoor setting. Its round, fuzzy leaves grow in a rosette pattern that adds a unique and charming touch to any room. The plant’s thick leaves have a soft texture that invites you to touch them, and they’re easy to care for, making them a great choice for indoor gardening. This succulent thrives in bright, indirect sunlight and requires infrequent watering. It’s an excellent addition to any indoor succulent collection, adding a touch of greenery and coziness to your living space.

Get a Crassula brevifolia!

A picture of a hand holding a pot of crassula brevifolia

15. Kalanchoe eriophylla

Kalanchoe eriophylla is a unique and fascinating succulent that can add a charming touch to any indoor space. Its velvety, fuzzy leaves give it a soft and cozy appearance that invites you to touch them. The plant is easy to care for, making it an excellent choice for indoor gardening, and it produces beautiful pink showy flowers that add to its already attractive look. This succulent is perfect for adding a pop of color and texture to your indoor succulent collection while keeping your furry friends safe.

Get yourself a Kalanchoe eriophylla!

16. Crassula mesembryanthemoides ‘Tenelli’ 

Crassula mesembryanthemoides Tenelli is an excellent choice for an indoor succulent collection. The plant’s delicate, fuzzy leaves give it a soft and cozy appearance that adds warmth to any room. It’s easy to care for and doesn’t require frequent watering, making it a low-maintenance choice for indoor gardening. Its compact size and attractive look make it perfect for tabletops or shelves, adding a touch of greenery and elegance to your indoor space.

Get a Tenelli Crassula!

A picture of a crassula mesembryanthemoides tenelli surrounded by soil in a black pot

17. Sempervivum Cobweb Hens and Chicks

Sempervivum Cobweb Hens and Chicks is a delightful indoor succulent that adds texture and visual interest to any room. Its web-like fuzziness and small rosette-shaped fleshy leaves make it a unique and attractive addition to your indoor garden. This low-maintenance plant thrives in bright light and doesn’t require frequent watering, making it perfect for busy plant parents. Plus, its pet-safe nature ensures that your furry friends won’t be harmed if they decide to give it a nibble.

Get yourself a Cobweb Hens and Chicks!

An overhead picture of a hand holding a pot of sempervivum cobweb hens and chicks

18. Kalanchoe tomentosa – Variegated Bear Paw

The Variegated Bear Paw kalanchoe is a striking addition to any indoor collection. Its soft, fuzzy leaves are variegated with cream and green, creating a beautiful contrast. Unlike the original Bear Paw Succulent, this variety has more of a trailing growth habit and can be a great choice for hanging baskets. It’s safe for pets and easy to care for, making it a perfect option for any indoor plant lover.

​Grab a Variegated Bear Paw!

A photo of a kalanchoe tomentosa verigated bear claw in a brown pot

19. Senecio haworthii – Woolly Senecio

The Senecio haworthii, also known as the Woolly Senecio or the Woolly Rose, is a soft, fuzzy succulent that adds a playful touch to any indoor space. Unlike its famous cousin, the string of pearls, this plant has fuzzy, grey-green leaves that are irresistible to touch and pet. This makes it a great addition for anyone who loves tactile plants. Plus, this low-maintenance succulent is perfect for busy plant parents looking for a bit of greenery without the hassle!

Get yourself a Woolly senecio!

Apicture of a hand holding a red pot of senecio haworthii woolly senecio

20. Cephalocereus senilis – Old Man Cactus

Old Man Cactus, with its shaggy white hairs, is a charming addition to any succulent collection. Its soft and fuzzy texture adds a cozy touch to your indoor space. This plant requires minimal care and can tolerate a variety of indoor conditions, making it an easy choice for any level of plant enthusiast. Its unique appearance is sure to bring a smile to your face every time you see it.

Get an Old Man Cactus!

A generic picture of a cephalocereus senilis old man cactus in soil in a brown pot

21. Cyanotis somaliensis – Kitten Ears

Kitten Ears, or Cyanotis somaliensis, is a delightful succulent species that boasts a soft and fuzzy texture reminiscent of a soft, furry kitten’s ears. The plant’s delicate green leaves are adorned with tiny white hairs that give it a cozy and inviting appearance. It’s a perfect addition to any indoor garden or plant collection, adding a touch of charm and playfulness.

Get yourself some Kitten Ears!

22. Kalanchoe tomentosa ‘Chocolate soldier’

This succulent is a Chocolate Soldier, a type of Kalanchoe tomentosa. Its fuzzy, chocolate-brown leaves give it a unique appearance that I can’t resist touching. The main difference between the regular panda plant and the Chocolate Soldier plants is the color of the hairs on the leaves. While the original has green and white fuzzy succulent leaves, the Chocolate Soldier leaves have a more distinct brown hair color, which makes the leaves look more like chocolate… yummm!

Get a Chocolate Soldier!

An overhead shot of a kalanchoe tomentosa chocolate spider

23. Echeveria pulvinata var. Frigida – White Chenille Plant

Oh, the White Chenille Plant, also known as Echeveria pulvinata var. Frigida, is one of my favorite indoor succulents. The fuzzy leaves are irresistible to touch and the plant’s rosette shape is just adorable. Plus, its fuzzy leaves resemble white hairs, and the rosettes form small clumps that make it look like a cute little snowball. This plant thrives in bright light and is easy to care for, making it perfect for succulent beginners.

Get yourself a White Chenille Plant!

24. Kalanchoe beharensis ‘Fang’

Kalanchoe beharensis, also known as the Felt Bush or Velvet Leaf Kalanchoe, is a unique and fuzzy succulent that is perfect for any indoor plant collection. The leaves are covered in soft, felt-like hairs that make them a pleasure to touch. The silver-green leaves have a scalloped edge and are held on tall, upright stems. Then, with the right care, you could possibly see stalks of delicate pink or white flowers blooming from the head of the plant. This makes it a beautiful addition to any succulent collection!

Get a Velvet Leaf Kalanchoe!

25. Echeveria setosa – Mexican Firecracker

Looking for a striking, low-maintenance succulent to add to your indoor collection? Look no further than Echeveria setosa, also known as the Mexican Firecracker. This beautiful plant boasts a unique fuzzy texture and bright red-orange tips, adding a pop of color to any space.

Grab yourself a Mexican Firecracker!

a staged photo of an echeveria setosa mexican firecracker in a black pot

26. Tradescantia sillamontana

If you’re looking for a succulent with a unique texture, you should check out the Tradescantia sillamontana, also known as Cobweb Spiderwort. This plant’s fuzzy, silver leaves give it an almost velvety appearance. It’s definitely a conversation starter, and I love the way it adds a touch of softness to any indoor succulent garden. Just be aware, this can be a picky succulent to grow indoors as it loves lots of humidity!

Grab yourself a tradescantia sillamontana!

27. Adromischus cristatus – Key Lime Pie Plant

The Adromischus cristatus, also known as the Crinkle leaf plant or Key Lime Pie plant, has a unique crinkly texture to its leaves that almost looks like it’s been scrunched up like paper. The fuzziness of the leaves makes it all the more interesting to touch and care for. Its vibrant green color and wavy shape give it a playful, fun appearance that’s sure to brighten up any room. 

Buy yourself a Key Lime Pie plant!

An overhead picture of an adromischus cristatus key lime pie plant in a red pot

28. Aeonium smithii

Aeonium smithii, or the Black Rose, is a beautiful succulent with dark, glossy leaves that almost look black. It’s a bit fuzzy to the touch and adds a nice rosette form to your indoor garden. With proper care, this plant can grow tall and produce stunning rosettes of flowers at the top of the stem. It can be grown indoors as well as outdoors in warmer climates, and is a low maintenance plant that will thrive in a sunny spot with well-draining soil. When exposed to more sun, the red pigmentation in its leaves becomes more vibrant, making it a stunning addition to any succulent collection.

Get yourself a Black Rose Aeonium!

A generic overhead aeonium smithii in a round brown pot

29. Echeveria setosa var. Ciliata

Echeveria setosa var. ciliata is a fuzzy, succulent plant with a unique appearance. Its leaves have hair-like growths that give it a distinct texture, and its pale green color adds to its overall beauty. I love the way it looks in a decorative pot or mixed with other succulents in an arrangement!

Get yourself an Echeveria setosa var. ciliata!

An overhead photo of an echeveria setosa var ciliata in a brown pot

30. Crassula barbata

Crassula barbata, also known as the Bearded-leaved Crassula, is a unique succulent with plump, triangular leaves that are a pale green color. The leaves have a slightly fuzzy texture, which makes this plant all the more charming. This Crassula is a native of South Africa, and as such is a slow grower. But it’s definitely worth the wait for its beautiful rose shape and unique texture.

Get a Bearded-leaved Crassula!

31. Echeveria harmsii

Echeveria harmsii is a delightful succulent with a unique appearance. Its leaves are a dusty blue-green color with a soft velvety texture that is so satisfying to touch. The fuzzy leaves have a striking white outline, and the rosette shape makes it perfect for display in a pot or hanging basket.

Get yourself an Echeveria harmsii!

a generic photo of echeveria harmsii with shades of red and green

I hope this list of 31 fuzzy succulents for indoors has inspired you to add some texture and variety to your indoor plant collection. Remember to always research the specific care requirements for each plant and provide them with the appropriate environment to thrive. With a little bit of love and attention, these fuzzy succulents can brighten up your home and bring you joy and fuzzy feelings for years to come! 

Happy Digging!

How to Choose the Best Pots for Succulents (+5 Faves)

Have you been eyeing a new succulent lately? Or maybe you have a growing collection and just need a new pot? Whether you’re a beginner or a succulent expert, we all need to have one thing right in our succulent care. And that is… we need to choose the right pot!

So what are the best pots for succulents? Today I’m going to tell you exactly what works and what doesn’t work for succulent pots, as well as give you some recommendations of my personal faves. Then if you still have questions, check out my “Frequently Asked Questions” section at the bottom of the page. Or just scroll down to see my top 5 best succulent pots!


Let’s dig in!

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What Makes the Best Pots?

There are three keys that you need to look for in the right container. The perfect succulent pot would consider:

  • Drainage
  • Material
  • Size

Let’s address these things one at a time.

#1: Proper Drainage

Picture of various shapes and sizes of pots

I’m sure you’ve heard it before, but let me stress this fact… succulent pots NEED drainage holes!!!!

Technically, you CAN keep succulents alive in pots without drainage holes by simply adding only small amounts of water at a time. I know, because I’ve done this. But speaking from experience, these succulents never thrive like the succulents that I have in my pots with good drainage. This is because when your pots have proper drainage, you can water your plant as much as you want at each watering and the excess water will simply drain out.

But with pots that have no drainage holes (such as the pretty glass containers they show on Pinterest), these pots will leave you to always be fighting your moisture levels, since one little extra watering could potentially kill your whole plant. Personally, I tend to under-water these succulents to avoid accidentally giving them too much water. But as a result, my succulent plants are never as healthy.

So long story short… get a pot with drainage holes! Just do it!

#2: Pot Material

I would argue that pot material is the least important thing out of the three keys for choosing the best pot for succulents. This is because pot material alone will not kill your succulents.

Terra Cotta/Ceramic Pots

A towering shot of pots next to a pile of dirt

Terracotta pots, or ceramic pots, are definitely the best choice for succulent pots. This is due to the fact that the clay can actually soak up some of the excess moisture, giving your plant a little extra buffer between wet and dry phases. Be careful in the winter, though, as wet ceramic pots (in cold temperatures) can take longer to dry out. This could potentially cause overwatering problems for people who tend to water too much in the winter.

So the best pot material for succulents is terra cotta pots, unless you tend to overwater your plants during the winter. 

Plastic Pots

A succulent in a white squareshaped pot

Plastic pots and plastic containers are also a fine choice for succulents as long as they have sufficient drainage, are heavy enough to not tip over, and are not left outdoors.

Some succulents grow more vertically and can become top heavy. Plastic pots are usually lighter and easily fall over in these situations. To fix this, use sand instead of perlite in your succulent soil mix. This will help to weigh down any tipsy pots!

Next, if you are keeping your succulent outdoors, I do not recommend using plastic pots. This is first because of their higher chances of falling over due to their low weight. Second, plastic pots have a tendency to heat up and dry out faster when exposed to high temperature than clay pots or concrete pots. And third, plastic pots can freeze and deteriorate quickly in very cold climates. This is why I only recommend plastic pots for indoor use.

Metal Pots

Various plants flowering in different colors of pink red and green in metal cans

Metal pots and metal containers usually have the same heat issue as plastic pots. For this reason, you should keep a metal pot indoors only. If you want to move your succulents outdoors, then a good choice would be a terracotta or concrete pot.

Concrete Pots

two succulents in concrete pots

Concrete pots are similar to clay pots in that they are both a breathable material. Concrete pots are particularly good in outdoor spaces where they will be durable and protective to your succulents. Just be sure to keep in mind that real concrete pots can be extremely heavy. This is good for areas that are prone to high winds (especially if you live within hurricane areas), since your concrete planters will be sure to protect your plants when the weather gets tough!

#3: Size of Pot

Pot size is, in my opinion, the MOST OVERLOOKED problem of succulent killers. Because if your pot is too big, your succulent will die!!! 

plants growing in various shaped and sized pots

This is more of a water problem than a size problem. If you have a large pot, then you will have lots of soil that will be wet. This soil will have water where the small plant roots can’t reach. This extra, unreachable water will cause too much moisture to sit for too long and will lead to root rot.

Even with proper drainage, you need to make sure that the walls of your pot are only an inch or two bigger than your succulents’ current pot (on all sides). This is why a lot of succulent planters tend to be shallow pots that can fit a few succulents together in an arrangement, but that are still shallow enough that the small roots can still reach the bottom of the pot.

Potting Multiple Succulents Together

variety of succulents in a singular pot

If you want to pot multiple succulents together in a succulent arrangement or succulent planter, then your best bet is to buy a large, shallow container. Then, make sure that it is stuffed full of succulents! This will help it have enough roots everywhere so you won’t have those pockets of soil that the roots can’t reach…

Pot Recommendations:

  • All-Around Favorite: D’vine Dev Terracotta Pots
  • Best for Shorter Succulents (And Best Value!): Brajtt Plant Pots
  • Best for a Group of Succulents: Kimisty 10 Inch Round Succulent Planter Bowl
  • Best for Hanging Succulents: Mkono 8 inch Ceramic Hanging Planter
  • Best for Large Succulents: Aveyas 6/8/10 inch Ceramic Planter Pot

#1: All-Around Favorite – Terracotta Pots by D’vine Dev

These pots are fantastic because they are not only terracotta pots, but they also have drainage holes, the perfect-fit saucer, a drainage net (to keep the soil from coming out), and a “scratch pad” to put under your pot. This ensures that your pot has great drainage, but also that it keeps your surfaces dry and scratch-free! 

These guys have really thought of everything that an indoor succulent grower needs out of a pot. And that’s why it’s my all-around favorite set of succulent pots!

Plants in various models of the terracotta pots by d'vine dev

#2: Best for Shorter Succulents (And Best Value) – Brajtt Succulent Pots

These white, modern pots are perfect for your shorter succulents that don’t have deep root systems. I love that each pot has a small drainage hole, and they come with a functional, stylish bamboo tray to catch any excess water before it stains your window ledge.

And to get 8 pots for only $14.99 (at the time of writing this post)… that’s an AMAZING deal!!!

12 different example plants potted in the brajtt succulent pots

#3: Best for a Group of Succulents – Kimisty 10 inch Round Succulent Planter Bowl

This planter dish is perfect for succulent arrangements or succulent gardens! It is a glazed ceramic pot with a drainage hole and a plug (to keep your surfaces clean!). It also has a gorgeous, airy stand and white decorative rocks to make your succulent garden go from amateur to professional!

I especially love the size of this planter dish, since most are only about 6” long. With this dish coming in at a solid 10” diameter, (choose the “large” size), it fits a lot of succulents!

various forms of succulents all potted in a singular kimisty 10 in round succulent planter bowl

#4: Best for Hanging Succulents – Mkono 8 Inch Ceramic Hanging Planter

I searched far and wide for the perfect hanging succulent planters, and this is the one that I finally discovered!

It is a sturdy glazed ceramic pot that comes with a removable drainage plug for excess water. It also comes with a rope and pre-drilled holes, so all you need now is a strong hook! This hanging pot is suitable for indoor or outdoor use.

A picture example of a mkono 8 inch ceramic hanging planter

#5: Best For Large Succulents – Aveyas 6/8/10 Inch Ceramic Planter Pot

This sleek, modern pot is perfect for larger succulents! It comes with both a drainage plug and a saucer so you can really control the pot’s drain holes and protect your furniture. This pot also comes with a matching pot stand, a drainage net, and planter filler to add even more drainage to the bottom of your pot!

Your large succulents are definitely going to enjoy being in one of these!

various size colors and glaze of the aveyas 6 8 10 inch ceramic planter pot

Those are my best pots for succulents! If you still have questions, check out the frequently asked questions below, or join my plant community on Facebook, Houseplants for Plant Killers!

Then if you’re looking for your next step in your succulent journey, download my free resource, the Succulent Care Guide!

Happy Digging!

Frequently Asked Questions:

Do succulents need deep pots?

Larger succulents need deep pots, but small succulents would die in deep pots. The trick is to plant your succulent in a pot that is only an inch or two deeper than its current pot. This way, the root system will be able to reach the water all the way at the bottom of your pot.

Do succulents grow better in pots?

Most plants grow better when planted in the ground. However, if your environment isn’t hot and dry, then your succulents would actually prefer to be in a pot, where they will have better drainage and can be brought indoors when it gets cold or damp.

Can succulents stay in small pots?

Some small succulent varieties will stay perfectly happy in their small pots. However, some larger succulents will grow to where they don’t have enough room and will eventually need to be repotted into larger pots. This all depends on your type of succulent and its mature size and growth habit.

Do succulents like to be crowded?

Yes. If your succulents are in a wide pot, they do better if they are crowded. This lessens the possibility of your pot having drainage issues. It also makes the most beautiful succulent arrangements. So feel free to pack them in!

Do you put succulents in plastic pots?

Yes, you can. Just make sure that your pot still has good drainage. Don’t use plastic pots for outdoor succulents, though, as these tend to heat up, dry out, and fall over more than ceramic pots. For indoor use, however, plastic pots will be just fine.

What is the easiest succulent to grow?

There are a number of succulents that are easier to grow than others. These include haworthias, echeverias, and sedums. For a complete list, check out my post 12 Easiest Succulents to Grow Indoors.

How often should you water a succulent?

Generally, you should water your succulents once the soil has become dry, but before it begins to pull away from the sides of your pot. This is usually between every five to seven days, depending on the amount of sunlight, temperature, and season. Check out my post “How Often Should I Water my Succulent” for more details.

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Hanging Succulents

11 Hanging Succulents

I know there are TONS of succulent lovers out there that are looking for fresh ways to display these awesome plants. So why don’t you check out this awesome list of 11 different hanging succulents! Because nothing looks prettier than a succulent that is cascading down the sides of a pot! So take a look at this list and consider getting a few of these hanging succulents!

**Note: This post contains affiliate links, which if purchased, I will receive a portion of the profits at no extra cost to you. This helps me to keep providing you with this awesome information!**

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Hanging Succulents #1: String of Bananas – Senecio radicans

This is one of my favorite hanging succulents! It looks so cute with its glossy banana-shaped leaves! If provided with adequate care, this plant will also produce small, white flowers in the spring that have a slight cinnamon smell.

Buy String of Bananas!

Hanging Succulents 1: String of Bananas – Senecio radicans
Hanging Succulents #2 – Burro’s Tail – Sedum burrito

This sedum is a bit shorter and thicker than its brother, Donkey’s tail, or Sedum morganianum. This sedum is easy to care for and is extremely low-maintenance. It also is easily propagated, so you can start with one, and end up with many of this cute little plant to either keep, or to give away as gifts!

Buy a Burro’s Tail Succulent!

Hanging Succulent - Donkey's Tail
Hanging Succulents #3: String of Hearts – Ceropegia woodii

Hearts-on-a-string is a beautiful vine with heart-shaped leaves. It can be purchased with either green leaves, or variegated leaves. The variegated leaves are rising in popularity as they add plenty of interesting texture to your home!

Buy a String of Hearts vine!

Hanging Succulents 3: String of Hearts – Ceropegia woodii
Hanging Succulents #4: Donkey’s Tail – Sedum morganianum

Donkey’s tail is very similar to Burro’s tail, except that its leaves are a bit more elongated. This gives you more of a thick vine trailing down the sides of your pot. It is a very popular succulent, and for a good reason! This plant looks stunning in a hanging basket! Just make sure to place it in a low traffic area, as its leaves are sensitive and will fall off if brushed against.

Buy a Donkey’s Tail Vine!

Hanging Succulents 4: Donkey’s Tail – Sedum morganianum
Hanging Succulents #5: Ruby Necklace – Othonna capensis

This plant looks a lot like the fishhooks vine, except it is purple! Many people purchase this plant to add a bit of a different color to their succulent collection. And given enough sunlight, Ruby necklace will give you a constant pop of purple!

Buy a Ruby Necklace vine!

Hanging Succulents 5: Ruby Necklace – Othonna capensis
Hanging Succulents #6: String of Nickels – Dischidia nummularia

This is a fun succulent! String of Nickels produces thick, round leaves that will soften up any rough corner of your home. It is also very low maintenance and is easily propagated! So check out one of these cute little guys today!

Buy a String of Nickels vine!

Hanging Succulents 6: String of Nickels – Dischidia nummularia
Hanging Succulents #7: Fishhooks – Senecio radicans

Fishhooks is very similar to String of Bananas, though the actual leaves are thinner, thus resembling a fishhook instead of a banana! This plant is coming back in popularity as the succulent craze is growing. So while you may have a hard time finding it in your local garden center, it is easily found online. And enjoy your cute little fishhooks vine!

Buy a Fishhooks vine!

Hanging Succulents 7: Fishhooks – Senecio radicans
Hanging Succulents #8: Hindu Rope – Hoya carnosa ‘krinkle kurl’

Hindu Rope is a fun plant to have around! Its swirls of vine makes it stand out in any room. And if you give it plenty of bright light and high-phosphorous fertilizer in the summer, then mature plants will produce pink clusters of scented flowers!

Buy a Hindu Rope plant!

Hanging Succulents 8: Hindu Rope – Hoya carnosa ‘krinkle kurl’
Hanging Succulents #9: Monkey’s Tail – Hildewintera colademononis

This plant is actually a cactus, but its needles are actually soft (like a Monkey’s tail!) The plant can grow to around 2-3 feet in length and, when well cared for, will produce beautiful red flowers! And regardless of where it is placed, this plant will definitely make an impression!

Buy Monkey’s Tail Seed!

Hanging Succulents 9: Monkey’s Tail – Hildewintera colademononis
Hanging Succulents #10: Sweetheart Vine – Hoya kerrii

This plant is most commonly sold as a single, rooted leaf. Its growth is slow, but when given time, it will grow into a beautiful vine with heart-shaped flowers. It is also extremely low maintenance and if given proper care, will produce pink balls of flowers! This is a rare succulent vine that will take a while to grow, but it is definitely worth waiting for!

Buy a Sweetheart Vine!

Hanging Succulents 10: Sweetheart Vine – Hoya kerrii
Hanging Succulents #11: String of Pearls – Senecio rowleyanus

Last but definitely not least is the beautiful String of Pearls plant! It has definitely come back in popularity, as its little beads dangle from even the smallest of planters. It is also very easily propagated, so if you buy one plant, you can easily end up with many of them (or send them as a cute gift!) Just make sure to never overwater these succulents!

Buy a String of Pearls Plant!

Hanging Succulents 11: String of Pearls – Senecio rowleyanus

So there you have it! All the hanging succulents you could ever want! And plenty to fill your home with! If you have any questions about these plants, feel free to comment below! Have fun with these awesome succulents!

Happy Digging!

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How Often Should You Water Succulents?

How Often Should I Water Succulents Cover

Hey y’all! So here’s a question that gets asked a ton!

“How often should I water my succulents???”

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And do you know what? I can’t give you a solid number of days or anything because it varies so much!

Some things that affect how often your succulent needs water:

  • air humidity
  • temperature
  • hours and strength of sunlight
  • how large your succulent is
  • the type of pot you are using
  • the type of soil you are using

This is a TON to factor in, huh?!

So how do you know how often you should water your succulents?!

Here’s what I can tell you… (And I promise, it will help!!)

Watering from spring through fall…

This is the time that your succulents will be growing the most. At this time, water your succulent only when the top 1 inch (2.5 cm) of the soil is dry. If you let the soil dry all the way (to where the soil is so dry that it’s pulling away from the sides of the pot), then you’ve let it get too dry. But on the flip side, if you don’t let it dry enough, then you could cause root or stem rot on your plant!

So once again… water ONLY when the top 1 inch (2.5 cm) of the soil is dry. (Or when you stick your finger in the dirt, it doesn’t feel moist at the tip of your finger… then water!)

Winter watering…

This is when your succulent is usually growing less and is using less water. Cool temperatures are also keeping your succulent’s soil from drying out as fast. The key to winter watering is to only add small amounts of water as needed. All we are trying to do is to keep the soil from completely drying out.

Tip: If your succulent’s soil is still fully wet several days after watering, quickly remove it from the soil and re-pot into dry potting soil. After 24 hours, only lightly water.

So there you have it! During the summer, you might be watering your succulent every 1-5 days, but in the winter, you might find yourself only watering a little bit once a week (or even less!) Again, it all depends on your environment and your succulent, but make sure to check the soil moisture levels before you do any watering. Because nothing kills a succulent faster than too much water!

And if you’re still having issues with your watering, just go ahead and buy a soil moisture meter! Simply stick it into the soil, and this cool little meter will tell you how wet or dry your soil is! Just wait for it to get dry, then water! Simple, right?!

Good luck and enjoy your succulents!

And for some easy, low-maintenance succulents, check out my post on the Easiest Succulents to Grow Indoors!

Happy Digging!

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Propagating Succulents

Propagating Succulents: A step-by-step tutorial

One great things about succulents is that they can be easily multiplied into many succulents! This task may seem daunting for people who have never done it before. But with this step-by-step guide you are sure to have success! So get started today and try your hand at growing your very own succulents!

*Note: All of the succulents pictured below were bought from The Succulent Source, where you can buy leaves, cuttings, and full-sized succulents for cheap! My personal go-to for succulents!*

**Note: This post contains affiliate links, which if purchased, I will receive a portion of the profits at no extra cost to you. This helps me to keep providing you with this awesome information!**

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Propagation: the act or action of propagating: such as

  • increase (as a kind of organism) in numbers
  • the spreading of something (such as a belief) abroad or into new regions
  • enlargement or extension (as of a crack) in a solid body

– Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Propagating Succulents from Leaves

Propagating Succulents Step 1: Get Quality Leaves

One of the most critical parts of growing new succulents is to get a good leaf cutting. To do this, gently hold the leaf and wiggle it back and forth until it gently detaches from the stem. Usually lower leaves are a lot easier to remove. It might take a couple of tries before you start getting good cuttings. This is because you need to remove the leaf right at the joint without letting the tip get torn. If some of the stem is attached, this will still work. But if the leaf tip is torn, then your leaf will just shrivel up and die. No leaf stem, no new succulent.

Propagating Succulents from Leaves good and bad example
Propagating Succulents from Leaves good and bad example
Propagating Succulents Step 2: Dry

Leave your leaves to dry (haha!). Do not skip this step! The tear that you have made on the succulent needs time to dry before it is placed in soil or gets wet. This allows it to form a seal around the tear (kind of like a scab). This helps protect the leaf from too much water or from bacteria getting in. Simply leave the cutting out in a location where it will be protected from any direct sunlight. Leave it for about 24 hours before moving on to the next step.

Propagating Succulents Step 2: Dry
Propagating Succulents Step 3: Place on Top of Soil

Some people like to place their cuttings into the soil, but this is not necessary and may actually increase the number of cuttings that rot. By simply placing your leaves on top of the soil, the root will still be able to grow out of the leaf and down into the soil. Make sure that the container is shallow and has good drainage. I use cactus and succulent mix potting soil to ensure that there is good drainage. This also lowers the rate of leaves rotting.

Propagating Succulents Step 3: Place on Top of Soil
Propagating Succulents Step 4: Water

Water lightly for several weeks until roots and rosettes form. I personally use a spray bottle to gently water the plants several times a day. Make sure that the soil dries between watering. Excess moisture will kill your leaves faster than anything else! Once the roots have become established, they can handle a bit more water at a time and you can lower the times of watering to just once a day. Also keep out of direct sunlight and place in a warm location. All of these will help to keep the succulents happy and thriving.

Propagating Succulents Step 4: Water
Propagating Succulents Step 5: Re-pot and Enjoy!

Once the rosettes have formed and the root systems have developed, the new succulents can be removed from the shallow container and planted in individual pots. Make sure that these pots are still small (proportional to their size). As the succulent grows, it can be repotted into larger containers or in group plantings. Enjoy your new succulents!

Propagating Succulents from Stem Cuttings

When you order succulents as cuttings or take cuttings of your own succulents, the process is pretty simple… First you need to let the cutting dry out (just like the leaves). If you had a cutting ordered, it should already have dried enough. Next, you plant in cactus and succulent potting mix and water like normal. It should develop roots quickly. And that’s it! This is one reason why a lot of people like to order cuttings. They are much faster and easier to grow! This is where I bought mine!

Propagating Succulents from Stem Cuttings

Well, I hope you all enjoyed this tutorial on propagating succulents! And be sure to check out The Succulent Source for some awesome, cheap succulents! I got mine in the middle of winter and they’re still doing great! Also, for additional care info, check out my post on Succulent Care Tips! And feel free to leave any additional questions, tips, or comments below!

Happy Digging!

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Taking Care of Succulents

Taking Care of Succulents Featured Photo

Ever struggle with keeping your succulents alive? I know I have. It’s taken some time to understand these plants that have become so popular. This is because indoor conditions don’t naturally support these cute little creations. We need to take special care of succulents to keep them thriving and happy all year round!

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Taking Care of Succulents: Water

The biggest factor for succulent success is proper watering. For these plants, always remember… less is more! Because their leaves are filled with water, they don’t need as much water in their roots. Only water your succulent when the soil is dry to the touch. Also, a huge factor in keeping your succulent from getting too much water is in making sure it has good drainage in the pot. Make sure that your succulent pots have holes in the bottom to let out extra water. Also make sure to use special soil, such as succulent and cactus mix, or regular potting soil mixed with vermiculite. These soils improve drainage and keep your succulent from sitting in water. Because nothing kills a succulent faster than too much water!

Janie over at Succulent Alley has an awesome post comparing the different types of succulent soil. So if you don’t have your own soil yet, definitely check this one out… Best Soil for Succulents!

Taking Care of Succulents: Water

*A way to tell if your succulent is getting too much or too little water is to look at the leaves. If they are getting wrinkled and turning brown, then you need to water more often. If they are staying fat and getting mushy, then your plant is getting way too much water.*

For more information, check out my post How Often Should You Water Succulents?

Taking Care of Succulents: Water

Taking Care of Succulents: Location

Another huge factor in succulent survival is where it is placed indoors. Succulents naturally occur in hot and warm environments. When choosing where to place your succulent think of sunny and warm. These plants need plenty of natural sunlight (from a south-, or east-facing window), or else they will start to stretch. This is the plant’s natural response as it tries to reach for additional sunlight. To keep your succulent healthy, it needs to be placed in a location where it will receive the proper lighting and temperature.

Taking Care of Succulents: Location and example of stretched leaves
Taking Care of Succulents: Location

Taking Care of Succulents: Temperature

One last thing to watch out for is either too much direct sunlight in the summer, or cold drafts in the winter. If your succulent isn’t used to direct sunlight, then placing it in direct, afternoon sun can cause the leaves to burn. Leaf burn looks like brown, purplish patches across the surface of the leaf. If this is happening to your succulent, then immediately move it to a spot out of hot, direct sunlight. What they like best is direct morning or evening sun from an east- or west-facing window. But remember, if it starts to stretch, then it is a sign that it needs more sunlight. There is definitely a fine balance that succulents need.

Taking Care of Succulents: Temperature

Extra Bonus: Watering in Winter…

During the winter, succulents may need to be moved to a more sunny window… but beware of cold temperatures. The first sign that temperatures are too cold is that the water in the pot will take a lot longer to drain. Once this starts to happen, immediately start watering less! Most succulents only need a fraction of their usual water in the winter. The tip to remember here is that in the winter, only water enough to keep the soil from completely drying out. And only add small amounts of water each time.

If the succulent is getting too much water during the winter, then it will start to rot. This is seen when the leaves and stem begin to get mushy. This is the most common cause of death during the winter. Also be aware of your succulents that are placed directly on a windowsill or next to an exterior door. These might get too cold from drafts entering the space. If succulents get too cold, they will freeze. However, like I said before, your succulent is much more likely to rot due to overwatering in cold weather than it is to freeze.

Extra Bonus: Watering in Winter…

Well, those are the main things to help care for your succulent! For information on growing more succulents, check out my post on Propagating Succulents! And for more quick tips on succulents and houseplants in general, check out’s Everything About Plants Q&A!

Let me know if there are any tips or tricks that you’ve had success with, or if you have any specific questions for your own succulents… just join my Facebook group and share! I love to hear from you!

Happy Digging!

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12 Easiest Succulents to Grow Indoors

12 Easiest Succulents to grow Indoors

Hey y’all! So here’s a post I’ve been wanting to write for a while. Mainly because succulents are so awesome, but can be tricky too! When I bought my first succulent, I definitely had to adjust my normal indoor-plant thinking. But once you get a few tricks down, then these little guys can be a breeze! Especially the succulents on this list. This list of the easiest succulents to grow are both easy to keep alive and are the best succulents for beginners!

**Note: This post contains affiliate links, which if purchased, I will receive a portion of the profits at no extra cost to you. This helps me to keep providing you with this awesome information!**

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Easiest Succulents to Grow #1: Aloe – Aloe vera

This is a great place to start! Not only is the aloe vera plant very attractive, but it is also widely used for its medicinal properties. Just cut off a leaf/stem and rub the juices onto a burn or a wound (just be sure that you aren’t one of those few who are sensitive to it first).

To ensure a healthy aloe vera plant, make sure you allow the soil to dry out between waterings. Also try to give it at least a couple hours of direct sunlight each day. This plant can have sharp edges on its leaves, so make sure that it isn’t in a location where people might brush against it and get scraped. Only repot plant it once the roots are starting to push out of the pot. Follow these guidelines, and you’ll have a super easy, super useful, and super awesome little succulent! Get it here!

Aloe vera is the first on my list of the easiest succulents to grow indoors!

Easiest Succulents to Grow #2: String of Pearls – Senecio rowleyanus

String of pearls is great for any beginner who loves hanging baskets. Used as a filler or as a main specimen, string of pearls looks almost unreal! Make sure that this little guy gets plenty of bright light, but don’t keep it in direct afternoon sun. It usually doesn’t need too much watering, but if it is in a warm climate and gets lots of bright light, then it may need a moderate amount of water. Just keep an eye on it and adjust accordingly. Get it here!

String of beads plant is the second on my list of the easiest succulents to grow indoors!

Easiest Succulents to Grow #3: Paddle Pant – Kalanchoe tetraphylla

This succulent definitely makes a statement in any modern-style home! With its red-tinted leaves and geometric shape, this succulent looks great in many different styles of containers. Make sure that it is only watered once the soil has become dry on the top. Don’t expose it to direct, hot sunlight, but do give it plenty of bright, indirect light to keep the edges red. Get it here!

Paddle plant is the third on my list of the easiest succulents to grow indoors!

Easiest Succulents to Grow #4: Jade Plant – Crassula ovata

Jade plant is one of my favorite succulents! I love that it can grow from a simple cutting up to the size of a small tree! Some tips to succeed with this plant is to not over-water it. Wait until the soil dries out completely before watering. But don’t wait until its leaves look dull or withered. This means you’ve waited for too long and most likely those leaves will eventually fall off. So find a happy medium, but err on the side of dry. Another nice thing about the jade plant is that because of its small root system, you won’t need to re-pot it that often. So sit back and enjoy the beauty of this large, but easy succulent! Get it here!

Jade is the fourth on my list of the easiest succulents to grow indoors!

Easiest Succulents to Grow #5: Panda Plant – Kalanchoe tomentosa

This is another very cute succulent! Named for its fuzzy leaves, the panda plant can flower, but it is very rare indoors. So don’t count on it flowering, but instead enjoy the beautiful shape and tinted edges of this easy-to-grow succulent. Make sure that it dries out between watering and that it receives lots of bright, indirect sunlight. It can also deal with a few hours of direct sunlight in the morning, but keep it away from the strong afternoon sun. Also, this plant doesn’t grow well in cold drafts. Get it here!

Panda plant is the fifth on my list of the easiest succulents to grow indoors!

Easiest Succulents to Grow #6 Burro’s Tail – Sedum morganianum

Here’s another great succulent to put into a hanging basket. Burro’s tail has thick rows of cascading leaves that can grow up to 2-3 feet long! However, place this little guy somewhere it won’t be disturbed because the leaves will fall off with the slightest touch. If you have young kids, I wouldn’t suggest this one for you. Go with the String of Pearls instead. But Burro’s Tail is pretty low-maintenance, especially during the wintertime when the plant enters dormancy and won’t need much watering at all. And this succulent can do well with bright to medium sun and can even be brought outdoors during the summer as long as it is carefully acclimated. Get it here!

Burro's Tail is the sixth succulent on my list of the easiest succulents to grow indoors!

Easiest Succulents to Grow #7: Lithops

Lithops have recently returned in popularity and it’s no surprise why! They are super easy to grow indoors, are low-growing and come in a wide variety of colors and designs. They can also bloom if given enough sunlight. These plants do well in poor soils, but need to stay well-drained and dislike too much water. Lithops also go through a dormant period in the winter where they will need little to no watering at all (depending on your climate). So enjoy these pretty, unique succulents! Get it here!

Lithops is the seventh succulent on my list of the easiest succulents to grow indoors!

Easiest Succulents to Grow #8: Pincushion Cactus – Mammillaria

Pincushion Cactus is a very pretty cactus that got its name from its very sharp needles! This guy needs plenty of space as each needle has a hooked end that can be hard to get out of the skin. So once again, I wouldn’t suggest this plant for people with young children in the home. Pincushion Cactus is fairly easy to maintain, however. It just requires a lot of sunlight (if you have a bright south-facing window, that would be best). The soil also needs to dry out before its next watering. Pincushion Cactus will also need a period of no watering (during the wintertime) to allow it to go into dormancy. This is needed if you want it to produce those gorgeous blooms! Get it here!

Pincushion Cactus is the eighth succulent on my list of the easiest succulents to grow indoors!

Easiest Succulents to Grow #9: Snake Plant – Sansevieria trifasciata

This is another of my favorite indoor succulents as it’s one of the few thick, fleshy-leaved plants that does well in low light conditions. It is also on my list of Top 10 Hard to Kill HouseplantsAnd… it is also one of the large succulents that is also easy to grow! With its bright, vertical lines, Snake Plant does well in any room. Make sure to let the soil dry out between watering and plant in a well-draining soil. If left too wet, it may start to rot at the base. If given higher amounts of indirect lights, it is more likely to keep its colorful markings. Prune out any damaged leaves to keep it looking fresh and healthy, but know that once the tip has been clipped, it will no longer grow in height. Get it here!

Snake Plant is number nine on my list of the easiest succulents to grow indoors!

Easiest Succulents to Grow #10: Zebra Cactus – Haworthia fasciata

Zebra Cactus is another of my favorite succulents because it is so easy to grow! Seriously, my 1-year-old got a hold of several of my succulents, killing several (sad day!), but being ripped out of its soil and tossed around the living room didn’t even seem to phase this guy! It has definitely earned its spot here on my list of easiest to grow succulents. I’ve heard some people say that the tips are sharp, but they aren’t too sharp in my opinion. It also helps that this succulent stays small, so there won’t be any worries of it outgrowing its space. Just re-pot every year or two with fresh, well-draining soil to give it needed nutrients. This cactus can also do well in a shallow pot, as its roots stay in the top portion of the soil. Make sure that your Zebra Cactus stays in bright, but indirect sunlight. Hot, direct sunlight can burn the leaves.For more care information, check out my post, Zebra Plant Succulent Care! Or you can purchase one here!

Haworthia is number ten on my list of the easiest succulents to grow indoors!

Easiest Succulents to Grow #11: Air Plants – Tillandsia

Air plants have recently gained more popularity due to the fact that they don’t require any soil to grow. However, they do need to be watered and given proper attention or they will die. But once you get a few simple tricks down, all of your air plants will thrive! So first, make sure that you water it correctly. This consists of lightly misting it once or twice a week (depending on how much light it is getting), and soaking it once a week for several hours. Then make sure that it completely dries out! This is one of my beginner mistakes with this plant. I bought one that was already glued into a glass orb and when it came time to dry it out, it was extremely difficult. This was because it couldn’t get enough airflow to it to allow it to dry out completely. So make sure that it soaks it all up, but then has plenty of time to completely dry out! For more care information, check out my post on Air Plant Care, or my post on How to Water Air Plants! Or you can purchase one here!

Air plants are number eleven on my list of the easiest succulents to grow indoors!

Easiest Succulents to Grow #12: Hens and Chicks

Last, but definitely not least is Hens and Chicks. Both Sempervivum and Echeveria species are often called Hens and Chicks because they not only look very similar, but they also both create small offshoots, or what is referred to as the ‘chicks’ part of the plant. These small chicks can be cut off and re-potted for more plants. Hens and Chicks does best in bright, indirect light, but can also tolerate some light shade. Just make sure that it is in well-draining potting soil and that it dries out a bit between watering. They will also need very little water in the winter months as they enter a dormancy period. And also make sure to keep water off the leaves while watering, as it can cause them to be permanently marked. Get it here!

Hen and chicks are number twelve on my list of the easiest succulents to grow indoors!

So there’s my list of 12 Easiest Succulents to Grow Indoors! I hope you found the tips helpful! Make sure to check out my other post on Top 10 Hard to Kill Houseplants that includes the easiest non-succulent type plants to grow indoors as well. I hope you all have success growing some of these awesome succulents and feel free to leave any additional tips or questions below!

Happy Digging!

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Buying Succulents Online

Buying Succulents Online

Here’s the deal… I live in a small town. And in a small town, there just aren’t that many options for buying indoor plants. I’ve always wanted to try out some succulents, but I never found any good options around here. And so with this frustration on my mind, I decided to try buying some online…

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After looking at several different sites, I found some decent prices on AmazonI was a bit skeptical at first. I mean, who buys their plants off of Amazon?! But even though I had my doubts, I went ahead and ordered. And I’m glad that I did. Here’s what I thought…

First off, the plants arrived within the week. Not as fast as picking them up from a garden center, but then again, it was shipped straight to me (which is helpful saving a trip). I got a variety of succulents (5 different types to be exact) and did I mention, they were delivered right to my door! Having kids, it’s especially helpful when I can just answer the door and get a box with exactly what I wanted inside. Not too bad!

Pro’s to Buying Succulents Online

I also got them delivered in the middle of the winter! I don’t know about you, but up here in Idaho the garden center is closed about 9 months out of the year. So to get plants in the middle of winter totally satisfied my winter need for something green!

Some more little details… they were a bit smaller than I’d imagined, but were the perfect size for a group planter on my windowsill. They arrived in the mail without getting crushed or damaged and were extremely well packaged. They even did well being shipped in the cold! (I was afraid they’d get frost damage from the freezing temperatures we’ve been having.) There were also a few little pups already on the plants that I could use to grow even more! This was definitely an added bonus!

Con’s to Buying Succulents Online

However, the one thing that I noticed was that the soil they arrived in needed to be switched out. So plan ahead and buy either 5 small 3″ pots, or one shallow 6″ pot to put them all into. Also have some cactus and succulent potting soil on hand to plant them in. And make sure that your soil is very well-draining. Cactus potting mix is the recommended soil type for all succulents. Water thoroughly when transplanted, but make sure that it drains well and that there is no excess water in the pot. These are also a super cute option of pots to go along with your brand new succulents! I personally ordered them and all of my succulents fit perfectly!

So all in all, I think my succulents from Amazon were great! It’s good to know that I shouldn’t be afraid to buy them online and neither should you. Plants ordered online were just as healthy and cute as any I would have picked up from the store! And for care information for these plants, check out my post on Succulent Plant Care! And remember, have fun with it!

Happy Digging!

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