Why do Air Plants grow in the US + Tillandsia Care Guide

a group of air plants on a tree branch

Ever wondered why air plants are found in the southeastern United States? The unique distribution of air plants is no coincidence, but the result of fascinating ecological and environmental factors. Air plants are predominant in the southeastern United States due to the region’s favorable environment. This means that it meets air plants’ specific climate, temperature, and humidity needs, which are vital for their unique growth characteristics and adaptability. Their presence also plays a crucial ecological role in this region and significantly impacts the overall ecosystem.

Today we’re going to cover the following fun facts about air plants:

  • Unique Characteristics of Air Plants
  • Air Plants found in the Southeastern United States
  • Environmental Factors Influencing the Growth of Air Plants
  • Impact of Air Plants in the Southeast Ecosystem

Continue reading to uncover the intriguing reasons explaining this prevalence and how it impacts the regional ecosystem – and maybe get some ideas for your own air plant care while you’re at it!

two air plants on a large branch

Unique Characteristics of Air Plants

Air plants, a part of the bromeliad family, hold a unique position in the plant kingdom. These extraordinary plants have the ability to receive their needed nutrients and moisture directly through their leaves, rather than from soil like most other plant species. This evolution allows them to grow in a variety of locations, often using trees or rocks merely as a support to grow on. With more than 500 known species, this plant family also exhibit a wide range of shape, size, and color variations.

Air plants’ primary mode of water intake happens through tiny structures on their leaves called trichomes. These structures can absorb water from the air directly. Interestingly, these trichomes also give many air plants their distinctive silver or grey appearance. Their epiphytic nature allows them to thrive without soil and live on the surfaces of other plants without causing any harm to them, unlike other vining plants that can overtake and kill their host plants.

a tillandsia plant on the side of a tree

However, these unique qualities come with some vulnerabilities, particularly regarding climate and humidity requirements. And that’s where the southeastern United States comes into play. So, how does this geographical region support such a unique form of plant life? Let’s delve deeper into this topic.

Air Plants in the Southeastern United States

When it comes to distribution of air plants, they are found all over Central America and South America, but in the United States, they are mostly only found in the southeastern region and along warm coastal areas.

Several genera of air plants, such as tillandsia ionantha, tillandsia xerographica, and the well-known (and often photographed!) spanish moss, or tillandsia usneoides, are particularly widespread in the Southeastern U.S. Florida, specifically, has become a hotspot for these plants, due to its subtropical and tropical climate that mirrors the plants’ natural environment of Central and South America (and even throughout the west indies!).

In these locations, the air plants typically grow on other plants, such as the thick branches of trees, without harming them or drawing nutrients from them. They are common in the forests, mangroves, and swamps of the Southeastern U.S, notably in the Everglades National Park of Florida and the Okefenokee Swamp of Georgia. Like other epiphytes, they offer a unique layer of biodiversity, cohabiting with various other species in these ecosystems.

spanish moss hanging from a large tree

Environmental Factors Influencing the Growth of Air Plants

The southern United States provides an ideal environment for several varieties of air plants due to its specific climatic conditions and geographical features. This basically means that in these regions we find a lot of humidity, warm temperatures, and frequent rainfall. This is vital for the survival of air plants because of their lack of roots and their ability to absorb moisture from the air (through a process called atmospheric water uptake). If the air around them were to be too dry, then they would ultimately suffer. This keeps them from spreading to most of the northern and western United States, since these regions are warm enough, but lack the humidity and rainfall that are necessary for this plant’s survival. They can usually only be found along coastal regions where there are higher humidity levels and a more temperate climate.

Speaking of temperature, air plants are tropical plants, and as such, they like it warm! Because of the southeast region’s moderate winters and hot, humid summers, this area supports a year-round growing environment for air plants without the threat of frost damage.

Finally, the diversity and abundance of trees in the southeastern forests provide ample surfaces for air plants to latch onto and flourish. Being a Georgia transplant myself, I have been amazed at how many different types of trees naturally grow here! And the wide variety of trees within these extensive forests allow for an equally wide array of air plant species, each adapted to a slightly different niche within this rich ecosystem.

a grouping of air plants hanging from a tree branch

Impact of Air Plants in the Southeast Ecosystem

And air plants aren’t just around for the benefits. They also play a significant role in the ecological makeup of the southern United States. By living on tree branches and other surfaces, they add to the diversity and complexity of the ecosystem without competing for soil resources. These plants also are an important source of nectar for various pollinators such as bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds.

One notable way that air plants positively impact the ecosystem is through their innovative water and nutrient capture method. The adapted structure of their leaves allows them to collect water from rainfall and even fog, storing this water that can later be shared with other organisms in their environment, similar to other bromeliad species. As such, during periods of drought or scarce rainfall, these plants act as miniature reservoirs.

a closeup of an air plant with the light shining into the leaves

Air plants also serve as habitat providers, particularly for smaller creatures. As they grow, air plant colonies can create considerable networks of cover and shelter for insects, spiders, and other small organisms. They literally provide a “living” environment for many species, making them a crucial part of the broader biodiversity.

Their presence can also help us in our evaluation of the overall health of the ecosystem. Typically, healthy air plant populations signify good air quality and a well-balanced environment. If air plant numbers deteriorate, it could indicate bigger environmental issues at play, such as pollution, climate change effects or ecosystem disruption.

Understanding the role of air plants in the ecosystem and their connection to broader environmental health makes their conservation more critical. Ensuring their prevalence continues in the southeastern U.S. is important not just for the air plants themselves but also for the countless organisms that depend on them and the wellbeing of the ecosystem as a whole.

Growing your Own Air Plants

Now I wanted to mention that you can enjoy air plants, even if you don’t live in the southeastern United States. In fact, anyone can successfully grow air plants in their home or office! The main needs for your air plants is bright light (but not too much light), frequent watering, good air circulation, and a bit of protection during the cooler months. A little bit more about that below…


To successfully grow your air plants indoors, make sure that you place it in a location with bright, indirect sunlight. Full sun can sometimes cause leaf scorch since our homes don’t usually maintain the same high humidity levels that Florida has! 


Next, to water your air plant, soak it in a water bath for 20-30 minutes every 1-2 weeks. Then shake off any excess water and let it dry completely before placing it back in its display case or stand. Too much water, especially in the cooler winter months, can cause these plants to rot…

a pile of air plants with several flowering

Tap water can be fine if you leave it out for about an hour to allow the chlorine to evaporate out. If, however, you are finding that the tips of your leaves are turning brown, you might need to find something with less chlorine in it, such as pond or aquarium water, rainwater, or bottled spring water. Avoid distilled water, since all of the nutrients are removed during the distillation process. 

For more information on how to water air plants correctly, whether it’s placed in glass globes, or glued to a pile of rocks (why Walmart, why?!), check out my post on how to correctly water air plants!


​And finally, if you are making your air plant happy, it might even flower! Some species of air plant will let you know it’s ready to flower by changing its leaf tips from green to red! The most common of these are the tillandsia bulbosa and the tillandsia ionanthe. Then watch out because you’re going to have the cutest array of purple flowers or white flowers, depending on your variety. The only thing to remember though, is that once a tillandsia flowers, it will then start its decline. 

This is a good sign though, since your air plant will then start to make new plants all around the base of the mother plant. Then as the center of the plant dies away, the small baby plant(s) will then grow in to fill its space. This is how they grow and spread in their native habitat!

For more information on how to take care of your air plants, check out my more detailed post here on air plant care!

a large grouping of flowering air plants on a branch

​And now you should be an expert at growing air plants! Just kidding… it takes everyone some trial and error. But if you’d like more help, feel free to join the facebook group, Houseplants for Plant Killers today!


From the unique characteristics of air plants to their significant presence in the southeastern United States, we’ve covered some of the reasons why air plants are found in this region, as well as the role that they play. Air plants play a great role in this region and are a testament to the complex relationship between geography, climate, and biodiversity in the world of botany.

Air Plants FAQs

What makes air plants unique?

Air plants are unique because they are able to absorb moisture and nutrients from the air through their leaves, which eliminates the need for traditional soil-root system. This particular trait allows them to live in a variety of environments, including attached to other plants or objects.

Why are air plants predominantly found in the southeastern U.S.?

The southeastern U.S. has environmental conditions, including a warm climate and humid environment, that are highly favorable to the growth and survival of air plants. These conditions mimic the tropical and subtropical environments originally native to many air plant species.

What is the importance of air plants in the ecosystem?

Air plants contribute significantly to biodiversity and play a crucial role in their ecosystem. By thriving in a variety of habitats and growing on different surfaces, air plants aid in creating microenvironments for other species and cycling nutrients back into the ecosystem.

Can air plants survive in other climates?

Even though air plants prefer warm, humid climates, they are surprisingly adaptable and can survive in a variety of conditions. However, they may require additional care in drier or colder climates, such as regular misting or bringing them indoors during cold snaps. If you live in areas below zone 9, then it’s best to have them as indoor plants when temperatures fall below 50 F. 

40+ Best Gift Ideas for Indoor Plant Lovers (2023)

Hey everyone! Welcome back to The Girl with a Shovel! With the upcoming holiday season, I wanted to save you some time with your planning, shopping, and possibly several nights of worry. Instead of racking your brain for the perfect gift, I wanted to share with you some of the best gifts for plant lovers. This will make it easy to find the perfect plant gifts for your favorite plant person (or even to find a few things to add to your own wishlist!)

*Note: This post contains affiliate links, which if purchased I will receive a portion of the profit at no extra cost to you. This helps me to keep providing awesome information to you all!*

Live Plants

One thing to consider getting a plant enthusiast is a live plant or two. Plants, especially indoor plants, can become something of an obsession, causing people to want more and more. And, as the world of Pokemon fans know, once you start, you suddenly feel like you ‘Gotta Catch ’em All!’. So yes, getting a plant parent a new, live plant is always a good idea. Especially if you have access to their collection and you can try to find them something that they don’t have yet. Be aware, though, if the person has pets, as the best plants for them might be a selection of pet-friendly plants!

Also consider a “Rare Plants Cutting Box” or a variety pack of plants if you aren’t sure what they do or don’t have in their collection yet. You are sure to get at least one unique plant this way. 

You could also get them a gift card to their local plant nursery (or a Home Depot or Lowes if you don’t know the stores in their area). Plant people will always have fun adding to their collection!

Dirt, Dirt, and more Dirt!

One thing that plant parents are always in need of is more soil. Especially good quality soil. This is because as their plants grow, they need to plant them in larger pots. Then, of course, it takes more soil to place it in larger pots. So as their plants grow, and as they propagate their plants to make new little plants that also need soil, they run out. Very often. So I know that it sounds weird, but every plant person would be EXCITED to get a good quality bag of dirt as a gift!

Here are a few recommendations that I have from a quality nursery:

Perfect Plants Indoor Plant Soil

bag of soil labelled indoor plant soil with a generic image of a houseplant

Perfect Plants Organic Succulent Soil

bag of soil labelled organic succulent soil with a generic image of a succulent

Perfect Plants Organic Snake Plant Soil

bag of soil labelled organic snake plant soil with an image of a snake plant

Perfect Plants Organic Pothos Soil

bag of soil labelled organic pothos soil with an image of a pothos plant

Perfect Plants Money Tree Potting Soil

bag of soil labelled money tree potting soil with an image of a money tree

Most of your plant enthusiasts would be just fine with either one of the first two soil mixes. The others are more specific if you know what kind of plants are in their collection. But remember, a bag of good-quality soil really does make a great gift!

Pots… and LOTS of them!

Every green thumb has difficulty in building up their pot collection. As mentioned earlier, this is because plants are constantly growing, which, like kids, always seem to be quickly outgrowing whatever you put them in! So plant parents need a collection of good quality, attractive plant pots in all sizes. This includes small pots as well (since plant parents need small pots to place their new baby cuttings!) So if you want to spoil your favorite plant lover, consider getting them some new pots! 

And, as a huge plant nerd myself, I can say that ceramic or terracotta pots will always be preferred over plastic pots (unless they are self-watering pots). Here are a few of the pots that I recommend that will work great for your plant aficionado… 

D’vine Dev Terracotta Pots

set of three straight edge terracotta pots with saucers, one with a cactus inside, one with a snake plant, and one empty

Le Tauci Ceramic Plant Pots (Set of 3)

set of three white glazed ceramic pot with attached saucer, one with a small fern inside

Face Planter

a womanly face pot with closed eyes and arms on her cheeks with a trailing succulent flowing out of the head like hair

12 Pack Small Succulent Plant Pots

a set of twelve small hexagonal white glazed pots with bamboo saucers and ten have various succulents inside

6-pack Terracotta Pots

a set of six small traditional terracotta pots with saucers in a pyramid arrangement; the top pot has a small basil plant inside

Unique Hanging Planters

two hanging planters with round metal rings around the pot and extra hooks and chain, with a pothos and spider plant in the pots

Practical Indoor Plant Gifts

This next set of gift ideas are a collection of gifts that will work for the new plant parent as well as the crazy plant collector. They are all basic things that just make having an indoor jungle (or even just having a few plants around the house) a lot easier! 

1. Repotting Mat

This easy-to-store repotting mat is amazing at keeping your space clean, even while working with soil. It is especially great for apartment dwellers who might not have an outdoor space to use for all their repotting. It is also a great gift for people who live in cold climates who might not be able to take their plants outside during the winter if it needs a quick change of soil (because it happens a lot!) So consider making life a bit cleaner for your plant-loving friend with this repotting mat!

2. Propagation Tubes

I have two different sets here that both work. One for the new propagator, and one for your family member who keeps grabbing all the cups in the kitchen because they’ve run out of containers to propagate their cuttings in! (Trust me, my husband has placed a ban on our kitchenware being used for my plants, lol!) So if you’ve seen a few little jars of water around with plants in them, consider spoiling your favorite plant person and get them their very own propagation station!

Here is the small propagation set

And here is a larger hanging propagation station

3. Plant Lights

Can I just say that plant lights change the game of indoor growing?! And I don’t mean those awful red and purple lights. Leave those to the commercial growers. I’m talking about the natural looking lights that highlight your plants without even looking out-of-place in your living room! Here are a few perfect products to get for the plant lover in your life.

Under Cabinet or Under Shelf Plant Light Strips

Small Plant Light Rings

Large Plant Light Rings

Luxury Pendant Grow Light

​4. Watering Globes

These watering globes are practical gifts that plant people will absolutely love! The idea behind these are that you fill them up with water, then they will slowly drain (proportional to the dryness of the soil). This slowly waters the plant, keeping it perfectly moist for a longer period of time! I’ve tried out a few different kinds and I will suggest the glass ones. They can break, so go for the plastic ones if your gift recipient has small children or hyperactive pets. But overall, the glass ones perform much better in my opinion and has become one of my favorite gifts to receive.

5. Plant Trellis

I’m not including a moss pole, since I haven’t found a commercially available moss pole that I have been happy with yet. But if your plant person has a plant with long, trailing vines, then this indoor plant trellis is the perfect way for your friend to show off their plants in a chic, modern way that will have all their plant friends jealous!

6.  Plant Stands

There are several different ways to get plant babies off of the ground and looking a bit more organized and intentional. Consider getting your plant lover either a plant stand or a plant shelf. Here are a few of my favorites that I have seen many people “ooo” and “awww” over in my various plant groups…

Adjustable 8″-12″ Plant Stand

Adjustable 12″-16″ Plant Stand

Plant Stand with Grow Light – Half Moon Shape

5-Tier Indoor Plant Stand

​7. Soil Moisture Meter

One of the biggest game-changers in keeping my plants alive was when I got myself a soil moisture meter. If your nature lover is trying to become a plant person, but still has their struggles, consider getting them one of these! They can be a huge help in knowing whenthey need to water their plants to keep their little babies healthy!

8. Smart Plant Pot

This is a new one to me, but it is an absolutely fabulous idea! This smart plant pot has built-in sensors to read light levels and water levels. Then, based on these, the pot will make different faces to show how happy or sad the plant is. This is a fun way to easily keep track of the plant’s needs as the cute faces light up their days!

Gardening Gifts

​Here are a few gift ideas that I put together for your favorite gardener to use indoors! These are even great for plant people to try their shot at growing their own edibles, fresh herbs, or even some fresh flowers! 

1. AeroGarden Kit

I have the stainless steel Aerogarden pictured, but you can see my review of the best indoor garden kits here. I just love these indoor kits because they make becoming an indoor gardener so easy! But remember to grab a few seed pod kits (or add them to your list of gift ideas for later!) Each one comes with its unique plants and are a perfect stocking stuffer!


Seed Pods

2. Heirloom Seed Pack

Heirloom seeds are the best type of seed because it means that the fruits and vegetables that are grown can have their seeds collected and grown for the next season. These true-to-type seeds will give your plant friend a stunning vegetable garden for years to come!

3. Knee Pads

I personally have the purple knee pads and I have to say they are one of my favorite things! I used to just use the knee cushions (which are helpful), but with weeding and moving pots from here to there, I’ve found it is so much easier to simply have the pads strapped to my knees. And these are one of the softest, most comfortable knee pads I’ve worn. So overall, I think these knee pads are an obvious choice for anyone who is into gardening.

4. Greenhouse

What better way to show the gardener in your life that you love them than to get them their own small greenhouse! This gift is both practical (in that it will help them extend their growing season), as well as shows your own support of their hobby. Trust me… if you’re looking to score some extra brownie points with the plant lover in your life… then this is one that you can’t go wrong with. (wink, wink!)

True Plant Lover Accessories

The last section of my gift guide is about some of the cutest and most adorable plant accessories that I’ve seen. These can be fun and friendly, ranging from a few dollars, to a few more, depending on your budget and whether you are looking for a meaningful gift, or something for that casual coworker who has plants all over their desk. These fun gifts are a great way to spark joy in any plant lover’s day!

1. Personalized Plant Parent Ornament

2. Plant Lover Cosmetic Bag

3. Proud Plant Parent T-Shirt

4. Funny Plant Lover Throw Pillow

5. Plantaholic Hanging Metal Sign

6. Funny Plant Stakes

7. Plant Lover Kitchen Towels

8. Cute Plant Socks

9. Plant Magnet Faces

10. Plant Lover Mug

That’s it for my list of gifts for plant lovers! For more information to help care for indoor plants, check out my Indoor Plant Care Pack! These care guides help plant parents have greater success with their indoor plants. So here’s to a great holiday season and I wish you all a great year with the ones that you love. And a great big thank you for showing your love to the plant people in your life. I’m sure they will appreciate your thoughtfulness in supporting their own love of nature. Happy Digging!

30 Best Indoor Plants to Create a Chic Boho Interior

Title 30 Best Boho Plants to create a chic bohemian interior with decorative lines, spots, and a birds nest fern plant

Indoor plants bring a touch of nature into your bohemian-inspired spaces! But which ones will make your space look boho instead of farmhouse, or minimalist? This list of boho plants is sure to add that touch of casual comfort into your bohemian style room! So let’s dig in!

What is Boho Design?

From the artistically disheveled to the carefully curated, boho design encapsulates a variety of styles and influences. It is a collection of eclectic pieces and patterns that come together in a way that speaks of comfort, but doesn’t scream clutter. It’s color palette is colorful but not overwhelmingly so. It’s relaxing, it’s comforting, and it’s distinctly personal. 

Boho design incorporates various textures, patterns and materials to create a space that looks effortlessly cool and lived-in. And one of the most important elements in a boho style space is the plants.

How to Style These Plants to look Bohemian

One of the most important things to consider when placing your boho plants is to use various textures and patterns that complement your color scheme. This should align with using natural materials among your design such as:

  • ceramic pots
  • macrame plant hangers made from natural materials
  • plant stands to create multiple layers (to mimic natural plant layering) 
  • pots that have indigo textiles (mimicking waters and deep, lush colors found within nature)
  • wicker or braided baskets (more natural materials!)

So now that you know how to style your house plants, let’s get on to which plants to use to create the ultimate boho vibes!

*Note: This post contains affiliate links, which if purchased will give me a portion of the profits at no additional cost to you. This helps me to keep providing awesome information to you!*

Any Perfect Plants links come with an added 10% off discount for being one of my readers! Simply add the discount code SHOVEL at checkout and enjoy your 10% off!

Indoor Palms for Boho Design

Indoor palms are a quintessential element of boho design. With their broad, feather-like leaves, these plants deliver a significant impact when it comes to creating a natural, carefree, and unique vibe. They not only soften the indoor environment but also purify the air. They are great for anchoring the corner of a room (making small spaces look larger), as well as they can frame out personal spaces within a larger space. Overall, if you’re wanting a boho design, then you NEED at least one palm! 

Needing help with your palms? Check out my post on Palm Plant Care!

*Note: Whenever you bring a palm tree home, you MUST treat it for spider mites! This can be a simple spray down with neem oil. But I’ve found that the majority of palm trees die when they get to their new home because of these near-invisible pests… NOT because of poor care. So please save your palm tree and just treat it from the beginning!

Here are a few suggestions for your Boho rooms:

1. Areca Palm (Dypsis lutescens)

  • Also known as Butterfly or Golden Cane Palm, the Areca Palm is a popular choice for interiors because of its graceful, arching fronds.
  • It’s a fairly easy plant to care for that thrives in indirect light and doesn’t like to be overwatered.
  • Its feathery, light green fronds can truly add a touch of boho spirit to any room.

Get one here!

2. Parlor Palm (Chamaedorea elegans)

  • A Parlor Palm, with its delicate and compact shape, is perfect if you’re looking to add a touch of green without overwhelming a space.
  • It grows slowly and enjoys shade and medium light levels, which makes it an excellent plant for less sunny interiors.
  • With its attractive, fan-like fronds, the Parlor Palm fits seamlessly into any boho decor.

Get one here!

3. Ponytail Palm (Beaucarnea recurvata)

  • Despite its name, the Ponytail Palm is not a true palm but gives off a similar tropical vibe.
  • Its bulbous trunk, which gives way to long, curly leaves resembling a ponytail, is a unique way to add intrigue and drama to any boho room.
  • Ponytail Palms are also incredibly drought-tolerant, preferring dry conditions, making them a low-maintenance plant that is perfect for your boho decor.
  • I would not recommend this plant, however, if you have cats, since it is a favorite to be played with (and chewed on!)

Get one here!

4. Kentia Palm (Howea forsteriana)

  • The Kentia Palm, also known as the Sentry Palm, is prized for its ability to tolerate low-light conditions and relatively dry air (although in these conditions, you also need to keep an eye out for spider mites)…
  • Its feathery, arching fronds can reach impressively large sizes, making it perfect for your boho living room.
  • Because of its eventual size, it can work great to close in a quiet reading nook! (wink, wink!)

Find it here!

5. Majesty Palm (Ravenea rivularis)

  • Majesty Palms are popular indoor plants with rich, glossy leaves that can bring a definite tropical feel to any room.
  • These plants love water and bright indirect light, so they’re ideal for well-lit rooms where they can truly flourish.
  • Pair it with eccentric boho pots and bright splashes of color, and you have a room that’s sure to impress!

Get one here!

With the right care and placement, these indoor palms can greatly boost the boho aesthetic of your space. Up next, consider introducing some indoor ferns to any empty space within your boho design!

Types of Ferns for Boho Design

Ferns have enjoyed a resurgence in popularity due to their unique leaf patterns, and it’s easy to see why. These charming relics from the prehistoric world awaken our spaces with their lush foliage and can soften the hard lines of an otherwise square room. They’re incredibly versatile and can fit almost any style, but they particularly shine in boho designs. Here are some types of ferns that would exquisitely complement the unruly nature of boho design:

6. Boston Fern (Nephrolepis exaltata)

  • With feathery, arching fronds and dangling fronds, the Boston Fern is the star among indoor ferns and a perfect match for a boho room.
  • They demand high humidity, moist soil, and indirect light. Bathrooms or kitchens are usually a good choice for Boston Ferns considering the higher humidity levels of these spaces.
  • They can be hung in a macrame plant hanger or placed on a pedestal to enhance the layered look that characterizes boho decor.

Find it here!

7. Staghorn Fern (Platycerium bifurcatum)

  • Staghorn Ferns bring an unexpected sculptural beauty to your boho spaces. They’re called Staghorn Ferns because their fronds resemble the antlers of a stag.
  • Contrary to most ferns, Staghorn Ferns are epiphytic, which means they naturally grow on other plants or trees. This makes them perfect for mounting on boards and hanging them on the wall, creating a real living wall!
  • Bright, indirect light and well-drained soil work best, and they only need to be watered once a week.

Get one here!

8. Bird’s Nest Fern (Asplenium nidus)

  • Bird’s Nest Ferns stand out with their bright green, ripple-edged fronds that grow out from a central nest, resembling a bird’s nest.
  • Easily adaptable and low-maintenance, these ferns like their soil to stay consistently moist and enjoy medium to low light conditions.
  • Its unusual shape attracts the eye and can be successfully used as a centerpiece in any boho inspired room.

Find it here!

9. Maidenhair Fern (Adiantum)

  • Maidenhair ferns are a delicate addition to your boho space with their fan-shaped leaf segments dancing on thin wiry stems.
  • They require mild environments, indirect light and lots of moisture (mine does best in a self-watering pot!)
  • Its delicate appearance gives a soft and romantic touch to your boho setup.

Get one here!

10. Silver Lace Fern (Pteris ensiformis Evergemiensis)

  • This fern sports slender fronds that are a brilliant mix of green and silver-white, adding interest and contrast to your green interior.
  • The Silver Lace Fern thrives in bright, indirect light and prefers to be kept lightly moist.
  • Its bright foliage is a great way to lighten up darker corners of a boho-inspired space.
  • Consider adding a full-spectrum plant light shining down on it to highlight it’s unique foliage!

Get one here!

11. Kimberly Queen Fern (Nephrolepis obliterata)

  • Kimberly Queen ferns are lush and vibrant, with large upright fronds that cascade down, adding a touch of natural beauty.
  • These ferns thrive in indirect light and can tolerate lower light conditions than most other ferns, although they do require higher humidity, making it perfect for a bathroom or kitchen space.
  • Its ability to withstand neglect and recover quickly when cared for makes it the perfect fern for those who are new to fern care.

Find it here!

Each of these ferns carries its own unique attributes, but all of them contribute to the relaxed and natural ambiance of boho decor. Whether you’re new to ferns or looking to add more to your collection, these ferns are a great way to heighten the natural charm of your boho home. 

Next up, I’ve got a list of additional houseplants that can make your boho design go from blah to freakin’ amazing.

More Houseplants for a Boho Design

While palms and ferns are certainly integral to a boho-inspired interior, a variety of other houseplants can also significantly enhance the boho aesthetic. Such houseplants provide a differing range of textures, shapes, and colors to create a single gorgeous design. 

Here are my additional plant suggestions:

12. Swiss Cheese Plant (Monstera Deliciosa)

  • Monstera Deliciosa, often known as the Swiss Cheese Plant due to its unique leaf structure, is a jungle plant that packs a visual punch in any space.
  • It thrives in moderate indoor lighting and should be watered once the soil has completely dried.
  • Do not rotate this plant, but instead provide a moss pole for any plants that are getting too large.
  • Consider adding a Monstera if you want to create more of a modern bohemian home.
  • Find care tips in my post, How to Care for Monstera plants!

Get one here!

13. Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum)

  • The Spider Plant is a resilient houseplant favored for its wild and untamed appearance.
  • It thrives in indirect light and prefers to dry out between watering. It sprouts ‘spiderettes’ that can be cut off and planted in new plant pots – a bonus for plant lovers!
  • With its delicate, arching leaves, it blends seamlessly into the free-spirited boho aesthetic and looks fantastic hung in a macrame planter, or on a high shelf.
  • Learn how to keep your Spider plant alive with my Spider Plant Care Tips!

Get one here!

14. Snake Plant (Sansevieria trifasciata)

  • The Snake Plant, or Mother-in-laws tongue, comes with stiff, upright leaves that are typically banded in varying shades of green.
  • Requiring little maintenance, it thrives in low light and doesn’t need plenty of water, making it a frequent choice for must-have plants.
  • The structural, almost architectural quality of its leaves fits seamlessly into boho decor, especially when layered with softer, drapier plants.
  • If you’re struggling with your snake plant, be sure to read my Snake Plant Care Tips!

Find it here!

15. Fiddle Leaf Fig (Ficus Lyrata)

  • The Fiddle Leaf Fig is loved for its large, glossy violin-shaped leaves that add structure and drama to a room.
  • Preferring a stable environment, it thrives in bright, filtered light. It doesn’t like excessive watering or being moved around a lot (which can cause it to drop its leaves).
  • It exudes a chic, boho vibe that easily stands out in any design.
  • For information on how to grow Fiddle leaf Figs indoors, check out my post on Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant Care!

Get one here!

16. Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum)

  • The Peace Lily is a beautiful houseplant for your living space that produces lovely white flowers and stands out for its air-purifying properties.
  • It prefers low to medium light and enjoys a decent amount of water. When it’s thirsty, it will let you know by dramatically drooping.
  • Peace Lilies bring softness and a touch of color to the boho space whilst keeping your internal environment clean!

Get one here!

17. Prayer Plant (Maranta leuconerua)

  •  Prayer plants feature variegated leaves with vibrant patterns of green, red, and cream, adding visual interest and a pop of color to any room.
  • They thrive in moderate to bright indirect light conditions, making them versatile for various indoor spaces. They also prefer high humidity levels and regular watering, which is beneficial for creating a lush and tropical atmosphere commonly associated with boho-inspired interiors.
  • This houseplant is relatively easy to care for and with proper care and attention, they can grow vigorously and provide an enchanting touch to your boho-inspired space.

Find it here!

18. Manjula Pothos (Epipremnum aurem ‘Manjula’)

  • The Manjula pothos is relatively low-maintenance, making it perfect for busy individuals or those new to plant care. 
  • It can tolerate a range of light conditions from low to bright indirect light, making it adaptable to different areas of your boho-inspired space.
  • This plant also has full, trailing vines with leaves that feature unique patterns on each and every leaf.
  • The Manjula pothos looks amazing in hanging baskets or as cascading foliage on shelves or bookcases. So bust out your macrame skills on this one… you won’t be disappointed!
  • Be sure to check out my post on Pothos Plant Care for all the latest tips!

19. Marble Queen Pothos (Epipremnum aureum ‘Marble Queen’)

  • The Marble Queen pothos is a fantastic houseplant choice for a boho-inspired space, thanks to its exquisite marbled leaves and trailing vines that are perfect along a tabletop or hanging from a macrame planter. 
  • This plant requires minimal effort to maintain, making it an excellent option for both seasoned plant enthusiasts and beginners.
  • It can tolerate varying light conditions, thriving in low to bright indirect light, making it adaptable and versatile for different areas of your boho-inspired space.

Get it here!

20. Velvet Leaf Philodendron (Philodendron micans)

  • The Velvet Leaf Philodendron has the same benefits of other vining philodendrons with its easy care and adaptability to light conditions. But this stunning variety boasts beautiful reds and velvety greens that make any plant person jealous!
  • This plant is another great option for macrame planters as the soft leaves gracefully fall down the sides of its pot.
  • Pair this with either a complementary red planter, or contrast with your solid greens and teals to make this leaf pop in your space!

Find one here!

21. Cacti

  • Cacti are an essential for any boho-inspired space. These all require high light, but do best with minimal watering. 
  • Consider a large, upright cactus such as the Euphorbia trigona or the Bunny-Ear Opuntia to make a bold statement, or choose something a little softer from my list of cute and Fuzzy Succulents!
  • Enjoy both the benefits of having plants that add to your bohemian atmosphere, without a lot of maintenance!

22. Yucca

  • Yucca plants are an easy way to add upward movement in your bohemian space with their long, slender leaves reaching upward without adding a lot of bulk to the space. This works well for both the minimalist boho interior, as well as the maximalist boho space.
  • These resilient green beauties not only bring a natural, earthy vibe but also thrive in low-maintenance conditions, making them the perfect companions for the laid-back, carefree atmosphere.
  • These plants also do well in a variety of decorative pots and woven baskets, helping them to effortlessly blend into the eclectic mix of textures, patterns, and colors that define a boho-chic interior, creating a harmonious and tranquil oasis in your home.

Get one here!

23. Aloe Vera

  •  Aloe vera’s laid-back, easygoing care requirements make it a top choice for boho interiors, perfectly aligning with the carefree and eclectic vibes of this design style.
  • Just like the holistic approach favored by boho enthusiasts, aloe vera offers more than just aesthetics. Its gel-filled leaves bring natural healing properties, adding a wellness dimension to your boho haven.
  • This plant’s long, striking leaves create a textured, sculptural presence that can fit into any medium-light space. Just note that it does best when left in one spot and it doesn’t change light conditions frequently. This allows it to adapt its leaves to that location, then be perfectly happy! For care information about this plant, check out my post Aloe Vera Plant Care.

Find one here!

24. Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema)

  • Aglaonema houseplants offer a kaleidoscope of options, with various colors and varieties to choose from. This diversity effortlessly integrates into boho interiors, where mixing and matching different elements is the name of the game. Just ask my white-edge aglaonema, that’s next to my pink aglaonema! 😉
  • The aglaonema’s lush and vibrant foliage adds a touch of exotic elegance to your bohemian sanctuary. Its unique patterns and shades create a mesmerizing contrast against eclectic decor, making it a standout piece in your design. Choose colors that compliment or contrast against your pot choice, either calming your space, or making more noise, depending on your desired outcome.
  • The thing that I love most about aglaonemas is that for their bold colors and large leaves, aglaonema plants are actually quite low-maintenance. If you give them a good amount of indirect light and a weekly watering, then they will be happy for you for a long time!

Get one here!

25. String of Pearls (Senecio rowleyanus)

  • The string of pearls houseplant is one of the original cornerstones of boho interiors, with its cascading strands of succulent pearls adding a touch of unconventional elegance. Perfect for hanging baskets, macrame hangers, and uniquely-shaped pots, it effortlessly complements your eclectic decor.
  • This plant looks best when given plenty of sunlight. The main cause of plant death comes from either a lack of sunlight and too much water, or plenty of sunlight and too little water. So make sure when you pick out one of these beauties, that you have a nice, sunny spot to hang it!
  • One of the best things about string of pearls is for those out-there plant pots and unconventional decor, such as your elephant pots, sculpted heads, sloth figurines, etc. The round ball leaves are perfect to add the boho flair without overwhelming the space.

Get it here!

26. String of Bananas (Senecio radicans)

  • The string of bananas houseplant exudes boho charm with its cascading vines of unique banana-shaped leaves. Its quirky and playful appearance adds an artistic touch to your boho interior, making your room feel fun and creative at the same time.
  • One added bonus of the string of bananas is that it is a pet-friendly choice, ensuring that your beloved furry friends can coexist harmoniously with your trendy boho designed space.
  • It’s also worth noting that string of bananas looks fabulous in hanging macramé planters, embracing the trendy and free-spirited aesthetics of boho design. Its trailing vines create a captivating visual effect, enhancing the cozy and artistic vibe of your bohemian haven.

Get one here!

27. Baby Rubber Plant (Peperomia obtusifolia variegata)

  • Whether you plop it into a textured pot, hang it in a breezy macramé planter, or let it chill with other plant pals, peperomia obtusifolia variegata plays nice with your boho vision, making your home a cozy, artsy haven with minimal effort.
  • This peperomia variety is one of the easiest peperomia varieties to care for that I’ve come across. It’s the kind of houseplant that’s happy with some light, but it won’t throw a fit if you occasionally forget to water it – perfect for both the beginner houseplant parent, or someone that just doesn’t want to deal with a picky plant.
  • The Baby Rubber Plant is also one of the smaller plants that does great being paired with others. Whether it’s in a fun, eye-catching pot, or paired as a group with other greenery on your side table or on a credenza, this peperomia variety is a must-have for every plant parent wanting a chic look.

Get one here!

28. English Ivy (Hedera helix)

  • English ivy is like the ultimate houseplant for your indoor jungle. Its lush, trailing vines add a dreamy, nature-inspired vibe to any boho oasis, and trust me, it’s all about that adding those relaxed, earthy elements.
  • As for home decor, English ivy looks great in either a woven macramé planter or left to gracefully drape along your tabletops. It’s like having a piece of the forest right inside your home. So pair it with a natural planter, such as ceramic planters, or minimalist solid colors to let the pure greenery of this plant shine!
  • And as an additional perk, English ivy doesn’t just look great; it also helps clean the air! Check out my list of Indoor Plants the Clean the Air for more air-purifying plants to add to your space!

Find one here!

29. Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia)

  • Bird of paradise is like having a slice of the tropics right in my boho haven. Its lush, banana-like leaves and striking presence transport me to a carefree, exotic paradise every day. This is one of my go-to boho beauties for any interior space that wants the bohemian feel.
  • Despite its exotic appearance, the bird of paradise is surprisingly low-maintenance. It enjoys plenty of sunlight, but once it finds its happy place, it does best being left alone to grow and look beautiful and elegant!
  • The last thing that I love about the bird of paradise is that it is naturally pest free. A lot of indoor plants can come with insect problems, but this is one that I’ve seen time and time again come away insect-free, even when its neighbors are crawling with them! So if you’ve had issues with indoor plant pests in the past, then consider adding one of these beautiful gems into your space!

Get it here!

30. Scindapsus (Scindapsus pictus)

  • Scindapsus is the perfect houseplant for those looking for a variety of different plants within their indoor space but are bored with their pothos vines. This vine has unique leaves that come in an array of silvers that contrast well against the typical greens and yellows of most vines.
  • This plant is also perfect for those who struggle with watering, since the leaves curl when it’s thirsty, so it practically tells you when it’s needing a drink!
  • Whether you want to add a trailing vine, or keep it trimmed short and bushy, this plant does extremely well in different conditions, allowing you to style it and use it however fits best in your boho-inspired space!

Get one here!


Finishing up our plant-infused Boho design journey, we’ve introduced a variety of lush, indoor houseplants that can help your living spaces achieve a bohemian flair. These are the key takeaways from our exploration:

  • A diverse selection of palms like the Areca Palm, Parlor Palm, and Ponytail Palm are essential to the boho interior.
  • Ferns, such as the Boston Fern, Staghorn Fern, and Bird’s Nest Fern, offer verdant green hues that add an earthy yet elegant touch to your design if you have the humidity to support them.
  • Apart from ferns and palms, there are numerous other plants like the Monstera Deliciosa, Spider Plant, Bird of Paradise, and Snake Plant that all bring texture, color, and a heightened sense of style to boho interiors.

Endeavor to experiment and play around with these plant choices and arrangement styles until you achieve a design that feels distinctly you, while also respecting the vibrant use of natural materials that encapsulates the Boho aesthetic.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why are plants so important in Boho design?

Plants play a pivotal role in Boho design because they complement the nature-inspired, eclectic, and carefree vibe of this interior style. Indoor plants bring in the freshness and tranquility of the outdoors, while adding varied textures and shades of green that match the earthy, eclectic boho style.

How to care for indoor plants in Boho living spaces?

Every type of plant requires different care. However, most indoor plants that fit with boho interiors are either tropical or desert plants. These plants do best with strong, indirect light and lots of humidity, or lots of bright, direct light with infrequent waterings respectively. It’s essential to understand your plant’s specific needs to make sure that you are providing the correct sunlight, water, soil, and temperature to ensure its success in your space.

Can outdoor plants be used in Boho design?

While outdoor plants can sometimes be used indoors, it depends on the plant variety and your living conditions. Some outdoor plants can survive indoors if they receive enough light and proper care, but it’s generally easier to use plants already adapted to indoor environments. This is because most outdoor plants require lots of sunlight, as well as distinct seasons to maintain its healthy lifecycle. But once again, this all depends on the type of plant you are trying to move indoors.

How many plants should I have in one room for a Boho look?

Boho design embraces a mix-and-match, maximalist approach, but the number of plants would depend on the size of the room and the amount of natural light it receives. It’s not about crowding the space but creating a harmonious, lush look. Start with a few and add more as you see fit. And remember, just as each person’s wardrobe fits their personal preferences and lifestyle, so should your indoor space fit your own personal desires and lifestyle.

31 Fuzzy Succulent Plants that make you go “Awww!”

Post Title "31 Fuzzy Succulents that make you go Aww..." with image of panda plant on white background.

Hello succulent lovers! If you’re like me, you can never have enough of these adorable plants in your home. And what’s better than a fuzzy succulent? I’m excited to share with you my top 31 favorite fuzzy succulents that will add a unique and cozy touch to your indoor garden. Whether you’re new to succulents or a seasoned collector, there’s a fuzzy plant out there for everyone. So, let’s dive in and explore these irresistible, tender succulents that will make your heart melt!

What are fuzzy succulent plants?

A fuzzy succulent is a type of plant that exhibits hairy or woolly structures on its leaves or stems, which are often used for water retention and protection from environmental stresses. This characteristic is commonly found in plants belonging to the Crassulaceae, Asteraceae, and Malvaceae families. The fuzzy texture of succulents can range from a light fuzz to dense woolly covering, and can serve as an adaptation to various ecological niches, including arid and high-altitude environments.

These specialized hairy or fuzzy leaves can range in texture from a fine down that is nearly invisible to the naked eye, to a more noticeable fuzziness. You’ll find that touching these plants is an absolute delight, and their fuzzy texture adds a unique dimension to your houseplant collection.

General Care Tips for Fuzzy Succulents

Fuzzy succulents generally require well-draining soil, bright but indirect light, and infrequent watering. They can usually tolerate some direct sunlight, but this is usually not quite as much full sun than their non-fuzzy relatives.

It’s important, though, not to overwater them as their fuzzy leaves can trap moisture among the hairs, which can lead to damage on the leaves and possible root rot. So when watering, make sure to add only a little water, or drain out any excess water from the soil through the pot’s drainage hole.

Then, as with most succulents, fertilizing should be done sparingly, if at all. And only in the summer months. Never fertilize your succulents in the winter months when the plant is not actively growing.

One of the biggest things that sets fuzzy succulent care apart from regular succulents is that fuzzy succulents tend to trap dust on their leaves.  Normally this is taken care of outdoors by the wind, but since we typically don’t have high winds indoors, your fuzzy succulents would need to be periodically wiped down with a dry, soft cloth to remove any dust and debris that has gotten stuck on their leaves.

For more succulent care tips, check out my post on Taking Care of Succulents!

*Note: This post may contain affiliate links, which if purchased, I may receive a portion of the profits. This allows me to keep providing awesome information for you!*

1. Kalanchoe tomentosa

Kalanchoe tomentosa, also known as the Panda Plant or Teddy Bear Plant, is a fuzzy succulent that is perfect for plant lovers with furry friends. Its soft, silvery leaves are covered in tiny hairs, giving it a cuddly, teddy bear-like appearance. Not only is it safe for cats, but it also adds a touch of coziness to any space. And, a native of Madagascar, this fun succulent always makes me think of not just a panda bear, but specifically of King Julian from the movie Madagascar! Haha!

Get a Panda Plant!

2. Echeveria Setosa var. Deminuta

Echeveria setosa var. deminuta is a charming succulent with small, fuzzy leaves that resemble tiny sea anemones. This unique plant is known for its rosettes of grayish-green foliage that are covered in fine hairs, adding a touch of softness to its already delicate appearance. Its diminutive size makes it perfect for small spaces or as a feature in a succulent arrangement. It will also easily reward you with a new plant stemming from the sides of each rosette!

Get an Echeveria setosa var. Deminuta!

3. Echeveria Doris Taylor

Echeveria Doris Taylor is a stunning succulent with a soft and fuzzy appearance, reminiscent of lamb’s ear. Its rosettes of thick, powdery blue-green leaves are covered in fine white hairs, giving it a cozy and velvety texture. If it is in a bright, warm climate, this slow-growing plant will bloom in late fall or early winter, producing a tall stalk of delicate peach-colored flowers that stand out against its muted foliage. 

​Get an Echeveria Doris Taylor!

4. Crassula lanuginosa var. Pachystemon ‘David’

Crassula lanuginosa var. pachystemon ‘David’ doesn’t look like your typical jade plants. Instead, its thick, almost bonsai-like trunk and densely packed leaves can cascade down the sides of its pot more like a Burro’s tail succulent. Its fuzzy, silver-green foliage forms a neat, compact rosette that contrasts beautifully with its woody stem. This slow-growing plant is perfect for bonsai enthusiasts or as a statement piece in a succulent arrangement.

Get a David Crassula!

5. Echeveria pulvinata x setosa

Echeveria pulvinata x setosa is a stunning hybrid succulent with a velvety, soft texture and a rosette shape that resembles a flower. Its leaves are covered in fine hairs that give it a fuzzy appearance, with colors ranging from blue-green to reddish-brown. This slow-growing plant produces delicate pink flowers on tall stems in the summer, adding a touch of elegance to its already striking appearance. It’s an excellent addition to any succulent collection or as a unique gift for plant enthusiasts.

Get an Echeveria pulvinata x setosa!

6. Sempervivum Ciliosum

Sempervivum Ciliosum, with the common name of the Eyelash Houseleek, is a charming succulent with a unique appearance that resembles a tiny, green rose. Its compact rosettes of fleshy, pointed leaves have tiny hairs, or “eyelashes,” that protrude from the tips, adding an extra dimension of texture and visual interest. This slow-growing plant produces delicate pink flowers in the summer, making it an excellent addition to any rock garden or succulent arrangement.

Get an Eyelash Houseleek!

7. Crested Echeveria Frosty

Crested Echeveria Frosty is a captivating succulent with a unique and beautiful appearance. Its intricately curved leaves form a rosette shape, which is further accentuated by its crested growth pattern. The frosty blue-green leaves have a powdery texture, adding to its delicate and ethereal appearance. This slow-growing plant blooms in the spring, producing tall stems of peach-colored flowers that stand out against its muted foliage, making it an ideal plant for succulent enthusiasts who appreciate rare and distinctive specimens.

Get a Crested Echeveria Frosty!

8. Aeonium Dinner Plate

Aeonium Dinner Plate is a striking succulent with a unique and eye-catching appearance. Its large, flat rosettes of glossy leaves can grow up to 12 inches in diameter, resembling a plate, hence its name. The leaves range in color from green to deep burgundy and have small hairs along the leaf edges. This slow-growing plant produces tall stems of yellow flowers in the summer, making it a perfect addition to any succulent garden or patio where its striking beauty can be admired by all.

Get an Aeonium Dinner Plate!

9. Crassula mesembryanthemoides

Crassula mesembryanthemoides is a charming succulent with a unique and fascinating appearance. Its dense clusters of gray-green, hairy leaves form a dense mat-like structure, making it an excellent ground cover plant. The leaves are triangular and pointed, with a powdery texture that gives them a frosted appearance. This slow-growing plant produces small white or pink flowers on tall stems in the summer, adding a delicate touch to its already intriguing look. It’s an excellent addition to any succulent collection or rock garden, bringing a touch of beauty and diversity.

Get yourself a Crassula mesembryanthemhttps://www.etsy.com/listing/1430425188/crassula-mesembryanthemoides?gpla=1&gao=1&oides!

10. Crassula congesta ‘Green Beans”

Crassula congesta ‘Green Beans’ is a delightful succulent with a unique and charming appearance. Its thick, green leaves are shaped like little beans and are tightly packed together in rosettes that can grow up to 6 inches in diameter. The leaves have a fleshy texture and a glossy sheen, on their leaf surface, making them look almost plastic-like. Don’t forget to water it though! This slow-growing plant produces delicate white or pink flowers in the summer. This makes it an excellent addition to any succulent collection or rock garden, especially for those who appreciate rare and unusual specimens.

Get yourself a Green Bean Crassula!

11. Kalanchoe orgyalis

Kalanchoe orgyalis is one of my favorite succulents. It has a unique appearance with elongated, fuzzy, and copper-colored leaves that look almost like they’re made of velvet. The leaves’ edges have a smooth texture that adds to the plant’s charm. This slow-growing succulent produces clusters of delicate pink flowers that add a pop of color to its already striking appearance. It’s an excellent addition to any succulent collection, and the fuzziness of the leaves makes it a favorite of mine to touch and admire.

Get a Kalanchoe orgyalis!

12. Echinopsis subdenudata ‘Fuzzy Navel’

Echinopsis subdenudata ‘Fuzzy Navel’ is a unique and fascinating succulent that I can’t help but love. Its round, green body is covered in tiny white spines that make it look fuzzy and almost soft to the touch. The plant’s spines make it unique and fascinating, and its slow growth rate makes it a perfect choice for indoor gardening. The plant produces large, showy pink flowers that add to its already attractive look. Whether placed on a windowsill or in a terrarium, ‘Fuzzy Navel’ is an excellent addition to any indoor succulent collection.

Get yourself a Fuzzy Navel succulent!

13. Cotyledon Tomentosa – Bear Paw

Cotyledon Tomentosa, also known as the Bear’s Paw, is a delightful succulent with a unique appearance resembling the paw of a bear. Its rounded, furry leaves are covered in tiny hairs, and the tips are adorned with sharp, claw-like protrusions. This slow-growing plant produces delicate, tubular flowers in shades of orange or yellow in the summer, adding a touch of color to its already charming appearance. It’s an excellent addition to any succulent collection, especially for those who love animals.

Get yourself a Bear Paw!

14. Crassula brevifolia

Crassula brevifolia is a perfect succulent for an indoor setting. Its round, fuzzy leaves grow in a rosette pattern that adds a unique and charming touch to any room. The plant’s thick leaves have a soft texture that invites you to touch them, and they’re easy to care for, making them a great choice for indoor gardening. This succulent thrives in bright, indirect sunlight and requires infrequent watering. It’s an excellent addition to any indoor succulent collection, adding a touch of greenery and coziness to your living space.

Get a Crassula brevifolia!

15. Kalanchoe eriophylla

Kalanchoe eriophylla is a unique and fascinating succulent that can add a charming touch to any indoor space. Its velvety, fuzzy leaves give it a soft and cozy appearance that invites you to touch them. The plant is easy to care for, making it an excellent choice for indoor gardening, and it produces beautiful pink showy flowers that add to its already attractive look. This succulent is perfect for adding a pop of color and texture to your indoor succulent collection while keeping your furry friends safe.

Get yourself a Kalanchoe eriophylla!

16. Crassula mesembryanthemoides ‘Tenelli’ 

Crassula mesembryanthemoides Tenelli is an excellent choice for an indoor succulent collection. The plant’s delicate, fuzzy leaves give it a soft and cozy appearance that adds warmth to any room. It’s easy to care for and doesn’t require frequent watering, making it a low-maintenance choice for indoor gardening. Its compact size and attractive look make it perfect for tabletops or shelves, adding a touch of greenery and elegance to your indoor space.

Get a Tenelli Crassula!

17. Sempervivum Cobweb Hens and Chicks

Sempervivum Cobweb Hens and Chicks is a delightful indoor succulent that adds texture and visual interest to any room. Its web-like fuzziness and small rosette-shaped fleshy leaves make it a unique and attractive addition to your indoor garden. This low-maintenance plant thrives in bright light and doesn’t require frequent watering, making it perfect for busy plant parents. Plus, its pet-safe nature ensures that your furry friends won’t be harmed if they decide to give it a nibble.

Get yourself a Cobweb Hens and Chicks!

18. Kalanchoe tomentosa – Variegated Bear Paw

The Variegated Bear Paw kalanchoe is a striking addition to any indoor collection. Its soft, fuzzy leaves are variegated with cream and green, creating a beautiful contrast. Unlike the original Bear Paw Succulent, this variety has more of a trailing growth habit and can be a great choice for hanging baskets. It’s safe for pets and easy to care for, making it a perfect option for any indoor plant lover.

​Grab a Variegated Bear Paw!

19. Senecio haworthii – Woolly Senecio

The Senecio haworthii, also known as the Woolly Senecio or the Woolly Rose, is a soft, fuzzy succulent that adds a playful touch to any indoor space. Unlike its famous cousin, the string of pearls, this plant has fuzzy, grey-green leaves that are irresistible to touch and pet. This makes it a great addition for anyone who loves tactile plants. Plus, this low-maintenance succulent is perfect for busy plant parents looking for a bit of greenery without the hassle!

Get yourself a Woolly senecio!

20. Cephalocereus senilis – Old Man Cactus

Old Man Cactus, with its shaggy white hairs, is a charming addition to any succulent collection. Its soft and fuzzy texture adds a cozy touch to your indoor space. This plant requires minimal care and can tolerate a variety of indoor conditions, making it an easy choice for any level of plant enthusiast. Its unique appearance is sure to bring a smile to your face every time you see it.

Get an Old Man Cactus!

21. Cyanotis somaliensis – Kitten Ears

Kitten Ears, or Cyanotis somaliensis, is a delightful succulent species that boasts a soft and fuzzy texture reminiscent of a soft, furry kitten’s ears. The plant’s delicate green leaves are adorned with tiny white hairs that give it a cozy and inviting appearance. It’s a perfect addition to any indoor garden or plant collection, adding a touch of charm and playfulness.

Get yourself some Kitten Ears!

22. Kalanchoe tomentosa ‘Chocolate soldier’

This succulent is a Chocolate Soldier, a type of Kalanchoe tomentosa. Its fuzzy, chocolate-brown leaves give it a unique appearance that I can’t resist touching. The main difference between the regular panda plant and the Chocolate Soldier plants is the color of the hairs on the leaves. While the original has green and white fuzzy succulent leaves, the Chocolate Soldier leaves have a more distinct brown hair color, which makes the leaves look more like chocolate… yummm!

Get a Chocolate Soldier!

23. Echeveria pulvinata var. Frigida – White Chenille Plant

Oh, the White Chenille Plant, also known as Echeveria pulvinata var. Frigida, is one of my favorite indoor succulents. The fuzzy leaves are irresistible to touch and the plant’s rosette shape is just adorable. Plus, its fuzzy leaves resemble white hairs, and the rosettes form small clumps that make it look like a cute little snowball. This plant thrives in bright light and is easy to care for, making it perfect for succulent beginners.

Get yourself a White Chenille Plant!

24. Kalanchoe beharensis ‘Fang’

Kalanchoe beharensis, also known as the Felt Bush or Velvet Leaf Kalanchoe, is a unique and fuzzy succulent that is perfect for any indoor plant collection. The leaves are covered in soft, felt-like hairs that make them a pleasure to touch. The silver-green leaves have a scalloped edge and are held on tall, upright stems. Then, with the right care, you could possibly see stalks of delicate pink or white flowers blooming from the head of the plant. This makes it a beautiful addition to any succulent collection!

Get a Velvet Leaf Kalanchoe!

25. Echeveria setosa – Mexican Firecracker

Looking for a striking, low-maintenance succulent to add to your indoor collection? Look no further than Echeveria setosa, also known as the Mexican Firecracker. This beautiful plant boasts a unique fuzzy texture and bright red-orange tips, adding a pop of color to any space.

Grab yourself a Mexican Firecracker!

26. Tradescantia sillamontana

If you’re looking for a succulent with a unique texture, you should check out the Tradescantia sillamontana, also known as Cobweb Spiderwort. This plant’s fuzzy, silver leaves give it an almost velvety appearance. It’s definitely a conversation starter, and I love the way it adds a touch of softness to any indoor succulent garden. Just be aware, this can be a picky succulent to grow indoors as it loves lots of humidity!

Grab yourself a tradescantia sillamontana!

27. Adromischus cristatus – Key Lime Pie Plant

The Adromischus cristatus, also known as the Crinkle leaf plant or Key Lime Pie plant, has a unique crinkly texture to its leaves that almost looks like it’s been scrunched up like paper. The fuzziness of the leaves makes it all the more interesting to touch and care for. Its vibrant green color and wavy shape give it a playful, fun appearance that’s sure to brighten up any room. 

Buy yourself a Key Lime Pie plant!

28. Aeonium smithii

Aeonium smithii, or the Black Rose, is a beautiful succulent with dark, glossy leaves that almost look black. It’s a bit fuzzy to the touch and adds a nice rosette form to your indoor garden. With proper care, this plant can grow tall and produce stunning rosettes of flowers at the top of the stem. It can be grown indoors as well as outdoors in warmer climates, and is a low maintenance plant that will thrive in a sunny spot with well-draining soil. When exposed to more sun, the red pigmentation in its leaves becomes more vibrant, making it a stunning addition to any succulent collection.

Get yourself a Black Rose Aeonium!

29. Echeveria setosa var. Ciliata

Echeveria setosa var. ciliata is a fuzzy, succulent plant with a unique appearance. Its leaves have hair-like growths that give it a distinct texture, and its pale green color adds to its overall beauty. I love the way it looks in a decorative pot or mixed with other succulents in an arrangement!

Get yourself an Echeveria setosa var. ciliata!

30. Crassula barbata

Crassula barbata, also known as the Bearded-leaved Crassula, is a unique succulent with plump, triangular leaves that are a pale green color. The leaves have a slightly fuzzy texture, which makes this plant all the more charming. This Crassula is a native of South Africa, and as such is a slow grower. But it’s definitely worth the wait for its beautiful rose shape and unique texture.

Get a Bearded-leaved Crassula!

31. Echeveria harmsii

Echeveria harmsii is a delightful succulent with a unique appearance. Its leaves are a dusty blue-green color with a soft velvety texture that is so satisfying to touch. The fuzzy leaves have a striking white outline, and the rosette shape makes it perfect for display in a pot or hanging basket.

Get yourself an Echeveria harmsii!

I hope this list of 31 fuzzy succulents for indoors has inspired you to add some texture and variety to your indoor plant collection. Remember to always research the specific care requirements for each plant and provide them with the appropriate environment to thrive. With a little bit of love and attention, these fuzzy succulents can brighten up your home and bring you joy and fuzzy feelings for years to come! 

Happy Digging!

The Complete Beginner’s Guide to Care for an Umbrella Plant

Title: The Complete Beginner's Guide to Umbrella Plants (Schefflera) - Read Now with decorative image of a variegated schefflera

Umbrella plants, or Schefflera actinophylla, is a beautiful branching indoor plant that has become very popular over the years. This is because of its ability to survive in lower light levels and its low maintenance. But surviving is different from thriving. Here are my instructions for how to care for an umbrella plant indoors so it can not only survive, but also give you lots of new growth!

*Note: This post may contain affiliate links, which if purchased helps to support this website at no extra charge to you. This helps me to keep providing awesome information to y’all!*

The umbrella plant (or dwarf schefflera) is native to Taiwan and South China. It’s renowned for its lustrous, umbrella-like leaves which give it its common name, as well as the nickname, the parasol plant! This evergreen tree is naturally an understory tree, which means that even in its tropical, native environment, it doesn’t receive direct, full sun. Keep this in mind while caring for your schefflera plants as it will help you to keep your care routine similar to its native habitat.

Umbrella Tree Light Requirements

These plants prefer bright, indirect light for strong, healthy growth. Exposure to direct sunlight can scorch the leaves, leading to a dull and unhealthy look. However, if the plant doesn’t get enough light, it may become leggy. A north or east-facing window is often a good location. 

If you need something for your dark corner, then my recommendation is to allow it to have several weeks of bright, indirect light and then move it to your dark location for a few weeks. This rotation shouldn’t cause too much stretching of new growth. Or you can check out my video on the Best Houseplants for Low Light!

And keep in mind that if you are having too much stretching, the only way to fix it is to trim it down and let it grow new branches in better lighting.

*Note that the sap of this plant contains calcium oxalate crystals, which can cause an irritation for some people. Be sure to use gloves while pruning or propagating this plant and wash your hands thoroughly after contact*

And again, please keep your schefflera out of hot, direct sunlight. This can cause large, faded brown areas on your leaves which will never be able to revert back to green. If in doubt, leggy is always better than burnt!

Umbrella Tree Water Requirements

Dwarf umbrella plants prefer to be lightly moist. So it is important to avoid both severe water-logging and letting the soil dry out completely. 

The best approach for watering your umbrella plant is to water thoroughly, and then allow the top inch of soil to dry out before the next watering. A good rule of thumb is to water them once every week during the growing season and reduce watering frequency to every two weeks during winter. Overwatering can lead to root rot which is a common issue among umbrella plants.

In low light, I usually adjust my dwarf umbrella tree watering by only slightly decreasing my frequency of watering and focusing more on decreasing the amount of water I add each time. Watch out for green or yellow leaves dropping. This is a sign of having too much water in your soil.  If this is happening to your umbrella plant, then immediately repot your plant into fresh, dry soil and trim off any black or mushy roots!

Another key to ensuring that your indoor umbrella plant has a balanced amount of watering is to make sure that it has drainage holes in the bottom of its pot. This allows any excess moisture to drain out the bottom of the pot instead of pooling in the bottom of the soil. Excess moisture at the bottom of your pot can cause root rot.

Umbrella Tree Fertilizer Requirements 

Feeding an umbrella plant is not a complex process since they are not heavy feeders and don’t require much fertilizer to maintain their growth. Use a general-purpose houseplant fertilizer diluted to half the recommended strength. Feed your umbrella plant once every couple of weeks during the growing season, typically from spring to early fall. During the quieter winter months, feeding can be reduced to once a month, or even stopped completely if your plant is not actively growing.

Be careful to not add too much fertilizer to any new plants that you have propagated. Young roots and plants are more susceptible to fertilizer burn. Consider using a fertilizer that is more tailored to young plants, such as SuperThrive, or a slow-release fertilizer.

Umbrella Plants and Temperature

Umbrella plants prefer temperatures between 60 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Any drastic or sudden changes in temperature can lead to wilted leaves. Maintain a consistent temperature and keep the plant away from drafty windows or doors. It does not like cold drafts so keep it away from air conditioner vents in the summer and drafty doors in the winter.

Humidity Levels

As tropical plants, umbrella plants prefer high humidity levels. Dry air, common in heated interiors during winter, can cause the leaves to drop. To increase humidity, you can place it in a well-lit bathroom or kitchen, use a humidifier, or place the plant on a tray filled with pebbles and water.

If you can’t raise the humidity levels, at least try to keep it way from any heating or cooling vents as these can drastically decrease the humidity, specifically in the winter while the heater is running.

Common Umbrella Plant Issues and How to Solve Them

Despite your best attempts, it’s possible that your umbrella plant may encounter some issues. Don’t worry, these are generally easily rectified with a bit of knowledge and a quick response.

Yellow Leaves 

One common problem with umbrella plants is yellowing leaves. This is often a sign of overwatering. If you notice yellow leaves, the best action would be to check the soil. If you find moist soil, then reduce your watering. And as I mentioned above, if your leaf drop is excessive and your soil is still moist, then immediately repot your plant into fresh, dry soil. 

Brown Leaves

Brown, crispy leaf tips on your umbrella plant could indicate low humidity or underwatering. In these cases, increase the frequency of your watering and consider using a moisture tray or a humidifier to increase humidity.

Light brown splotches, however, could be a sign of too much hot, bright light. I would make sure that your dwarf schefflera is not getting too much hot sunlight and consider moving it if it is showing signs of leaf scorch. 


Pest infestations can be another problem, particularly with scale insects, spider mites, or mealybugs. These pests can be tackled by wiping the leaves with a mild solution of soapy water or by using a specific houseplant insecticide. Insecticidal soap is a particular favorite of mine for a foliar spray, or this Bonide systemic insecticide works great for most indoor plants! 

For more information on how to get rid of specific pests, check out my Indoor Plant Pest Guide!

Little to No New Growth

Slow growth or no growth, particularly during the growing season from spring through the fall, can indicate either that the plant isn’t getting enough light or that it needs some fertilizer. Simply moving your umbrella plant to a brighter location and ensuring it’s properly fed can help resolve this issue. 

If you still aren’t seeing any new growth, especially on a mature plant, consider repotting it to stimulate its root system. Or, if your plant is receiving little light, consider moving it to a location where it will get bright, indirect light during the day. This can also stimulate the plant to put out a flush of new growth!


Here a quick recap of the umbrella plant…

  • Schefflera arboricola plants: A popular houseplant known for its unique umbrella shaped stem and leaves. It has grown in popularity due to its easy-care nature.
  • Required Environment: The plant thrives best in warm indoor temperatures, high humidity levels, and bright, but indirect light.
  • Feeding & Watering: These plants require a balanced approach to feeding and watering, avoiding both under-watering and over-watering as well as a balanced fertilizer. 
  • Common Issues: By recognizing the signs of common umbrella plant issues such as yellowing leaves and watching for common plant pets Seychelles as Scaife insects and spider mites, we can take steps to mitigate these problems effectively.

With this knowledge at your fingertips, caring for an umbrella plant indoors should be a breeze. Remember, it’s not just about keeping your plant alive but creating a nurturing environment where it can thrive. So, bring home an umbrella plant and give these tips a try. 

Happy Digging!

Umbrella Plant Care FAQs

How much light does an umbrella plant need?

Umbrella plants thrive in bright, indirect light. They can tolerate some direct sunlight but overexposure can burn the leaves. In low light conditions, their growth may slow and the leaves may lose their vibrant color. Make sure to give your umbrella plants the right conditions to ensure optimal growth!

How often should I water my umbrella plant?

Watering frequency for umbrella plants can depend on the environment, but generally, watering once a week is sufficient. It’s best to keep the soil slightly moist but not soaked; allowing the top inch of soil to dry out before the next watering can help prevent overwatering. Consider adding a liquid fertilizer at half strength to your water during the summer months for an explosion of new growth!

What type of soil is best for the umbrella plant?

Umbrella plants prefer well-draining soil, which prevents excess water from sitting around the roots and causing rot. A commercial potting mix for houseplants or a blend of equal parts peat moss, coarse sand, and perlite should work well to keep your soil draining well.

Why are the leaves of my umbrella plant turning yellow?

Yellowing leaves can be a common issue with umbrella plants and can be due to several reasons, including overwatering, insufficient light, or nutrient deficiency. The first thing to do is to check your soil. If your soil is wet, then you may need to repot your plant into fresh, dry soil. If your soil is not wet, then further troubleshooting is required to know why your plant’s leaves are turning yellow.

How to Repot a Boston Fern in 5 Simple Steps!

Is it time for you to repot your boston fern? I get it. This can be a daunting job…. Especially if this is your first time repotting a fern. But no worries! Just follow these 5 easy steps and you’ll be a fern-potting pro in no time! 

Just FYI…. these repotting steps will work for many different types of ferns, including sword fern, Kangaroo palm fern, rabbit foot fern, Maidenhair fern, etc. This particular post will focus on Nephrolepis exaltata, or the boston fern. But these methods can also be used for all other similar fern types!

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Step 1: Soak the Root Ball

To repot your fern, you’ll first want to soak the root ball. You are trying to get the soil lightly moist. This will make the soil and the roots a lot easier to work with during the repotting process. To do this, I recommend you water it thoroughly (until the water has penetrated the soil and is running out the bottom). Then let it sit for about 15 minutes to let any excess water run off. Now you’re ready to got your hands dirty!

Boston Fern Plant with copper watering can - watering plant

Step 2: Remove from the Pot and Loosen the Roots

Now that your soil is moist, it should come out of your pot fairly easy. Any difficult plants can be soaked for longer, or turned upside down to let gravity help you out. It is NOT a good idea to pull on the fronds, as this can damage your plant. If all else fails, just soak it for longer!

Once it’s out of the pot, you will need to loosen up the soil and “massage” the roots. This can be done by running your hands up and down the sides of the root ball, loosening the soil and the roots that are on the outside. You’ll also need to rub your hands along the bottom of the root ball to loosen any circling roots at the base. Any large circling roots will need to be either de-tangled or clipped.

If your roots are especially root bound, you dono’t need to spend hours massaging your soil. Instead, take a sharp knife (or I sometimes use my pruning shears!) and “score” the sides of your rootball.

If you don’t know what scoring is, it’s just a fancy word for running your knife up and down the sides of your root ball. This cuts up any roots that might be circling the pot and its the lazy-man’s way to quickly repot a fern, while still getting great results!

Step 3: Divide if Necessary

 If your fern looks like it has more roots than soil then you should divide your plant into two smaller plants.

To divide your plant, you can either massage the soil loose enough that you can pull sections apart, or you can simply cut it. Then to cut it, youll need a large sharp knife or a small, serrated saw. Use caution at all times and please wear gloves! To divide your fern, simply cut the root ball into the pieces you want. Just be careful that you dont damage the fronds in the process. Then place each new plant into a different pot. The new ferns might look slightly bare on one side, but don’t worry… in time there will be new growth that fills in the rough side. 

Step 4: Repot in a Slightly Larger Pot

When you repot your plant, (or possibly both boston fern plants), the new pot should only be a few inches deeper and wider than your current pot (or if dividing, your pot should be a few inches deeper and wider than your current rootball.)

If you place it in a pot that is too big, you could run into problems with root rot. Also, make sure that your pot always has drainage holes at the bottom. If you prefer the decorator pots, you can place your fern in a standard nursery pot that has good drainage, and then place this pot inside your decorator pot. I actually prefer this method because it reduces any water damage to my tabletops and windowsills.

Then simply place your fern into its new home and firmly press some fresh potting mix around it.

boston fern plant in new terracotta pot that is slightly larger than rootball

Step 5: Give Special Care for a few Days

When you’re done repotting your fern, you will need to water it again. You should do a thorough watering by placing it in a sink, tub, or outdoors, then add water until there is water dripping out the bottom of the pot. Then, once it has stopped dripping, place it in a location where it will stay out of direct sunlight for the next few days. This gives your plant a few days to recover and to seal over any damaged roots. 

Boston Fern Care

Boston ferns grow best with indirect sunlight and a humid climate. They also prefer an east or west facing window, where they can get a good amount of light but where they will also stay out of the hot afternoon sunlight. You need to be aware that the more light your fern receives, the more it will grow, but the more humidity and moisture the little guy will also need. 


The best way to provide the high humidity that your fern needs is to use a room humidifier. These work great if you live in a dry climate or you have multiple humid loving plants. However, they can also be a bit expensive and will add humidity to your entire room.

Another way to increase humidity levels is to place your boston fern on the pebble tray, a.k.a. on a tray filled with pebbles and water. The relative humidity will increase as the water evaporates. This can also be simulated through regular misting of your fern. 

The final way to increase humidity levels for ferns is to place it in a group of other houseplants. While not as effective as the pebble method or adding a humidifier, grouping house plants together will add a small amount of extra moisture in the air. 


You can use any liquid fertilizer that is recommended for houseplants, as long as you follow the instructions and apply the fertilizer at the recommended rates. Only use fertilizer in the spring and summer months, or during the plant’s growing season. I don’t recommend fertilizing your fern in the winter months, as this can cause a chemical burn to the root system. Instead, wait for early spring when you start seeing new fronds emerging from the root ball.

Yellow Leaves

Yellowing leaves is a common problem among indoor ferns and it can be caused by several things. I would suggest you first check your watering habits. Is the plant often dry? If so, then you might be having issues with too little water, too little humidity, and possibly even spider mites (they thrive in dry conditions!). If your fern is not dry, but is kept consistently moist, then I would recommend checking the plant’s roots for any fungal diseases or root rot. These are the most common reasons why fern leaves turn yellow.

image of boston fern plant on wood table

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1 What kind of soil do boston ferns like?

Boston ferns need moist soil that also drains well. I would recommend avoiding soil mixes for cacti and succulents and instead go with a regular indoor plant mix. You can also mix your own soil with perlite and either peat moss or coconut coir. Mix 2 parts potting soil to 1 part perlite and 1 part peat or coconut coir. Then if your plant is drying out too quickly, increase the amount of peat/ coconut coir.

Q2. Do Boston ferns need deep pots?

Boston ferns do not need unusually deep pots. Their depth should approximately match the fern’s height. If your pot is too deep, it could potentially cause a build-up of excess water at the bottom of the pot. This could cause root rot. 

Q3. How do you know when to repot a fern?

Ferns usually need to be repotted every year or two depending on its rate of growth. Your first sign it needs to be repotted is if it is drying out quickly. You shouldn’t need to water it more than once a day. Also, if you can see lots of roots protruding from the top of the soil, then it is definitely time to get him into a new pot and maybe even consider dividing it. 

Q4. What kind of pots do ferns like?

The first type of pot that ferns love is self-watering pots. These give them lots of consistent water, (ferns are heavy drinkers). These are the best for small ferns. However, for a fern that needs a larger container, plastic or ceramic glazed pots are best for indoor ferns. If growing outdoors, clay pots are usually your best bet. Then, if you plan on placing your fern in a hanging basket, I would recommend you use a ceramic pot. This is because plastic pots will heat up more than ceramic or clay pots, and this may cause stress on your plant. You will also need to increase the amount of water you give to your fern in a plastic pot. But either way, make sure your pot has good drainage holes and that the size of pot fits the size of your plant! 

That’s it for my tips on how to repot a Boston fern in 5 easy steps. For more awesome tips and personalized help, join my facebook group “Houseplants for Plant Killers”! And if you liked this post, please share it in your favorite social media group. You never know which of your friends are secretly struggling with a fern! 

Happy Digging!